HUGE win for McCain in Florida. McCain got the Veteran, Cuban and old fart vote and In Florida that's all you need. With this Johnny boy is the clear leader going into Super Tuesday, were McCain can all but wrap up the GOP nomination.
A lot of folks are worried that McCain isn't good on the economic side of things and that's a problem since so many people are broke these days. But B?IHKH! has learned that McCain, with President Bush's blessing has wagered 2 trillion dollars on the Pats money line for Sunday to boost the struggling economy.
After all was said and done in Florida McCain's campaign manager sent me an email, which I will share with all of you now:
Thank you B?IHKH!! Tonight the voters of the Sunshine State gave John McCain a critical victory on his path to the Republican Nomination.
John McCain's momentum is now unstoppable. The campaign is well positioned to come out of "Super Tuesday" the winner and the presumptive nominee for president. Tonight's victory shows that the American people want straight talk and leadership: they want John McCain. In recent days, both candidates and pundits have said that the winner of Florida will go on to win the nomination. We couldn’t agree more.
We have a lot of work ahead of us. Tomorrow night, John McCain will be in California to participate in the GOP Debate at the Reagan Library. Then he will be on the road on a non-stop campaign blitz leading up to Super Tuesday - February 5th. This is a huge challenge that will require the support of all of our supporters across the country.
Help keep the momentum going!
On the Demarcate side Hilary won the election but there were no delegates gained. I have no idea how that happens, I guess all the delegates were still in the Red Sox virtual waiting room.
So everything thing still hangs on Super Tuesday. Not sure how Edwards finally dropping out will effect the democrat side of things, I'm just glad he's gone, now Edwards can go back to suing innocent doctors for a living. Rudy dropping out is just another reason why McCain will pull away with the GOP nomination. Rudy and Johnny boy are friends from there 2001 World Series days and Rudy will be if hasn't already endorsed McCain. I still can't figure out what Rudy was doing, he didn't really try to win the election, he kept saying we'll get them in the next state and ultimately in Florida, but he got smoke in FLA and everywhere else for that matter. He's a great public speaker and if he bothered campaigning he could of had a hand in this thing. People are wary of McCain's age and economic back ground and others see right though Shit Romney for the classless, over polished, clit that he is. Rudy could of been the man in the middle, with a cougar on his arm, he could of won.
Tax' Super Tuesday Prologue:
The story coming out of Super Tuesday for the Democrats will be early voting. Obama has the momentum and would have won most primaries if it were not for early voting where people voted weeks ago for Clinton. I think he'll win most, if not all, of the 7 caucus states. Plus Illinois, Georgia, Alabama, and maybe Connecticut and Utah. But those caucuses are smaller and don't have many delegates. She will have more delegates than him on Super Tuesday but he will have the momentum. Of course, that all changes if he fucks up at the debate tonight or Edwards endorses Clinton. This race has been crazy.
Here's what I got on the GOP. McCain is in, log it. The Arnold endorsement locked up California. it's over. Bye bye Mitt. Mitt is thinking about not buying ads for Feb 5th. He sees the writing on the wall and doesn't want to waste 20 million bucks.
Turns out Shit did buy ads in a last ditch effort to save his race. Stupid prick just keeps throwing money down the shitter.
Big Up's to Montel Williams, For just over three minutes on Saturday morning, TV talk show host Montel Williams owned the hosts of Fox and Friends. A former Marine and Naval officer, Montel lectured the stunned hosts on the stupidity of spending air time on the death of Heath Ledger, rather than covering the war in Iraq. It was a spectacle rarely seen on live cable television, as Montel exposed and condemned both tabloid "news" shows and much of American culture for what they have each become: shallow and greedy.
Of course Williams was fired for this rant, I never been a fan of Montel but now I'm in his corner for sure, I hope he lands on his feet. Christine Clougherty said she can get him a job pouring beer at the Garden. So hopefully that will work out until Montel gets a show on STTV( S.Tallent TV) when that network kicks off in the future.
If you spill something on your shirt and are thinking of using on of those Tide pens. Think again, while the pen might treat the stain, your shirt and you will end up smelling like Rhinoceros piss for the rest of the day. I'd rather have a chicken parm stain.
I really love Britney Spears, Seamus informs me that she now spends her nights driving around LA drinking red bull and talking in an British accent. You got to respect that.
Speaking of Seamus, I'm not sure if it was the humble pie or Super Bowl fever that made him sick.But after reading my post he threw up and hasn't been heard from since.
Steve Rodgers old WWII partner James "Bucky" Buchancon aka Winter Soldier, has fulfilled the dead Captain America's wishes and has taken over as the new Captain America. I like that Bucky is doing it his way, yesterday during a fight with A.I.M.(Advanced Idea Mechanics) bucky used the shield as a distraction and just blasted the terrorist with his gat, a move Steve Rodgers would of never made.
Thinking about the death of Steve Rodgers, I think it was fucking bullshit that the papers ran the story on the very day the comic came out. So most comic fans had to learn of Steve's passing through the newspaper instead of seeing it in the comic. That's absolutely bollix, a paper would never print how the Da Vicci Code ended the day the movie came out, so why is it ok to ruin the surprise of a comic book.
Jan 30th-Great American FDR (Franklin Delano Rominowski), drowning witness Phil Collins, late golfer Payne Stewart, Batman Christine Bale, ex NBA player Jalen Rose, I mention Rose because he now does analist for NBA on ESPN and does a great job, jacked but still rather hot chick Amy Fadhli. Image results for amy fadhli and actor Gene Hackman who's most known for playing Lex Luthor in the Superman movies. Hackman also stared in 3 great Tallent choice picks, A Bridge Too Far, Hoosiers & The Unforgiving. A lot of people also don't know Hackman also played the blind man in comedy classic Young Frankenstein.
The Gootch would like to extend birthdaty wishes to Monica Lewinsky who turned 34 on the 30th, The Gootch adds
"Can you believe it ?
It seems like only yesterday she was crawling
around the White House on her hands and knees,
and putting everything in her mouth.
They grow up so fast, don't they"
Also on Jan 30th 1933, Adolf Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany by President Hindenburg.
We'll chalk that up to "it seemed like a good idea at the time"
Jan 31st-Great day for baseball birthdays with Ernie Banks, Nolan Ryan and Jackie Robinson all celebrating birthdays. Of course you know that Jackie Robinson was the first player n MLB history to make the team through affirmative action laws. Also having birthdays on the 31st are hot carpet muncher Porti De Rossi and Justin Timberlake. Now JT's music is definitely not my bag, but I can see that he has some talent and the girls like him. But I honestly feel that no one really likes the song "SexyBack" they just like him so they think they like that song. I heard that song many times and have come to the conclusion that people really can't actually like it. I think they like him so much and it was the first single of his album so people just trained there mind to pretend or think they like that song, but the fact remains that it's unlikable song.
Thanks for reading but I have a favor. I need feedback, anything, questions, comments, concerns, anything. Tam from Canton and The Gootch are the only readers I'm really getting a response from. Email me with anything that's on your mind, if something's bothering you, or a subject you would like me to write about, anything, I would very much like to focus one day a week on reader feedback. Thanks
"I'm Tallent I approve of this message and giving your kid a fresh one if he or she has it coming"
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