JOHN TRAVOLTA has explained his outpouring of grief for HEATH LEDGER, who he only briefly met "I would give back all of my awards and my nominations just to have him back again."
Wow, what a guy, huh. I wonder if that includes his 1st place trophy that he won in the Jack Rabbit Slims dance contest.
Fing Fang Foom adds:
He just wanted to remind everyone that he won a bunch of trophies. He's a scientologist egomananical asshole who happens to be a faggot.
More wisdom from Fing Fang Foom:
Its impossible to not stain white undies if you are human and you shit....I did a test one day and thought that I only stain my undies if I shit and later scratch my ass so I made sure one day not to scratch after a shit and there was still some stain there.
The Heath Ledger thing got me thinking about people who O.D. If I was in charge I'd make a rule that anyone that's Od'ing gets no help from the police, fire or paramedics. I wonder how much time, energy and money is wasted each time someone has to respond to these assholes, whom once there life is saved just go and O.D. again. Who's paying there medical bills, most junkies don't have insurance to pay for all that goes into saving there worthless lives. They'd rob there own grandmother for $2, you think there worried about the medical bills that are being sent to were they used to live or the fake address that they gave at the hospital, so again our health care goes up a little just because we keep saving these pricks that inject heroin in there own balls. I say if you do drugs your on you own, if you want to carry around the adrenalin shot to save yourself, then fine but don't think the tax payers are paying for you to GET THE SHOT!. It boils down to the immortal words of Jack Kirkpatrick
"Shanna, they bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting into. I say, let 'em crash."
BH?IHKH!'s election correspondent Tax informs me that Louisiana had there caucus the other night and McCain won! A caucus and Louisiana, 2 shitty things no wonder there was no coverage. Hawaii goes on Friday and of course Florida on Tuesday.
Speaking of the Florida primary my sources have Rudy running 3rd. Rudy's all done all he's going to do now is take votes away from McCain. If Rudy loved his country he would drop out of the race by Tuesday, endorse McCain and continue to go to Yankee games.
I live in a 3 family house with my grandparents on the top floor us in the middle and my aunt and uncle on the first floor. I love my aunt but she hangs with shitties, ugly, weirdo's and there always hanging around the house. In this wack pack there's this one stupid bitch, we'll call her Sheryl. she's always drunk, loves to small talk about nonsense and annoys the hell out of me. One time for weeks she bugged me about looking at this house thats around the corner from her, everyday "did you look at that house yet?". So finally I told her that I can barely stand living a block away from her and would never move right around the corner from her, she though I was kidding, I wasn't. I wished for the worst for her and what ends up happening, her fucking son hits for a Million on scratch ticket! Then there's this other broad, she's loud, obnoxious, stupid, old and ugly, she has it all. I used to call her the human bottle opener due to her only having 1 tooth in the middle of her mouth, her first name is Jackie so I've since changed her nickname to Jack-e-lantern. Jack-e-Lantern doesn't mean to suck, she just does, she's brain dead, my dogs name is Pedro and she calls him sergeant, SERGEANT!? that's not even close.
Yesterday me and Seamus walk into work and the Stevester lady says "The boys are back in town!"
What? What does that even mean? What's a matter with this girl?
So Barry Bonds ask the judge to dismiss his perjury case. I love when people do this, "yeah um, Judge, you know those perjury charges I was brought up on? Yeah why don't we just forget about those and save us all some time, thanks"
As first reported on BH?IHKH! yesterday was Humphrey Bogart's birthday, I seen this reported again when my wife was watching entertainment tonight and it got to me thinking. Did Humphrey hog the spliff all the time and that's were the term " Don't Bogart that joint" came from?
I'm sorry but Return of the Jedi is still on my mind. Another thing I hated was the pussy way Boba Fet was killed off. Having a blind Han knock him into that pit monster and not even know he did it was for the birds, a cool character like Boba deserved a better death. But you know who warned Han that Boba Fet was right behind him, CHEWBACCA. No wonder why Han hang around with Chewy, what a great companion. Good pilot, always got your back, great in a scrap and never talks too much. The most Chewy ever says is a comment like RAHHHH or mmmmm, I appreciate that.
Last night my wife asked me the question that no man wants to hear. "What are you going to do this weekend, since there's no football on?"
Chris Cooley and Chris Samuels will both wear No. 21, the jersey number of their late teammate Sean Taylor, during the 2008 Pro Bowl on Sunday, Feb. 10.
The jerseys that they wear in the game will be auctioned at NFL Auction with the proceeds going to the Sean Taylor Memorial Trust Fund, which was set up to benefit Taylor's daughter Jackie.
I really hate to be mean because this poor little girl just lost her old man, but the Trust Fund is set up just for her? Taylor made over 10 Million Dollars in the NFL and I'm sure a nice life insurance policy, you would think his daughter would be all set up for life. Of course I'm all for the Trust Fund but make it for charity or at least pay to train a bunch of Capuchin monkeys to help the elderly.
I'm really enjoying the album Z from My Morning Jacket, even though BH?IHKH!'s music correspondents Disco, and Jimmy Skorner have told me about MMJ for some time know and Fing Fang Foom's endorsed them as well. I haven't gotten around to really listening to them until Seamus burnt the cd for me. People that know me, know I'm pretty picky when it comes to music, but this Z album is a real keeper.
I am not a fan of the egg at all, cooked into shit eggs can be valuable but not on there own. I realize 99% of the world likes them I'm just missing something, I'm not impressed
This next segment will run all next next with crossovers on Seamus's http://diary-seamus.blogspot.com/ blog. Seamus is from NJ and is a Giants fan we'll debate the game all next week.
On offense the weather will be clear and Brady will be whipping it around like always. The Giants play man to man with there cornerbacks who are either to old or to young, which ensures Moss to break out big time just like last time they played. If the Giants want to double and triple team Moss to try to take him out of the game, then of course that will open things up big time underneath and Stallworth will also have huge play or 2. Along with Maroney running the ball like crazy the Pats will score almost every time they get the ball just like every other game they've played. On D look for the Pats to shut down the run and Belichick will be throwing all kinds of different shit at Eli on the 3rd and longs. Give Bill 2 weeks to get ready for a game and forget about it. The Giants will not score a special teams td's this time around and the Pats will not have to come back in this game. The PAts will lead going into the half than bust it open in the 2nd half. Brady throws for almost 400yds and is of course MVP, but Faulk could be a sleeper mvp candidate.
Check out Seamus' thoughts on the game and then check in Monday to hear my thoughts on Seamus' thoughts.
Jan 24th- Music legend Neil Diamond, comedy legend John Belushi, Pain in the ass left Scott Kazmir and hot chicks Michelle Hunzicker, Tatiana Ali and Nicole Marie Lenz(seen above) Google them all.
Jan 25th-Broadcast legend Ernie Harwell, Ernie called Detroit Tiger games for like 200 years and Alicia "88" Keys. Is keys her real name? I find it fishy that she's always playing the piano and her name is Keys.
Thanks for reading
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Hey Fing Fang Foom, two words: Baby wipes. Seriously. I keep a box under the sink in the bathroom. They're amazing.
Dont Bogart that joint derives from Humphrey Bogart always smoking in his movies but when he smoked he would leave the cigarette in his mouth for an abnormally long time with it dangling from his lower lip. Also Nicole Lenz is rumored to of made a sex tape with Paris Hilton and some dude, the some dude guy supposedly destroyed it.
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