Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Do you want the good news or the bad news first.

The bad news, ok. Due to a switch in job positions, for the time being I won't be able to post everyday anymore. If I did it would be all filler and no killer.
The good news is that my wife has agreed to use a portion(hopefully not all) of are tax refund to finally buy the laptop we so desperately need. Which will mean not only the return to daily blogs, but better blogs, with more pics, video, audio, and a boatload of know how.
Please check in this week for my thoughts on the shitty state of Michigan, Liz Buener in red, Mayor Menino's ties, I'll go back in History to the darkest day in U.S. history, of course the birthday list and I haven't forgoting to answer some of your emails and a lot more.

For Filler today I'll let you know how these football games will go on Sunday.
Sorry folks get ready for 2 weeks of Brett Farve back to the super bowl stuff. Now I love Farve but it's going to be ridiculous. It could rival Jerome Bettis going to his home town of Detroit, to play in his final game in the SuperBowl.
I can't see the G-men going into freezing Green Bay and doing to much scoring. On the other side of the ball, GB has the running game and the quick passing game to off set the nasty NYG pass rush.

The Pats, a lot like last week, tight first half then Pats pull away in the 2nd half. No, Norve Turner, Philip Rivers team is coming to NE in January and coming out with a win. Whales Vagina Defensive coordinator Ted Cotrell doesn't have any idea to stop the Pats, Brady and Co. will score virtually every time they have the ball.

My birthday list is in work and I banged in sick today, I'll get to them tomorrow. If I dared to actually switch the web page at this point it could take me an hour at my home computer* and I got to get a game of Madden in before I hit the sack.Oh and no the rumors are not true that I called in just because there might not be any cream in the office.

Thanks for reading

"I'm Tallent and I approve of this Message"

*after I finished writing this post, I tried to add a picture and 17 minutes later I'm still waiting, so good night nurse.

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