*note* The site is back to letting me post pics, so I went back and put up the pics that were supposed to go with the post.
After all the hoopla, McCain Campaign manager Ricky Davis had time to shoot me a quick email, which I will share with you now.
9:02 p.m. - Nashua, New Hampshire
My Friend-
It's happened again! With your incredible support John McCain has won the New Hampshire primary!
And as we know, it's not over yet - the toughest times are ahead of us.
He's right the though times are ahead, McCain won NH because of all the independents in the State. I'm a little worried about those southern States where the republicans are hard core right wing conservative dickheads who see McCain being too far left.
Does Rudy Giuliani know that there's a election going on? He was hardly in Florida and and left Iowa as soon as he heard he was in Iowa. I guess his strategy is let McCain take care off Romney than he'll jump into the fray when it gets to Florida and the other states with the real Republicans. But he's still running a strange campaign, his off air reporters that are in his pool can't even get to him.
I heard John Edwards yesterday say that only 2 races were in the books and that there is 48 to go. I guess he forgot about Wyoming. Wyoming is easily forgotten but if your running for president your should probably remember every state.
If your interested in the election or even certain candidate, check out the the Off Air Reporters on ABCNEWS. These kids work there balls off and are with the candidates pretty much 24/7. They got some good stuff, here's the link http://abcnews.go.com/WN/story?id=4103516&page=1.
On the democrat side Hilary got her shit together and held on to beat Obama. Not sure what happened with all the polls here but Joe Archer who was in NH stomping for Hilary thinks the college kids that were polled just got stoned and forgot to vote. We'll shame on them. I thought Hil crying would work against her but it seemed to work. I've said it before and I'll say it again, "she's a twat but not a dumb cunt, she's a very calculated piece of shit"
I've never been one to bash a religion, until I can prove Moses really parts seas, and Jesus turned Coke to Pepsi and found my mother fucking car keys, I have no right saying someones religion is bonkos. (Except Scientology of Course). But did you know that Mormons don't drink coffee. What's up with that, what's there problem with. coffee. Imagine have 4 wives and no coffee, oh man. Oh well more coffee for me.
My message to anyone that didn't vote Jim Rice for the hall of fame is this, "go fuck your mother". He was the most feared hitter of his time. This morning Goose Goosage said "I wasn't afraid of any hitter, except Jim Rice" that should say it all. The bottom line is this: In a 12-year period from 1975 to '86, Rice led the American League in a smattering of offensive categories, including hits, home runs, RBIs and slugging percentage. That, to me, is a Hall of Famer. These dickhead writers that get hall votes think there the guardians of the gate and because Rice wasn't a good interview he's not hall worthy. No wonder why he wouldn't talk to you guys, your all fake.
One thing I forgot to slam Clemans on yesterday was him saying " I can't wait just to go back into the private sector" .
Yeah right fuck you Roger! Being in the private sector is your biggest fear, that's why you played the retirement game every year, you need the publicity, unless of course it's about pitching a big game than you might just get yourself thrown out of the game or fake a swore hamstring.
On this date in 1951 the useless failure United Nations opened its doors. The main purpose for the United Nations is to resolve issues between countries through diplomacy before countries resort to military force and before conflicts escalate. Unfortunately, the U.N. has consistently failed this goal and will continue being useless for these several reasons.
First, the United Nations is primarily a forum for debate. As a result, the U.N. is an international organization where countries send representatives to argue for or against issues. These representatives are typically just spokesmen for their country's agendas and are relatively powerless in their own country. Furthermore, countries governed by non-peaceful dictators and regimes typically use these debates to delay and obfuscate issues in their favor. Over the fifty years that the United Nations has existed, these debates alone have not resolved a single issue. Direct military actions, back room negotiations, and threats, that were not sponsored by the United Nations, have had the only real positive affects for change.
For instance, Iraq was under U.N. backed economic trade sanctions for over a decade. As a result, the Iraqi people suffered greatly while Saddam Hussein continued playing games with the United Nations by only periodically allowing inspections for weapons of mass destruction, inconsistent disarmament of known weapons, and illegally finding ways around the oil for food agreements that the U.N. imposed. As a result, economic sanctions were an abyssal failure. Only the United States of America had the courage of breaking this stalemate that had the Iraqi people caught in the middle. Yet again, the United Nations is considering this same “solution” that has never worked to be used against North Korea because of its nuclear weapons program and testing. And Iran is keeping a close eye on what the world does to North Korea, since Iran has similar nuclear ambitions for their non-peaceful agenda too.
Second, the United Nations is unable to take direct and independent actions without support from its members. In other words, the U.N. is completely powerless and pacifistic. In a world filled with war-mongering dictators and suppressing regimes who know the U.N. lacks any real power, regimes are almost completely free to do whatever they want. For example, North Korea has tested nuclear weapons and threatens to do so again, with the United Nations only considering sanctions.
The only solution that I can imagine is for each country that is a member of the United Nations to equally contribute a military force or equivalent money to the United Nations. And the United Nations could use these resources without approval from any individual country. As you can imagine, this is not likely going to ever happen.
Third, the United Nations has five nations that can veto any resolution that the majority of the U.N. members agreed upon. The countries with this veto power are China, France, Russia (formerly the Soviet Union), the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. These countries have this power because they were the founding countries of the United Nations that wrote the rules for the U.N. after World War 2. Unfortunately, this non-democracy fails for several reasons. First, only a true democracy among nations is unbiased and fair. Thus, the complete structure of the U.N. needs a major overhaul. This too is not likely to happen, since the countries with vetoing power are unlikely to unanimously agree to give up this right for fairness sake. So to sum up fuck the UN.
Let's get away from real life issues and take some questions from the readers:
Emma Frost from White Plains, NY writes: This weekend me and my boyfriend Scott went to see I Am Legend, thinking it was a movie about Zelda, have you ever been thrown off my a movie title?
Absolutely, I watched The Color Purple thinking it was about Danny Glover's lips. Oops
Danny Rand of Des Moines Iowa says, Tallent you bashed my state for just looking for attention by having the first caucus, can't the same be said for NH with there primary?
I guess so Danny, but I have a hard time bashing NH. While my state of Massachusetts was still in the dark ages, NH allowed me to cross there border and buy beer on Sunday's. So I have a soft spot in my heart for the state.
Since yesterday was Elvis' birthday, The Gootch had this to say:
There must be lights burning brighter somewhere
Got to be birds flying higher in a sky more blue
If I can dream of a better land
Where all my brothers walk hand in hand
Tell me why, oh why, oh why cant my dream come true
There must be peace and understanding sometime
Strong winds of promise that will blow away
All the doubt and fear
If I can dream of a warmer sun
Where hope keeps shining on everyone
Tell me why, oh why, oh why wont that sun appear
Were lost in a cloud
With too much rain
Were trapped in a world
Thats troubled with pain
But as long as a man
Has the strength to dream
He can redeem his soul and fly
Deep in my heart theres a trembling question
Still I am sure that the answer gonna come somehow
Out there in the dark, theres a beckoning candle
And while I can think, while I can talk
While I can stand, while I can walk
While I can dream, please let my dream
Come true, right now
Let it come true right now
Football Greats Bart Star & Howie Long, full of shit singer Bob Denver, Sportscaster Dick Endberg, smallest NBA player ever Mugsy Bouges, someone we all wish was never born, Dave Mathews, pussy and overrated golfer Sergio Garcia, the man with maybe the best name in sports Radek Bonk, Pats Linebacker Junior Seau and 37th President of The united States Richard Nixon.
When people hear the name Richard Nixon they automatically think Watergate, but there's so much more to his presidency than that.
He was the first President to visit all 50 States also the first to travel to Russia and China. He wasn't just vacationing in USSR and China, he reached landmark treaties with both countries that helped avoid WWIII.
Although often viewed as a conservative by his contemporaries, Nixon's domestic policies often appear centrist, or even liberal, to later observers.
As President, Nixon imposed wage and price controls, indexed Social Security for inflation, and created Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
He eradicated the last remnants of the gold standard, created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), promoted the Legacy of parks program and implemented the Philadelphia Plan, the first significant federal affirmative action program, and dramatically improved salaries for US federal employees worldwide
Nixon signed a bill that lowered the maximum U.S. speed limit to 55 miles per hour (90 km/h) in order to conserve gasoline during the 1973 energy crisis. This law remained in effect until 1995, though states had been allowed to raise the limit to 65 miles per hour in rural areas since 1987
The Nixon years witnessed the first large-scale integration of public schools in the South, after the region had stalled in compliance with the 1954 Supreme Court's Brown ruling. Strategically, Nixon sought a middle way between the segregationist George C. Wallace and liberal Democrats, whose support of integration was alienating some Southern white Democrats
During the Nixon Administration, the United States established many government agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Supplemental Security Income program, and the Office of Minority Business Enterprise; the Post Office Department was abolished as a cabinet department and reorganized as a government-owned corporation: the U.S. Postal Service. Nixon proposed in 1971 to create four new government departments superseding the current structure: departments organized for the goal of efficient and effective public service as opposed the thematic bases of Commerce, Labor, Transportation, Agriculture, et al. Departments like State, Treasury, Defense and Justice would remain under this proposal.Nixon also suspended the converting of the US dollar into gold, a central point of the Bretton Woods system, allowing its value to float in world markets. Most importantly he got us out of the cluster fuck in Vietnam.
Today was a pretty political post, all week really because of the NH Primary. Tomorrow I promise we get back to fun and game. Thanks for reading
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