I'll get to the year in review latter, but first..................
Have you every heard these radio commercials for the guy selling stars. I what to know who gave this Rocky Mozell the right to say "oh yeah since you've sent me $100, you now own a star" "Look in the sky, see that star, ok that's yours you can tell everyone you own that star" Are you fucking kidding me!? Who's stopping this guy from pointing to the same star every time someone sends him money and saying "yup, there you go, your very own star"
My 2007 ended on a great note when the Mexican place we ordered food from gave us an extra steak burrito.
My place of work has run out of cream for the coffee. how could they let that happen? I need that for the several cups of coffee that is needed to do my job. They might as well run of paper or shut off my computer.
It's a great time of year with the NFL Playoffs this weekend. 4 good games.A lot of people think Washington can go to Seattle and upset the NFC West winner. Not happening, Todd Collins will not go to Seattle and outscore Hasselbeck at home. Washington blew there load just getting to the playoffs and are 1 and done.I'm not with everyone thinking the Pats will be facing Jacksonville next Saturday, I'm not sold that the Jags can beat Pitt in Pitt twice in one month. I'm not even sure Tenn can't go to SD and win. I'm not saying it's going to happen but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Philip Rivers and Norv Turner couldn't get it done in the first round of the playoffs. If Tenn. can keep Tomlinson from going crazy and make Rivers beat them, they have a chance. Also as I've already stated Tampa will beat the Giants.
Jan 1st-Cross dressing law man J. Edgar Hoover and Tiger's super hot wife, Elin Nordegren
Jan 2nd-Professional hitter Edgar Martinez, hot chicks Paz Vega, Christy Turlington, & Tia Carrera. Hoops star Kirk Hinrich, 2007 World Series MVP Royce Clayton and vastly overrated and thankfully already washed up actor Cuba Gooding Jr. .
The 2007 Year in Review
Jan-Already backwards state of Massachusetts takes 2 steps back when Patrick Duval takes over as Governor.
2 Meth Attics turn Boston upside down when they place things that look like bombs on bridges and other infrastructure to promote a cartoon.
University of Florida upsets Ohio State university to win the 2007 National Football Championship.
The Pats suffer there most devastating loss of my lifetime when Peyton Manning finally gets it done and dominates the 2nd half of the AFC Conference finals to win a trip to the Superbowl.
Feb-Crazy ass astronaught Lisa Nowak drives across the country in a diaper to mace and abduct Air Force Capt. Colleen Shipman(shouldn't she be in the navy?) when Nowak found out both woman were smashing it with fellow astronaut Bill Oefeleien.
The Indianapolis Colts prove "THE BEARS ARE WHAT WE THOUGHT THEY WERE!" and win the Super Bowl.
Former piece of ass Anna Nicole Smith finally od's. Since Smith had married a dead billionaire so everyone from Smith's Lawyer Howard K. Stern to Nathaniel Essex claimed to be the father of Smith's child. Turns out that former Seattle Sonics forward Shawn Kemp actually fathered the child.
After months of a super hero civil war, Captain America* realizes the collateral damage of his struggle isn't worth the fight and surrenders his anti-registration forces.
*more on cap latter
March-My wife pee's on a stink and it turns blue! Life is changed forever.
Hulk returns to Earth extremely pissed off that his friends, Reed Richards, Tony Stark, Dr. Stephen Strange and Blackbolt shot him into space and the spaceship they sent him in exploded with the power of a nuclear bomb destroys his new planet and kills his new wife that's prego with his kid. World War Hulk ensues.
April-Pac Man Jones becomes Virginia Tech's 2nd biggest jerkoff of when Cho-Seung-Hui's early morning shooting spree leaves 32 dead.
Florida Gators win the 2nd straight NCAA Basketball Tournament.
New England Patriots trade a 4th round draft pick for Wide Receiver Randy Moss. I'm just going to say that again so it sinks in. The New England Patriots traded a 4TH ROUND PICK for Randy Moss.
May-I guess May sucked, I could find anything that happened in May
June-Paris Hilton does 23 days in the hooscow.
The San Antonio Spurs continue there dynasty beating Lebron James 4 games to none in the NBA Finals.
The Celtics trade there first round draft pick and some other bullshit for Shooting guard Just Ray Allen, just the start of bigger and better things to come for the Celtics
July-Massachusetts makes it state law that if your over 18 you need to have health insurance. In a role of defiance Steven Fitzpatrick of South Boston refuses to get insured and treats a badly infected leg by in taking gallons of Budweiser and Christian brothers Brandy.
2 heroic Boston Firefighters die fighting a fire in West Roxbury. In a lame attempt to sway public opinion of the BFD, Boston Mayor Menino disgraces the heroes families by leaking news for there drinking and drug use to the papers.
NBA Referee Tim Donahey was arrested for fixing NBA games for wise guy gamblers.
On the last day of July the Boston Celtics overshadow the baseball trade deadline by acquiring Kevin Garnett. The KG addition immediately puts the Celtics back on the NBA map and as of right now have the best record in the league.
Aug-Still railing from losing Kevin Garnett, Minnesota is dealt another awful blow when a busy bridge over the Mississippi River collapses killing 13 people.
Barry Bonds breaks Hank Aarons all-time homerun record and no one gives a shit.
Idaho senator makes "wide stance" a household term when he's arrested for trying to get some head in the head.
Sept-Sox Rookie Clay Buchholtz tosses a no-hitter and the Sox win the AL East for the first time since 1995.
You may no it as Myanmar but it will always be Burma to me and in September Burma erupted. The Military Government imposed a huge fuel price increase and just for good measure the military decides to beat the shit out of a bunch of Monks and detain more than 2,900 people many of them still in custody.
October-Actor/Comedian Gilbert Godfrey leaves his iron plugged in and winds up burning down 90% of Southern California.
The Red Sox come back from a 3-1 series deficit to defeat the Cleveland Indians in the ALCS earning a trip to the world series. At around the same time that the Sox were wrapping up there game 7 victory, my wife gave birth to our daughter Audrey Rose. It's amazing how long you can stare at an infant that's really not doing anything and how another human can take a shit on your hand and you laugh about it. I guess that's all part of being a parent.
The Sox capped the amazing week by sweeping the Rockies and winning there 2nd World Series in 4 years!
Nov-After finding out that it was his warbound ally Meik that destroyed his planet killing his wife and unborn baby, The Hulk is defeated by Earths Superheroes, ending World War Hulk.
Dec-Blogger? I Hardly know Her! starts up, the site is an immediate success with almost 11 readers per week.
Roger Clemans is outed as a fraud when the Mitchell Reports nails him for doing and purchasing steroids several times.
Pakistan goes ape-shit when former Prime Minister and Opposition leader Benazirs Bhutto is assassinated in a scene right out of 24(which jumped the shark in 2007).
Important Deaths of 2007:(Besides Anna Nicole Smith)
The man who made wife beating cool, Ike Turner. Crazy Person Evil Kenevel, Fat opera singer Luciano Pavaroitti, Media Mogal Tom Snyder, Jeopardy creator Merv Griffen, Rat pack member Joey Bishop and entertainer Robert Goulet. All these deaths will have a different impact on society, but far and away the biggest death of 2007, was that of Steve Rodgers, who was assassinated in March. Rogers was a symbol of freedom and courage in this country for over 70 years. His untimely death is a great loss for the United States.
Steve Rodgers' Story:
Steve Rogers was born on July 4, 1917 in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, New York City, to Irish immigrants Sarah and Joseph Rogers.By the early 1940s, before America's entry into Word War II , Rogers is a tall but scrawny fine arts student specializing in illustration. Disturbed by the rise of the Third Reich, Rogers attempts to enlist, only to be rejected due to his poor constitution. A U.S. Army officer looking for test subjects offers Rogers the chance to serve his country by taking part in a top-secret defense project — Operation: Rebirth, which seeks to develop a means of creating physically superior soldiers. Rogers volunteers for the research and, after a rigorous selection process, is chosen as the first human test subject for the Super-Soldier serum developed by the scientist "Dr. Josef Reinstein," later retroactiviely changed to a code name for the scientist Abraham Erskine.
Later stories reveal that Rogers is not the first to be given the Super-Soldier formula. The night before Rogers receives the Super-Soldier formula, some military members of the project decide that a non-soldier is not the right candidate and secretly give Erskine's incomplete formula to Clinton McIntyre. This, however, makes McIntyre violently insane, and he is subdued and placed in cold storage. The criminal organization AIMlater revives McIntyre as the homicidal Protocide
The night that Operation: Rebirth is implemented, Rogers receives injections and oral ingestions of the Super-Soldier formula. He is then exposed to a controlled burst of "Vita-Rays" that activate and stabilize the chemicals in his system. Although the process is arduous physically, it successfully alters his physiology almost instantly from its relatively frail form to the maximum of human efficiency, greatly enhancing his musculature and reflexes. Erskine declares Rogers to be the first of a new breed of man, a "nearly perfect human being."
At that moment, a Nazi spy reveals himself and shoots Erskine. Because the scientist had committed the crucial portions of the Super-Soldier formula to memory, it cannot be duplicated. Rogers kills the spy in retaliation and vows to oppose the enemies of America.
The United States government, making the most of its one super-soldier, re-imagines him as a superhero who serves as both a counter intelligence agent and a propaganda symbol to counter Nazi Germany's head of terrorist operations, the Red Skull. To that end, Rogers is given a uniform modeled after the American Flag (based on Rogers's own sketches) a bulletproof shield, a personal side arm, and the codename Captain America. He is also given a cover identity as a clumsy infantry private at Camp Lehigh in Virginia. Barely out of his teens himself, Rogers makes friends with the camp's teenage mascot James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes.
Barnes accidentally learns of Roger's dual identiity and offers to keep the secret if he can become Captain America's sidekick. Rogers agrees and trains Barnes. Rogers meets President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who presents him with a new shield made from a mixture of steel and vibranium, fused by an unknown catalyst. The alloy is indestructible, yet the shield is light enough to use as a discus-like weapon that can be angled to return to him. It proves so effective that Captain America forgoes the sidearm. Throughout World War II, Captain America and Bucky fight the Nazi menace both on their own and as members of the superhero team the Invaders. Further revelations later explain that Operation: Rebirth is funded and secretly a part of the Weapon Plus program, a clandestine government organization devoted to the creation of superhumans to combat and exterminate mutants. Rogers is "Weapon I," the first-generation living weapon. Following his disappearance, subsequent phases involve experimentation on animals, racial minorities, criminals, and mutants, with results including Wolverine and Fantomex.
In 1945, during the closing days of World War II, Captain America and Bucky try to stop the villainous Barron Zemo from destroying an experimental drone plane. Zemo launches the plane with an armed explosive on it, with Rogers and Barnes in hot pursuit. They reach the plane just before it takes off, but when Bucky tries to defuse the bomb, it explodes in mid-air. The young man is believed killed, and Rogers is hurled into the freezing waters of the North Atlantic. Neither body is found, and both are presumed dead.
Years later, the superhero team the Avengers discovers Steve Rogers' body in the North Atlantic, his costume under his soldier's uniform and still carrying his shield. After he revives, they piece together that Rogers had been preserved in a block of ice since 1945. The block had begun to melt after the Sub-Mariner, enraged that an Artice Inuit tribe is worshiping the frozen figure, throws it into the ocean. Rogers accepts membership in the Avengers, and although long out of his time, his considerable combat experience makes him a valuable asset to the team. He quickly assumes leadership and has typically returned to that position throughout the team's history.
Captain America is plagued by guilt for being unable to prevent Bucky's death — a feeling that does not ease for some time. Although he takes the young Rick Jones(who closely resembles Bucky) under his tutelage, he refuses for some time to allow Jones to take up the Bucky identity, not wishing to be responsible for another youth's death. Jones eventually convinces Rogers to let him don the Bucky costume, but this partnership lasts only a short time; a disguised Red Skull, impersonating Rogers with the help of the Comsic Cube, drives Jones away.
Rogers also reunites with his old war comrade Nick Fury , who is similarly well preserved thanks to his Infinity Formula ingestions. As a result, Rogers regularly undertakes missions for the security agency S.H.I.E.L.D. for which Fury was executive director. Through Fury, Rogers befriends Sharon Carter, a SHIELD agent with whom he eventually begins a romantic relationship.
Rogers later meets and trains Sam Wilson, who becomes the superhero the Falcon , As a result, the pair have a partnership and friendship that has remained strong at varying levels to this day, The two later encounter the revived but still insane 1950's Captain America . Although Rogers and the Falcon defeat the faux Rogers and Jack Monroe, Rogers becomes deeply disturbed that he could have suffered his counterpart's fate.
The series also dealt with the Marvel Universe's version of the Watergate Scandal , making Rogers so uncertain about his role that he abandons his Captain America identity in favor of one called Nomad. During this time, several men unsuccessfully assume the Captain America identity. Rogers eventually re-assumes it after coming to consider that the identity could be a symbol of American ideals and not its government. Jack Monroe, cured of his mental instability, later takes up the Nomad alias. During this period, Rogers also temporarily gains super strength. He also learns of the apparent death of Sharon Carter.
In the 1980s, Rogers meets law student Bernie Rosenthal, who becomes his girlfriend. He also takes Jack Monroe, Nomad, as a partner for a time.He also meets Diamonback at this time.
Rogers receives a large back-pay reimbursement dating back to his disappearance at the end of World War II, and a government commission orders him to work directly for the U.S. government. Already troubled by the corruption he had encountered with the Nuke incident in New York City, Rogers chooses instead to resign his identity, and then takes the alias of "the Captain.”A replacement Captain America, John Walker, struggles to emulate Rogers' ideals until pressure from hidden enemies helps to drive Walker insane. Rogers returns to the Captain America identity while a recovered Walker becomes the U.S. Agent.
Sometime afterward, Rogers avoids the explosion of a methamphetamin lab(looks like he picked the wrong time ot quit amphetamines), but the drug triggers a chemical reaction in the Super-Soldier serum in his system. To combat the reaction, Rogers has the serum removed from his body, and trains constantly to maintain his physical condition.
A retconlater establishes that the serum was not a drug per se, which would have metabolized out of his system, but in fact a virus that effected a biochemical and genetic change. This additionally explained how arch-nemesis Red Skull , who at the time inhabited a body cloned from Rogers' cells, also has the formula in his body.
Because of his altered biochemistry, Rogers' body begins to deteriorate, and for a time he must wear a powered exoskeleton and is eventually placed again in suspended animation. During this time, he is given a transfusion of blood from the Red Skull , which cures his condition and stabilizes the Super-Soldier virus in his system. Captain America returns both to crime fighting and the Avengers.
Rogers reveals his identity to the world, and establishes a residence in the Red Hook New York.
Following the events of Avengers Dissasbled , again under the employ of S.H.I.E.L.D. Rogers discovers that Bucky is alive, having been saved and deployed by Soviet espionage interests as the Winter Slodier. It is revealed that Bucky was actually a 16-year-old operative who had been initially trained by the U.S. to perform missions that Rogers was not asked to do, such as covert assassinations conducted without Rogers' knowledge.
Rogers resumes his on-again, off-again relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Sharon Carter , who, after his death, believes she is pregnant with Steve Rogers' child.
In the 2006-2007 "Civil War" , Captain America opposes mandatory federal registration of all super-powered beings, which he sees as an erosion of civil liberties for the superhero community, and leads the Anti-Regestration faction and resistance movement. He becomes a fugitive and opposes the heroes of the Pro-Registration group, including his former friend Iron Man. He adopts the alias "Brett Hendrick,” a mall security guard, to avoid government detection. As the War continues, Cap enlists the assistance of several figures whom he would not choose to ally himself with under normal circumstances, such as the Punisher and the Kingpin.
During the climactic battle between pro- and anti-Registration superheroes, Captain America confronts and batters Iron Man and has victory within his grasp. However, when a group of civilians attempt to restrain him, Rogers realizes that he is endangering the very people he has sworn to protect. He removes his mask, surrenders to authorities as Steve Rogers, and orders the anti-Registration forces to stand down. As Rogers is led away in handcuffs, the Punisher retrieves Captain America's discarded mask.
Following his surrender, Steve Rogers is indicted on multiple criminal charges. As he is brought to a federal courthouse, a sniper shoots him in the back. In the crowd chaos that ensues, he is wounded an additional three times by gunshots to the stomach and chest. Rogers is taken to a hospital, where he dies. The assassination, orchestrated by the Red Skull, involves Crossbones deployed as the sniper. In addition, Dr. Faustus, posing as a S.H.I.E.L.D. psychiatrist, gave Sharon Carter a hypnotic suggestion causing her to shoot Rogers at a crucial moment.
The superhero community is shaken by the assassination. The Punisher temporarily adopts a costume similar to that of Captain America, while Winter Soldier and Wolverine seek to avenge his death. His shield is stolen by Winter Soldier. Captain America is publicly laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery, under a monument built in his honor. The body in Arlington is a fake: Tony Stark, accompanied by Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyke, returns Rogers' body to the Artic where Rogers had been found years before. Namor attends the small private ceremony and vows that no one will disturb the site.
Stark receives a package containing Rogers' final requests: Stark should "save" Bucky, and the mantle of Captain America should continue
After being captured by the Red Skull, Bucky escapes into SHIELD custody. Tony Stark shows him the letter from Steve Rogers, in which Rogers' wishes regarding the future of the Captain America identity are made clear. Bucky agrees to take up the mantle, on the condition that he be answerable to no higher authority.
Thanks for reading, sorry for the delay. I hope to make this a 2 post day. Remember there is less than 3 weeks left to enter your madlibs.
<"I'm Tallent and I apporove of this message"
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