Big day for Mr. McCain. Shit Romney has used his severe advantage in money to come back and maybe even be the favorite in Florida. But if Johnny boy can hold on in Florida, it would be a devastating blow to Shit Romney. With Super Tuesday around the corner, McCain has the advantage with a lot of the Super Tuesday states being heavily populated with independent voters.
Did you see in the GOP Debate last week that Shit was wired so his handlers could tell him shit in his ear. What a phony fuck this guy is.
I don't understand restaurants insistence to add vegetables and now even fruit to there sandwich's without the customer ever asking for them. I ordered a chicken salad sango for lunch today. It's bad enough that almost everyone mixes in celery or lettuce, whatever that crunchy green shit is, into there chicken salad. But this place today also adds raisins, FUCKING RAISINS! C'mon that's just bogus. I don't want raisins in my fucking chicken salad, I want chicken and mayo, that's chicken salad. I don't know why people can't understand that sandwich is meat, cheese and bread! Other bullshit like lettuce, tomato's onions, fucking raisins are toppings and can be added on but shouldn't just be included, it's not fair to people that just want meat, cheese and bread.
There are a couple of Professional sports teams I just can't understand. One is the Baltimore Orioles. I don't care how good this version of Adam Jones is supposed to be, you can't give up a dominating starting lefty that's in his prime.
The other team is the Oakland Raiders. I hate to say this but the Raiders can't be taken seriously until Al Davis dies. Davis used to be a brilliant football mind and is one of the most influential people in the NFL history, but the game has clearly passed him by and he's now just an old prick, fucking up his team. Latter this week he'll be firing Head Coach Lane Kiffen. Kiffen in his first year turned on of the worst offenses in history into at least not a laughing stock, the Raiders actually had a real good running attack towards the end of the year. So now that he's turning the offense around Kiffen wanted the Defense run to his liking, after all he is the head coach. But noooooooooooo D coordinator Rob Ryan is Al's boy and Al is choosing Ryan over Kiffen, so it will be the 5th straight season with a new head coach for the Raiders.
Have you ever heard someone say there going out dancing? I can safely say I've never gone dancing. I mean I've gotten drunk and ended up dancing, but how people leave there houses with the sole purpose of dancing is beyond my understanding.
Not sure what's funnier. Steve Sanders being born and raised in Beverly Hills, but being a Celtics fan because they had more white players or Kelly's mom, all fucked up hosting the charity fashion show at West Beverly High.
I went to the Supermarket the other day to get some cold cuts. There was no one in line at the deli so I just stood there waiting for the kid to take my order. But the kid wouldn't even make eye contact with me, it was as if I wasn't there. So I pulled a number and the kid snaps to attention, "Number 130!?" hahahahaha he knew who number 130 was I was the only one there.
Also at the supermarket I was surprised that bread wasn't on the sign in that tells you what's in the aisle. All the other staples are listed on the signs, milk, pasta, snuss, cereal, ect. but not milk. I don't understand this, once there's a snow flurry the masses run out to get milk and bread, you would think it would be on the sign.
I would like to write a revision to my last post. It was The Gootch not Fing Fang Foom that said. "Its impossible to not stain white undies if you are human and you shit....I did a test one day and thought that I only stain my undies if I shit and later scratch my ass so I made sure one day not to scratch after a shit and there was still some stain there."
Jan 26th-Salad dressing mogul Paul Newman, funny man Bob Uecker, hockey role player Wayne Gretkzy, & overrated general Douglas Macarthur.
Also on Jan 26th 1880, The electric light bulb is patented by Thomas Edison. This revolutionary invention immediately led to dozens of lousy "how many....does it take to screw in a light bulb" jokes.
Yes, Macarthur is overrated. Most people think of him when it comes to the allied victory in the Pacific. But Macarthur actually hindered the allies in the Pacific and it was Admiral Nimitz who deserves the credit for victory in the Pacific.
Disgusted and disillusioned by Macarthur's absence from the front lines, the failure of promised relief, and Macarthur's retention of adequate food for himself and others on Corregidor, his starving troops on Bataan coined this derisive verse. The title "Dugout Doug" attached itself to MacArthur behind his back for the rest of the war.
On 24 December 1941, Macarthur implemented Plan Orange by withdrawing the Philippines government and his own headquarters to the heavily fortified island of Corregidor on the western side of Manila Bay. Realizing too late that he had committed a fatal error by spreading his troops thinly across the islands of the Philippines, Macarthur ordered a general retreat of his troops on Luzon to the Bataan Peninsula on the western side of Manila Bay. The American and Philippine Army troops scattered across eight of the other large Philippine islands were abandoned to the Japanese.
The air of unreality pervading Macarthur's command in the Philippines is further evidenced by his share buying as the Japanese neared Manila. With Japanese troops closing in on the capital, Macarthur telephoned the mayor of Manila, Jorge Vargas, from Corregidor on 28 December and asked him to buy $35,000 worth of shares in the Lepanto mining company for him.
Plan Orange had required the Bataan Peninsula to be stocked with sufficient food and medical supplies to enable 43,000 troops to withstand a Japanese siege for six months. Macarthur had only stockpiled enough food and medical supplies on Bataan for a thirty day siege. The troops were immediately put on half-rations.
No significant support for the beleaguered defenders of Bataan could be expected from the United States because the British and American governments had resolved to adopt a "Germany First" war strategy.
Macarthur went out of his way to pretend that adequate reinforcements were on their way to the Philippines. The lie fooled the American public and, for a short time, fooled the troops fighting the Japanese in the Philippines. However, it has to be conceded that even if the American government had wanted to save the Philippines from Japanese invasion, it would have been an almost impossible task. Japan ruled the skies over the Philippines and the Japanese Navy ruled the seas of the western Pacific. American submarines and fast torpedo boats were able to penetrate the Japanese blockade of the Philippines from time to time, but they could not deliver sufficient supplies to maintain Macarthur's army.
Suspecting that his military reputation and career had been compromised by his failing defense of the Philippines, Macarthur spent his first two weeks on Corregidor pestering Pilipino President Quezon for rewards for his "distinguished service" to the Philippines. Quezon was terminally ill and racked with anxiety for the fate of his countrymen. He was in no fit state to resist Macarthur's demands. He also believed that his best hope for continued American support lay with Macarthur, and he responded to Macarthur's pressure for rewards by granting him the sum of $500,000 from the impoverished Philippine Treasury on Corregidor. In today's values, the gift to Macarthur would have been worth in excess of $5,000,000. Macarthur's closest staff officers received smaller sums. These gifts of large sums of money to serving officers of the United States Army were grossly improper, but Roosevelt and Secretary for War Stimson elected to turn a blind eye even though they were aware of the payments.
When Quezon had escaped from the Philippines, he visited Washington and offered General Dwight D. Eisenhower $60,000 for "distinguished service" during Eisenhower's time in the Philippines as Macarthur's chief of staff. Eisenhower politely declined the improper gift.
Despite the hopelessness of the American position, Macarthur declared that he was determined to hold Bataan and Corregidor to the end, and he set up the Abucay-Mauban defensive line with two army corps across the Bataan Peninsula. The defensive line was divided into two sections, with Major General Jonathan M. Wainright's corps defending the western section, and Major General George M. Parker's corps defending the eastern section. Wainwright's and Parker's troops were separated by Mount Natib, a towering volcano. When the Japanese attacked the American defensive line on 9 January 1942, they met stiff resistance despite the fact that the American and Philippine troops were living on half-rations, drinking contaminated water, and increasingly weakened by disease.
The Americans were so short of basic medical supplies on Bataan that even wound dressings had to be reused.
The Japanese finally outflanked the defenders of the Abucay-Mauban line by finding an accessible path over Mount Natib. Macarthur thought that the volcano would prove impassable for Japanese troops, and had neglected to take any steps to defend this formidable natural barrier. Macarthur was not a general who learned from his mistakes. When he assumed command of Australia's defense later in 1942, he would make the same error of military judgment by underrating the ability of Japanese troops to cross the rugged Owen Stanley Range to attack Port Moresby.
On 24 January 1942, Macarthur responded to the outflanking of his first defensive line by ordering his troops to withdraw to a second line closer to the island of Corregidor called the Bagac-Orion line. He now realized that Bataan would inevitably fall to the Japanese and took the precaution of withdrawing food and medical supplies from his sick and starving front-line troops to ensure adequate supplies for his own headquarters on Corregidor. From the comparative safety of the underground fortifications of Corregidor, Macarthur directed that there would be no more retreats by his troops on Bataan and no surrender.
The order to fight to the end was stupid, callous, selfish, and typical of Macarthur's leadership style. It was a stupid order because Macarthur knew that the American defense of the Philippines was a lost cause and that his troops could expect no significant help from any source. It was callous because all of Macarthur's troops on Bataan were starving, and many were sick. If he was capable of honest appraisal of his own conduct, he must have known that he was only condemning them to further suffering in a lost cause produced by his own serious errors of military judgment. It was a selfish order because it only served Macarthur's vanity for his troops to die heroically in a lost cause. From events that followed, it is a fair inference that Macarthur did not intend to share the fate to which he had condemned his troops if he could avoid doing so. Perhaps it is not surprising that Macarthur was regarded with contempt by many of his troops on Bataan who assigned to their commander the derisive title "Dugout Doug". This was a reference to the fact that Macarthur only left his underground headquarters on Corregidor once during the siege to visit his troops on Bataan.
Despite the hopelessness of their position, Macarthur's troops on Bataan obeyed his order and resisted every attempt by the Japanese to penetrate their second line of defense.
During March, Japanese reinforcements poured into the Philippines. On Bataan, the food situation had become so serious that the daily ration had to be dropped below half-rations. The Japanese renewed their offensive on 3 April 1942, with fresh troops, heavy artillery, tanks, and air support. Macarthur was not there to witness the renewal of the Japanese offensive. He had arranged his own escape to Australia with his family and senior staff officers.
That's just the loss of the Philippines at the start of WWII, his biggest mistake in the Korean conflict was his near total unawareness of the Chinese Army's provisions for attack, which was an unacceptable intelligence gaffe.
Jan 27th-NFL Pro Bowler Fred Taylor, yeah he's the only asshole worth mentioning for Jan 27th. The 28th sucked too with only MLB all-star Jemaine Dye to mention.
Jan 29th-Mr. Baseball Tom Sellek, head bumper Greg Lauganis, former (maybe current I dunno) NHL great Dominik Hasek, hot chicks Heather Graham and Kelly Packard. Image results for kelly packard
Also celebrating a birthday today is queen of all twats, the Joseph Goebbels of our time, Oprah.
The self-anointed high priestess of the world spreads her propaganda on daytime talk, chick magazines, Oprah seminars—and every other medium in which she can get her fat grubby hands on.
Oprah preaches “how to be your best self” and “live your best life.” Unfortunately, a fondness for radical Islam and excusing terrorists is a prominent element of Oprah’s “best self.”
Cheating husbands don’t get off as easy as Islamic terrorists, murderers, and torturers in Winfrey’s world.
Take “O” Magazine, Oprah’s monthly print version of self-conceit. Like every other month, the cover of the June issue of “O” features the heifer Oprah—for the gazillionth time. Unfortunately, also for the gazillions time, the inside of the glossy mag features Oprah’s unique brand of understanding and empathy for terrorists and radical Islam.
Last month, Oprah’s “O” asked readers to understand “The Heart of a Destroyer,” Mohammed Atta. You remember him—the Al-Qaeda ringleader of the 9/11 hijackers who murdered 3,000 Americans.
But that’s not exactly the way “O”’s “reading room” wants you to remember him.
Beneath a picture of young Mohammed and his smiling sister on the Egyptian beach, “O” exhorts you to read a book that “sets out to understand the hearts and minds of the men behind the photos” of the 9/11 hijackers, a group of “lonely, exiled young men.”
But the fatherless and motherless children who lost their parents to Atta—they aren’t lonely, are they?
This leads me to my next point as to why Oprah sucks. I was flipping through channels a few weeks/months ago and I saw Oprah’s special about when she went to Africa. I’m not sure if I’m the only one who noticed her obviously fake and insulting (at least to me) accent, which she so nonchalantly switched on and off depending on who she was talking to. It just seemed extremely fake.
My third and final reason as to why Oprah sucks(today, I'll bash Oprah and expose her for the phony cunt she is regularly) is that while she does give large sums of money to charities, she wears it on her shoulder like a medal. There are plenty of people who give to charities and that don’t publicize it like the last episode of Friends. I think, and this is just my opinion, that she gives to charity for the wrong reasons. Does she care about the cause? Perhaps. However, I think she’s milking it for all it’s worth.
Thanks for reading
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