The Celts had there first stinker last night, after 33 games it's pretty amazing that this is there first suck job, and after the weekend they had maybe it was expected. Without Just Ray and Big Baby. Pierce was 1-9 from the field and House of M didn't shoot well either. KG must have shouted FUCK, 6 Million times last night, can't really blame him. He was really the only player to have a good game. He probably had flashbacks to his Minnesota days, but I'm sure he slept well knowing those days are over(he probably got laid too). Maybe Charlotte is one of those lousy teams that play well against a certain great team. Remember it took Just Ray's miracle 3 to beat them in Charlotte early in the year. They'll bounce back Friday in NJ.
I heard Miami QB Trent Green on Mike and Mike today talking about his latest concussion this year and that there was a 20 minute window after that he has no recollection of and that really scared him. Is this guy fucking kidding!? I've woken up countless times and had no recollection of hours of the night before, on a few rear occasions I've had no memory of the entire night before and this guys worried about 20 minutes, please.
At work today as I listed to my IPod, I listened to the lyrics of a couple songs very closely and came away mad at the singer.
The first was Will Smith back when he was The Fresh Prince he had the song You Saw My Blinker Bitch! I don't know what his problem is, this accident was clearly his fault. He tells you that he's "Driving down the highway, fast not slow. 90 MPH so his hair can blow". So right there he's going way too fast, and I don't care how fast Will is going his hair isn't going to be blowing, but that's a discussion for an other day. So "to the left lane I try to which then......." You don't have to be Horactio Cane to figure out if Smith is going in and out of lanes at 90 MPH and he hits a lady that's behind him while changing lanes, I don't care if his blinker was on or not, that's his fault.
Even worse still is Phil Collins, everyone knows the premise behind In the Air Tonight, he's doing a show and he see's a guy whom let another man drowned. We'll in the song Phil says "I was there and I saw what you did, I saw it with my own 2 eyes". My question is if Phil was there and seen it all go down, why didn't Phil jump in and save this poor bastard from drowning. He gives this concert goer a bunch of shit but he's just as guilty, maybe more since all he did was sick back, write a song and get rich off this dead guy who's either really unlucky or an asshole if 2 people seen him downing and didn't do a damn thing to help him.
Funny note, I sit in front of a saleswoman who's I guess you could say is a little out there.While I was listening to In The Air Tonight, I guess she could hear it and she got real into, bobbing her head and she started typing like a mad woman. After the song ends she stops and say without looking up "thats a great tune" Not sure if that story translates well into words, but it was pretty fucking funny, I wish you could of seen it.
I'm litterally sitting at my desk in work sweating, and the Stevester lady walks by, rubs her hands together and says "oh it's cold". What's a matter with this frigin broad?
My place of employment is in Wellesley. Did you know that Wellesley is a dry town. Dry in 2 meanings of the word, dry in that you can't order a drink at a place unless you also order food, and dry as in this snootie stuck up piece of shit town HAS NO BAR ROOMS! This comes as a shock to me, how can there be a town with no bars. I find it asinine that if your from Wellesley you can't just go down to the local Gin Mill and watch the game over a couple beers, you'd have to leave the town to do so. The powers that be in Wellesley are forcing the towns people to drink and drive!
Baseball great and cove owner Willie McCovey, Maggie Mae's boy toy Rod Stewart, Lean Mean Grilling Machine, George Foreman, Warrior Pat Benatar and hot chick Sara Shahi seen at this link-http://l.yimg.com/www.flickr.com/images/photo_unavailable.gif
Thanks for reading, check in later today for Disco's quest to return to glory, and the mushing of Barrak Obama
"I'm Tallent and I approve of this messaage"
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