The Celtics split this weekend coming back to outscore NJ 26-3 in the 4th quarter for the win on Friday. In the game all 3 of the large trio had good games but the C's also scored 13 consecutive points without Garnett or Pierce on the floor to take a 76-70 lead with 6:12 remaining. Just Ray and Big Baby came back and both had good games, Baby was a big reason the bench was able to get the team back in the game. Danny Ainge has a terrific track record for finding players in 2nd round, and Baby might be his best find yet. On Saturday the C's played a stinker and The Wizards rallied from a seven-point, fourth-quarter deficit to hand the Celtics their second loss in three games and only their fifth defeat of the season. The C's were with out Rondo and Tony Allen is his place had 4 turnovers and no assist. But it wasn't just Allen who had an off night. Both teams showed the aftereffects of tough games the night before. Boston finished with 21 turnovers and its lowest point total of the year. The Wizards had 20 turnovers and made only 2 of 18 3-pointers, but they out rebounded the Celtics 49-30, made 27 of 30 free throws and had the fortitude when it mattered - in the fourth quarter. The Celtics wont have to wait long for revenge as they host the Wizards tonight at the Garden. With Rond out for at least another game I'd like to see there other 2nd round pick Gabe Puritt get some run. Just to prove all good teams sometimes suck the big one, The Pisstons lost to the shitbag Knicks 89-65 last night.
Staying with hoop, if you haven't seen Toronto's forward Chris Bosh commercials to promote himself for the all-star game click this youtube link- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hv7IZP7u9FE . They'd be pretty even if he didn't deserve to go to the All-Star game but he really does so that makes it all the better. Speaking of should be all-stars Bosh's Toronto played a great game last night against Brandon Roy and the shocking Portland Trailblazers. If Roy doesn't make it to the all-star then they shouldn't bother even playing it.
I had 3 out of the teams right this weekend's divisional round of the NFL playoffs. I'm really shocked that SD was able to beat Indy. I was hoping for another Pats/Colts conference title game, but it will be great for the Pats to beat Whales Vagina again. The Chargers talk so much shit and Philip Rivers is a straight up duche bag.
I'm know enough to admit when I'm wrong and I was dead wrong about the Giants when I said playing everyone against the Pats the last week of the season would be there doom. Quite the opposite the Giants look better than they have in years. But how good are the Patriots, even when teams lose to them they gain confidence. My only question is what does Giants running back Brandon Jacobs have against the play clock?
Did you see that 50 cent, Mary J. Blige, and the guy that writes all those shitty Mad Black Woman movies were all named in a steroid investigation. I can absolutely see fity doing them, he's jacked and never wears a shirt, but why would the other 2 do roids. Do roids enhance Mary J. Blige ability to be a chickhead or help Tyler Perry write awful movies and TV shows.
We'll it didn't take long, but were out of cream again. Rumors are flying around that we'll get a new shipment in tomorrow. Hopefully or else there are tough times a head.
I had no clean wife-beaters this morning, I've worn one everyday for like 7 years, it feels so strange not to have one on.
Got an email from Mr.McCain's NH campaign manager the other day , which I will share with you.
Dear Friend,
On behalf of our entire New Hampshire campaign staff and Sen. McCain, thank you so much for your support. Together, we made history and we'll never forget all the friends who stood with us during difficult times and who devoted so much time and energy to help John McCain win New Hampshire.
Within weeks, we will know with certainty the next Republican nominee for president. With renewed momentum coming out of this state, polls already show John McCain rocketing to the lead in Michigan (January 15th primary) and South Carolina (January 19th primary). When John McCain is the nominee, you can be proud to know that your efforts in New Hampshire were central to his success.
Many of you have contacted the campaign wondering what our New Hampshire operation will be doing next. Fortunately, we are all sticking together and will be coordinating the 22 states that have their contests on February 5th from our Manchester office. We are looking forward to working with our leadership in these states to repeat the success we had in New Hampshire all around the country. We welcome the continued participation of our outstanding New Hampshire volunteers in this effort.
I want to again thank you for your steadfast support. Now, on to the nomination and the White House!
Warm Regards,
Jim Barnett
NH Campaign Manager
John McCain 2008
McCain goes for 2 in a row tomorrow in Michigan!
As reported on Friday the phony South Boston brass absolutely boycotted the benefit concert for the New Years Eve fire. These fake fucks walk around the town acting like South Boston would be lost without them. They'll tell you they boycotted the party because the guy running it was just trying to promote this band, which is 100% false the gentleman running the show put it in the fund directly to the lawyers and then directly to the families. The families will get all the money. The real reason these phony philanthropist didn't attend the party is because it was being run by someone who isn't in there little circle of drunks and he, god forbid, wasn't even born in Southie. It's now crystal clear that these frauds run these fundraisers not out of the goodness of there hearts or to help the community, they do it for the pat on the back and to get there picture in there version of Us Weekly, The South Boston Online News. I bar tended the party and it was beautifully done, a great time, packed with these so called "yuppies", who raised a shitload of money for these families whom they never met and they didn't feel the need to self promote themselves. I didn't even see that fat shit photographer from Southie on-line most likely because this benefit party didn't originate in the Quencher Tavern bathroom. These fake fucks should be ashamed of themselves always spouting community but couldn't stand to show there face and donate there $10 because a "yuppie" was running the party.
A federal report came out today saying a proposed wind farm in Nantucket Sound would have mostly "negligible" or "minor" impact on wildlife, navigation and tourism, a long-awaited draft review by the federal government says. The report appears to be a major step forward for the long-planned wind project. Much to the chagrin of phony cape cod assholes that are trying to block the project, spouting environmental issues, when they really just don't want to have to sail there boats around the wind mill when there weekending in Chatham.
Some thoughts on Cape Wind:
Tax says: That's good news. The only phony liberals were the ones who owned property there and like to vacation there because they don't want to look at a windmill, like Ted Kennedy. Most real liberals are for alternative sources of energy.
Fing Fang Foom adds:
That's what I mean. All these rich fuck politicians and celebrities are all for the common man and the environment until it directly affects them. Let me take my private jet to some Greenpeace function so I can tell people to ride a bike to work when I just did more damage than you would have over two years of car commuting.
The bottom line is alternative sources of energy is really the only sensible thing to do. If its done properly, therapeutically, there's no danger involved.
I'd like to send my thoughts and prayers(that's I lie I haven't prayed in years) to The Gootch who is having his Gaul Blatter out today.
If you think health insurance is too expensive, it's probably because of The Gootch who's the only person making money off the health insurance companies. Over the years he's had a hernia, his tonsils, appendix, adenoids and now his gall bladder removed.Also had lymph node removed which required surgery, and a port a cath inserted and removed in his chest.
He also has hemochromatosis which is a blood disorder which is too much iron in his blood and he has to have a phlebotomy done every 3 months to keep his iron level down and it also has caused a form of arthritis in his joints. Don't forget his plantar facitis and his countless injuries that include a fractured ankle, ligament damage in ankle, ligament damage in knee*, broke both his thumbs, several stitches for various reasons. All this and had almost a year of Chemotherapy to treat a little thing called Cancer. So at least he's getting his money worth from his health insurance.
* I was pretty much responsible for the ligament damage in the knee. We were playing high school baseball he was at first and I at third and a ball got hit up the third baseline so I had to spin around to get anything on the throw. But my throw wide and The Gootch went up the line to grab it causing him to collide with the runner.
Weekend Birthdays
Jan 12th:
Boxing great Smoking Joe Frazier, overrated baseball player Dontrelle Willis, underrated actor, Digstown co-star Oliver Platt, Rap Superstar Raekwon, fat bitch Kristy Alley, the human highlight film Dominique Wilkins, pill popping, right wing radio dickhead Rush Limbaugh(what kind of name is Rush? does he have a sister Hurry Limbaugh?), hot chicks Lucy Becker seen here(NSFW)
And Amerie seen here http://images.google.com/images?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLJ,GGLJ:2006-10,GGLJ:en&q=amerie&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi (SFW). And last but by no means least the King of all Media, Howard Stern.
Jan 13th:
Crazy person Mike Tyson, Elaine from Seinfeld Julia Louis-Defuses, Elaine's new show is pretty funny and she's definitely getting better with age, looking better than she ever has, speaking of looking good, hot chicks, Traci Binham, Anna Marie Goddard and Nicole Eggart all shared a birthday on Jan 13th, Google them all.
Sen. George Mitchell of baseballs Mitchell Report, comeback actor Jason Bateman, rap superstar LL Cool J, Rock superstar Dave Grohl & actor Carl Weathers who received the best supporting actor Oscar for his portrayal of golfing coach Chubbs Peterson in Happy Gilmore.
Tomorrow I'll open the mail bag, if you want to post a question to me, you can simply email me at Sharktooth4593@yahoo.com. or write in the comments section of the blog.
Also check in later in the week for my tribute to Spanish Channel meteorologist Jackie Guerreo.
Thanks for reading
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