Good Disco story: Disco used to be the best Mike Tyson's Punch-out player in the state, he was the first person in Suffolk County to knock out Tyson. But on Christmas Eve we were playing Tyson Punch-out on the WII and Disco obviously rusty and not used to the WII controllers got knocked out by Soda Popinski. Disco was so discouraged and embarrassed he went out and bought a Nintendo and Punch-out on Ebay. Now Disco's poised to regain his title as the best Lil' Mac around. He's already avenged his lose to Popinski, but fell short to Mr.Sandman, hopefully Disco has his routine down and will take the rematch.
Not only is Disco back on his track to greatness, he's also spouting some wisdom: "Talking is stupid unless your drunk, talking about sports or joking around"
Brilliant! Disco couldn't be more right.
Bad week for Obama, first his loss in NH and now MA Sen. John Kerry has endorsed Obama. That might help Omaba in this stupid state but across the country people see Kerry for what he is a goofy fake bullshit fag. 4 years ago the country was dying for someone to replace Bush but still couldn't bring them selves around to elect the goofball Kerry.
Speaking of this shitbum state, Gov. Patrick Duval wants to give tuition breaks to illegal aliens!
This might be the most absurd thing I've ever heard. So many legal kids are shit out of luck when it comes to paying for college, but if your not even a citizen you get anything you'll ever need. If you want to grant amnesty to the illegal that are here and get them on there way to becoming citizens, that's one thing, there here, there here to stay so they might as well join the club and stop living high off the government hog. These are "illegal" aliens how can they even register for college with a social security # and all that other shit citizens have. "Illegal" aliens! What's next tax breaks for sex offenders. Not even the the super liberal law makers of this state think it's a good idea but since somehow Patrick Duval got elected Governor and he's big timing the lawmakers trying to push this through
Some responses to Deval trying to get tuition breaks for "illegal" aliens:
The Gootch says:
Ok, let them sneak into the country and live tax free, be the main source of dugs and crime through the country let them take jobs away from true American families then reward them by sending them to college......wow, it blows my mind how any American can be democrat or even just think like this or think this is right or a good idea. It blows my mind.
Fing Fang Foom adds:
I don't agree with it. I see the argument. Give the opportunity so that they are less likely to turn to crime or the government for help. Give them a drivers license so we can track and ID them. I just think it's stupid. If they are illegal then they shouldn't be entitled to these rights.
Put them on the path to citizenship, then there isn't a question.
Is the Southie brass jealous of a yuppie, for getting a fire fund party together before they could. Rumors are abound that the brass got upset that this guy had the idea first and they plan on boycotting the party. Informers say the brass don't like anyone else in the town to look good and they want all the credit for any fundraising that goes on in the town. I'm working the party tonight, I'll keep an eye on the comings and goings.
On this date in 1964 United States Surgeon General Luther Terry issues the first report that cigarette smoking may be dangerous. HA! It took the Surgeon General until, 1964 to figure out that smokes were bad for you!? For centuries smokers have been waking up gasping for breathe, choking, coughing, did they think that was good for them?
Suck day for Birthdays:
ChickenHead Mary J. Blige and decent looking but brain dead actress Amanda Peet.
Thanks for Reading, go pats!
"I'm Tallent and I approve of this message"
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Nice blog. Keep up the good work. Cheers:-)
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