What a weekend
The resurrection of Christ, the USA over USSR in 1980 hockey, even water into wine at the wedding at Cana have nothing on the miracle that happened to me over the weekend.
On Saturday I received the tragic news that my Ipod had gone through the wash machine and the the dryer and was now dead. The Ipod was gone too soon it was just purchased in September, loaded at Zeeks shortly there after. Ipod had just entered it's prime with the removal of play list that Zeek had added and the just recent additions of My Morning Jacket and Kings of Leon. For 2 and half days it laid dead, but much like Christ on the 3rd day it resurrected. Came on and is working fine.
On Sunday I thought I had my first Manslaughter. I was working the bar and went next door to grab lunch. As I was coming back I noticed a bum taking a piss right on the front step of the bar I work at. So of course I freak out and give him a good shove. Well the fringin drunk bum went flying and landed square on his head. He didn't quite get up right away and I thought he mind not ever get up. But after a few minutes he stumbled away.
I wonder what would of happened if this puke had died. Would I get in trouble for pushing a guy who's pissing on were I work. Here's a drunk bum, who no one would ever miss, I'd be doing society a favor. But in this backwards state I have a feeling they'd lock me up and throw away the key. Though I probably would have some interesting blogs from prison.
Five Minutes.That's the total amount of time time the US has waterboarded terrorist detainees.
3 Detainees. One was Khalid Sheik Mohammed, "the principle architect of the 9/11 attacks" according to the 9/11 commission report, and the head of al Queda's "military committee:. Linked to numerous terror plots, he is believed to have financed the first World Trade Center bombing, helped set up the courier system that resulted in the infamous Bali bombing, and cut off Daniel Pearls head.
A second was Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the head of al Queda operations in the Persian Gulf. He played a role in the 2000 millennium terror plats and was the mastermind behind the USS Cole attack, which killed 17 Americans.
The third was Abu Zubaydah, said to be Osama Bin Ladin's 2nd top guy. It is believed that Zubaydah essentially ran al Queda's terror camps and recruitment operations.
After he was waterboarded, Zubaydah offered intelligence officers a treasure trove of critical information.He was waterboarded just 6 months after the 9/11 attacks and while the anthrax scare was still ongoing.
John Kirkakou, a former CIA officer who witness the interrogation, told ABC's Brian Ross: "The threat information that he provided disrupted a number of attacks, maybe a dozen of attacks."
Kirkakou said he divulged "al Queda's leadership structure" and identified high-level terrorist the CIA didn't much, if anything about. It's been suggested that Zubaydah and al-Nashiri's confessions in turn led to the capture of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
And that's it. Less than five minutes, three awful men, five years ago.Why are these facts important? For several years, human-rights groups, the media and partisan opponents of the Bush administration and the war on terror have tried to portray the US as a "torture state" that has completely abdicated it's decency, it's principles and even it's soul-barreling down a "slippery slope" making America the same as Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia.
Yet none of of these interrogations were the result of a "rogue" CIA or the mad whims of a "torture presidency". The democratic congressional leadership for intelligence, including current house speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Jay Rockerfeller and former Sen. Bob Graham, were all briefed on CIA operations more than once.
"Among those being briefed, there was a pretty full understanding of what the CIA was doing". Porter Goss, who chaired the House Intellagence Committee from 1997-2004 before becoming CIA director, told the Washington Post. "And the reaction in the room was not just approval, but encouragement".
As for the slippery slope, the opposite is true. The slope has been away from torture and abuse. under existing law and Justice Department rulings, the practice has been dumped for several years now-expect, that is, for the thousands of US service man who've been subjected to it by our military as part of there training,
Even the pussy USA Today said that the decision to use waterboarding "was understandable in the frenzied aftermath of the 9/11and anthrax attacks."
A couple things the Dems will try to exploit when going against McCain is him saying that U.S. troops should be in Iraq 100 years if that's what it takes. I really don't think McCain wants to be fighting this way for 90 more years. The U.S. has had troops in Korea for over 50 years and troops in Germany and Japan for 63 years. I personally think it's a great idea to have a military presence in the heart of Middle East. Another thing that the Dems will try to make a big deal out of is his vernacular. But I love it how can't you like a guy who last year shouted "Fuck you" at Texas Sen. John Cornyn. "Only an asshole would put together a budget like this" he told former Budget Committee Chairman Sen.. Pete Domenici. hahahaha. Here's a guy that's gonna give it to you straight.
McCain Campgain manager Ricky Davis emialed me today, which I will share with you now.
Dear Tallent,
As we work towards wrapping up the Republican nomination for president, working hard in the next primary states of Wisconsin, Washington, Ohio, Texas, Vermont, and Rhode Island, we need your help bringing our party together behind John McCain. As McCain backers, we must work to pick up the remaining delegates needed to win the nomination. Your support is crucial in sending John McCain to the White House as our next president, and that's why I ask for your help today.
John McCain remains steadfast in his commitment to leadership that promotes principle over politics, and now he needs a commitment from you
As president, John McCain will reduce the size of the federal government, reduce your tax burden and win the war against radical Islamic extremism. John McCain's vision for our country is a stark contrast to both Democratic candidates who want to expand the size of the federal government, raise your taxes and immediately withdraw our troops from Iraq because of mounting political pressure.
The challenges facing our nation today demand tough solutions and these solutions require real leadership. Show your friends, family and neighbors that John McCain is the leader who will unite our party and win in November by following this link to make a donation for your exclusive lapel pin.
Thank you for your continued support.
Rick Davis
Campaign Manager
What's with all the college shootings lately. I hate college kids as much as the next guy but this is crazy. Mass shootings seam to have trends, it used to be the mail carriers going nuts blowing away people on there route. Than it was cool to shoot up your office. (To this day I've always had an escape plan in any office I worked at in case someone came in shooting). Now schools are the trendy place to murder several people before killing yourself. If this keeps up online course's will really be popular.
Did you see Paul McCartney's ex-wife Heather Mills is representing herself in her ridiculos court case to squeeeze more money out of McCartney. Experts with knowledge of the case say Mills "doesn't have a leg to stand on". (YES! what writers strike?)
Washington State prosecutor Gerald Horne blasted the State of Massachusetts for it's "revolving door" history of letting violent criminals walk. 3 men that were convicted of violent crimes in MA are responsible for 4 murders in Washington state. The latest scum bag the state let walk was this Tavares guy who only stabbed his own mother to death. The state seemed to think it was a good idea to let this man out of jail and last week he shot to death a young couple over $50. Prosecutor Horn is 100% correct this state loves to let assholes out of jail. This state also love sex offenders. Everyone is up in arms over the perv that won $10 on a scratch ticket but never stopped to wonder why he was here. Mass is a haven for Sex offenders they come her because they know if they ever get that itch again, in MA they get a slap on in the wrist and will be sent out to do it again.
The last of a dying breed has died. The dying breed I'm taking about are intersections in southie without a 4 way stop sign. One of the last bastions of intersection freedom was on "I" & 6th Street going towards Broadway. I & 6th is now an all way stop. I & 6th was like the Alamo of non-stop signs and will be missed.
I read that Al Pacino is be playing the villain in the upcoming James Bond movie. I love the Bond movies but I'm not sure how I feel about this. The Bond flick with Halle Berry fell short mostly because Berry was a bigger star than Pierce Brosan the makers of the movie made her character almost a co-narsisasis to Bond.
Yeah Mother Fucker, KG is back! The C's come back from the break and go on a though road trip. Starting tonight with back to backs @ Denver and Golden State. Than the green head to Phoenix and Portland. Anything better than .500 on this trip would have to be looked at as a successful trip.
The NBA has to look into these shady trades. Teams taken guys out of retirement just to match up salaries. I'll be shocked if Keith Van Horn plays one minute of New Jersey. The Lakers did the same thing the Pau Gasol trade with Aaron Mckie.
Dwight Howard's Superman dunk would of been way better if he was wearing Iron man armor.
The Gootch's B's report:
B's Report
The B's aren't playing great Hockey Lately but they aren't playing awful either just very inconsistent. The B's seem to be playing great hockey away from the Garden but Struggle at home, The B's have lost 3 of their last 4, a bad loss to Florida in which they had the lead and Carolina ( they were victims of terrible officiating though) 3-2 both at home, beat Pittsburgh in Pitt 2-1 and although they out played Toronto for most of the game they lost 4-3 in OT. The B's really need some offensive help and have one of the top rated Organization in terms of Prospects that could get them the one or two players they need for the stretch run. The B's currently are tied with a Surging Buffalo team for the 8th seed. Here is a current look at the seeding.
Eastern Conference
Team GP Pts
1. Ottawa 59 73
2. New Jersey 60 73
3. Carolina 62 64
4. Montreal 60 73
5. Pittsburgh 59 71
6. N.Y. Rangers 61 67
7. Philadelphia 59 65
8. Boston 58 64
9. Buffalo 59 64
10. N.Y. Islanders 60 63
11. Washington 60 62
12. Atlanta 61 62
13. Florida 61 60
14. Toronto 60 57
15. Tampa Bay 59 56
The B's are ONLY 9 points out of the top seed so you can see how close this league is, they easily could be the #4 seed which I would love too see. But its pretty exciting just about every team is still in the race. But the B's face a tough question, they are the #2 Organization in terms of Prospects behind Atlanta, the Bruins minor leagues is stocked with Talent some of which are NHL ready or just about, does Peter Chiarelli trade some of this talent to get one or two players in here to help them now and possibly lose them to free agency or does he keep the team as is and play for the playoffs with what he has and hope they get real hot come playoff time. I prefer the latter I think they are good enough to get the 4th or 5th seed and be a tough team to play in the playoffs as they are and then go after some free agents in the off-season. There are rumors that the B's are close with a deal with Atlanta for Hossa ( free agent at seasons end) but that will cost the B's some good young players. I would wait till the off-season and go after him, Chara is a good friend of his who could recruit him and tell him the B's have a good thing going here and would be a huge help. Another rumor I have heard is the B's sending Murray to San Jose in a Pat Marleau deal. Marleau has been hurt this year but is much younger and be a big help in the future and would be about the same as Murray who has also been hurt and is getting old but still a sniper. But I hope they don't give Murray away if they intend on making the playoffs he is our only true goal scorer and makes savard so much better. The future of The B's is exciting, their Goaltending looks great Thomas, Fernandez ( will be back next year) I think will be dealt for a prospect or two and Auld, I like as a backup but Tuuka Rask will be a star for many many years and they have 3 future all star defenseman that have already played a few Games this year Matt Lashoff ( this guy is awesome), Matt Hunwick and Tommy Cross and forwards Pascal Pelletier ( is going to be awesome) Zach Hamill, Martins Karsums and Matt Hendicks. Things look good., too many years have the B's made deals at the deadline and traded good young players for older vets for help and it never worked out and it killed us for years. I hope they are smart, if they get Hossa the better get him to sign an extension
The more I think about it, I don't think I gave the Toronto Blue Jays enough credit in my quick AL East look. If there pitching holds up like it should they could be in the wild card hunt.
Feb 15th-Hot Chick Selita Ebanks
Comedic legend Chris Farley.
Feb 16th-New Jack City Star Ice-T, Tennis Star John McEnroe(the Curb Your Enthusiasm with him is crazy, hilarious) & Detroit native Jerome Bettis.
Feb 17th-Racist Jim Brown, Cougar Sox Fan Rene Russo, American Idiot Billy Joe Armstrong, M.E.N.S.A member Paris Hilton and hot chick Denise Richards.
Feb 18th- Twat John Travolta, the ageless Vanna White, Something About Mary start Matt Dillon, Hip Hop legend Dr. Dre, Italian choke artist Roberto Baggio and Singer Regina Spektor. Spektor has her own music but her greatest contribution to the world is being featured on the Strokes song Modern Girls, Old Fashion Men. One of the greatest tunes ever. C&P the link
Also on Feb. 18th 1930 The planet Pluto is discovered to be the ninth planet of the solar system. Now these motherfuckers want to say Pluto isn't a planet. Who do these astronomers think they are to come out of nowhere saying everything we were taught is wrong. Pluto has always been a planet and will always be a planet.
Pluto will now be dubbed a dwarf planet. Fuck That. Just because it's a dwarf, it doesn't make it not a planet. Dwarf's are little people but there still considered people. Sure others find them freakish and snicker behind there back but there still people.
According to the new definition, a full-fledged planet is an object that orbits the sun and is large enough to have become round due to the force of its own gravity. In addition, a planet has to dominate the neighborhood around its orbit. Who's making these definitions and what does that mean "a planet has to dominate the neighborhood around its orbit". does a planet walk around bullying stars stealing the moons milk money?
These Astromomers can say what they want but when my daughter makes the planets out of playdough for science class, Pluto will be included.
Feb 19th-Dumb & Dumber star Jeff Daniels, NFL great Dwight Frenney and Seal. How the hell is Seal married to Heidi Klum. Not only his he purple, his face looks like someone poured boiling oil all over it.
Also on Feb. 19th 1847. After spending the winter under harsh conditions that drove them to cannibalism in order to survive, members of the Donner Party are rescued.
The Donner Party was a group of California-bound American settlers caught up in the "westering fever" of the 1840s. After becoming snowbound in the Sierra Nevada in the winter of 1846–1847, some of the emigrants resorted to cannibalism. Although this aspect of the tragedy has become synonymous with the Donner Party in the popular imagination, it actually was a minor part of the episode.
Whatever, I say good for the Donner Party. If I was going to starve to death, I would have no problem eating a human that's already dead. Meat's meat, I bet with some A.1. a peck steak would be pretty good.
Also on Feb 19th 1945 United States Marines storm the island of Iwo Jima. Nearly 60,000 marines went ashore the eight-square-mile volcanic island.
The U.S. invasion, known as Operation Detachment, was charged with the mission of capturing the airfields on the island which up until that time had harried U.S. bombing missions to Tokyo.
Everyone has seen the famous picture of the Marines raising the the US flag on top of Mount Suribachi. Most people think that was the end of the fighting on Iwo Jim, but it really was just the beginning.
The battle was marked by some of the fiercest fighting of the War. The Imperial Japanese Army positions on the island were heavily fortified, with vast bunkers, hidden artillery, and 11 miles. The battle was the first American attack on the Japanese Home Islands and the Imperial soldiers defended their positions tenaciously. Of the 21,000 Japanese soldiers present at the beginning of the battle, over 20,000 were killed and only 216 taken prisoner.
After the fall of Mt. Suribachi in the south, the Japanese still held a strong position throughout the island. General Tadamichi Kuribayashi still had the equivalent of eight infantry battalions, a tank regiment, two artillery and three heavy mortar battalions, plus the 5,000 gunners and naval infantry. With the landing area secure, more troops and heavy equipment came ashore and the invasion proceeded north to capture the airfields and the remainder of the island. Most Japanese soldiers fought to the death. On the night of March 25, a 300-man Japanese force launched a final counterattack. The Marines suffered heavy casualties—more than 100 were killed and another 200 Americans were wounded. The island was officially declared "secured" the following day. The number of American casualties was greater than the total Allied casualties at Battle of Normandy on D-Day.
There's been a few movies made about he battle for Iwo Jima. The Sands of Iwo Jima wasn't bad. John Wayne plays your typical marine hard ass. Flags of our Fathers was a great story about the men who raised the flag on top of Suribachi based on the book written by James Bradley, a very good read so will add it to the FUCK OPRAH BOOK CLUB: Because if she can have a book club then so can't I. Last and greatest of the Iwo Jima movies is the other movie Clint Eastwood made at the same time as Flags of our Fathers, Letters from Iwo Jima. Probably the best war movie to come out, maybe ever. One of the greatest movies in history well worth the subtitles.
Thanks for reading.
"I'm Tallent I approve of this message and waterboarding the shit out of anyone in Al-Queda"
I agree whole heartedly about waterboarding, what I love is that people say that is extreme, I wonder what these fuckers think when they see Al Qaeda BEHEAD INNOCENCTS, KIDNAP, TORTURE & KILL FAMILIES THAT WELCOMED THE US. And last but not least the horrible video they showed of Isreali sympathizers being burned alive, yes ALIVE! The footage is unbearable but thank God they didn't waterboard, democrats are nothing but big pussies covered in genital warts. I would like to ask Democrats a question would you rather get waterboarded for 5 minutes or burned alive, something tells me they would take the BARBARIC practice of waterboarding. I hope McCain wins so then we can still kick ass in Iraq and crush Al Qaeda, as long as Cunt Clinton doesn't win what a piece of turd. Yes turd I think it writes more offensively than shit also say it out loud WAHT A PIECE OF TURD, sounds alot funnier than shit. I thought the Superman dunk would have been unbelievable if he dunked it, imagine if MJ or Dr. J jumped from the free throw line and then realized SHIT! I'M NOT GONNA MAKE IT(oh well I will just do a layup) NBA IT'S FANTASTIC! KG's back the Celts move to 17-0 against West I never realized how much I missed basketball until the Celts put a good team together again, the last couple of years have been unbearable. Oh could I have a B's report, Charlie Jacobs is a TWAT and I hope Jeremy Jacobs dies of a heart attack while fucking a Tranny.
Neal, you're a dickhead
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