OH yeah, it's fucking Valentines day. Lets all run out and by price inflated roses, chocolates, and stupid cards. Fuck this Valentines day, I'm I supposed to love my wife extra because it's Feb. 14th, go to hell with this holiday.
Valentines day is corporate propaganda. Cooked up by millionaires wanting to be even richer. Take a good look around you and do the math, balloons, stuffed toys, chocolate ... all being mass marketed so that corporations can once again fill their pockets for that slump between Christmases.
Who is this "St. valentine" guy anyway? Catholics claim he was third century roman priest who conducted marriages in secret even though marriage was prohibited by Emperor Claudious II. Others say he was beheaded for being a Christian. Roman historians believe that the February holiday is to celebrate their god lupercalia after he drove the wolves away. The French believe that valentine was a monk who brought two massacred children back to life.
So let me see if I understand this. Sometime around 1500 years ago there may have been a priest or monk or roman god that married soldiers, joined a cult, scared away dogs, and resurrected kids. What exactly does that have to do with naked angels firing arrows and stuffed animals holding flowers?
Now if Valentines day was still celebrated like they did it in the ancient days it would be pretty entertaining.
In an annual rite of fertility, eligible young men and women would be paired as couples through a town lottery. Briefly clad or naked men would then run through the town carrying the skins of newly sacrificed goats dipped in blood. The women of the town would present themselves to be gently slapped by the strips and marked by the blood to improve their chances of conceiving in the coming year.
You add some Coors Lights to that party and you got one hell of a holiday.
If you didn't think Clemans took roids and still don't after yesterday, then your either retarded or you just don't want to believe he did them. All the evidence points right at Clemans butt, were McNamee shot him up dozens off times. Turns out 19representative were reprimanded for taken pictures and getting autographs from Clemans on the day before the hearings. I bet dollars to donuts(what the fuck does that mean, anyway) that most if not all of those 19 were Republicans. Every single republican that got up there didn't bother asking questions that might lead to the truth, they just took there time to blast McNamee. The leader of this group was Indiana Representative Dan Burton.
This Burton's a real piece of shit. This hypocrite publically called Bill Clinton a "scumbag" during the blow job thing, only after to admit that knocked up some chick on his staff while still married. Here's Capitol Hill cunt that abused his power by using strong-arm and unethical campaign finance practices and by preying on female lobbyists, staffers and constituents. He has repeatedly faced questions about his own campaign fund-raising tactics, including accusations from a lobbyist that Burton strong-armed him for contributions and threatened to destroy his career if he did not pay up. Even more disturbing are allegations uncovered of the illegal use of congressional offices by Burton and a member of his committee staff for campaign fund-raising. But Burton's moral standing is further clouded by allegations of on-the-job sexual harassment, including an accusation that he groped a lobbyist from Planned Parenthood in the mid-1990s when she visited his Washington office. According to several sources, Burton has also maintained sexual relationships with women on his congressional and campaign payrolls.
Burton is regarded by many colleagues, even in his own party, as an obstructionist and something of a kook. Glowering or smiling through gritted teeth, he delights in blocking committee action by raising procedural issues, talking until his allotted time is up, then, after losing a voice vote, demanding a recorded count -- thereby flushing indignant colleagues from their offices for an exercise in futility. "More than a decade of contention on many issues has purchased Burton a reputation in Congress as something of a flake," wrote the Indianapolis Star's George Stuteville in 1993.
In 1992 he moved to cut $1 million from funding for breast-cancer and cervical screening programs, plus $20 million from the National Cancer Institute; but after his wife, Barbara, was diagnosed with breast cancer, he reversed course and wrote to a House subcommittee, "You have my complete support to make sure that women have the opportunity to get mammograms as early as possible."
Even more serious fund-raising charges against Burton emerged last year, when a former lobbyist for the government of Pakistan, Mark Siegel, claimed that the congressman had used heavy-handed tactics in pressuring him to deliver campaign contributions, including threats of serious consequences if Siegel failed to do so. Siegel's allegations were referred to a grand jury; that investigation, which has received little press coverage, apparently is still active. Burton has denied threatening Siegel. I could go on and on with eye witness accounts of shady fund raising by this shithead. Instead I'll go to golf.
In January 2007, Burton was revealed to have missed 19 votes to play in a charity golfing tournament. Burton was playing in the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic in Palm Springs, Calif. A review of Burton's voting record shows that he has missed votes every year at the same time the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic takes place. In 2006 Burton ranked last in voting among Indiana congressmen making 89 percent of all votes.
Burton has previously been involved in other controversies regarding golf tournaments. In 1997, Burton played with the chairman of AT&T in the AT&T-sponsored Pebble Beach National Pro-Am. Burton was then the chairman of a committee overseeing the award of a federal telecommunications contract. AT&T hosted a fundraiser for Burton at the tournament.
In 1995, Burton attempted to block an effort to tighten House rules regarding the attendance of Members at charity golf tournaments. Burton said, "Members of Congress who like to play golf -- when they're not in session and there's no business in the district -- can help charity and have fun."[3] In January 2007, Burton cast the lone "nay" vote against the new ethics rules in the House rules package.
On Tuesday John McCain swept the Potomac primaries and took down, Virginia, Maryland and D.C. If McCain was Bill Bellicheck the media would be bitching that he's running up the score. Both Ron Paul and Mike "what the" Fuckabee are still in the contest for some reason. I guess Fuckabee believes god will take away delegates from McCain. McCain Campaign manger Ricky Davis sent me an email yesterday that I will share with you now.
Last night, after our strong victories in Virginia, Maryland and Washington, DC, I put together an analysis of the state of the race for the Republican nomination. Including the delegates won last night, John McCain is now close to securing the number of delegates needed to be the presumptive Republican nominee. In addition, it is now mathematically impossible for Mike Huckabee to win enough delegates to secure the Republican nomination; there simply aren’t enough delegates left at stake for him to win.
Until John McCain secures 1,191 delegates, we must campaign aggressively for the Republican nomination, and that requires additional resources in some of the most populous states in the country. We cannot turn our attention to the Democrats and their enormous war chests until this nomination is secure, and we cannot accomplish that goal without your additional help.
Thank you for being part of Team McCain, for being with the campaign through thick and thin. We’ve won some exciting contests over the last two months, but the challenge is not over – we must continue to spread John McCain’s conservative message of lowering taxes, strengthening our economy, winning the war in Iraq, and fighting radical Islamic extremists. There is a lot of work ahead, but as John McCain has noted, there has never been an election where the choices between the two parties will be so(Tony)stark.
Rick Davis
On Tuesday Obama officially pulled ahead of Cliton. Taken the Potomac primaries. Hil has now resorted to a race war. She's down in Texas revving up all the Latino's who hate black people more than poison. Hil's pretty much throwing her useless eggs in one Texas/Ohio basket (ok I guess that's 2 baskets). She should ask Rudy how the all eggs in one basket strategy works.
I was shocked to see Stone Temple Pilots lead singer Scott Weiland went back to rehab this week. I thought he had really straightened himself out. For real though, why bother going back to rehab if your Weiland? He's been a junkie all his life he'll always be a junkie, stop trying to quit and just do drug till you die.
The C's head to the break on fire but banged up. Every single tall guy on the team is injured at the moment, except Leon Powe white trash. Powe is doing a great job in his extended playing time. The C's I'm most impressed with in the first half are Powe, Big Baby and Rondo. Rono's done a great job as point guard of this team, protecting the ball and filling up the stat sheet. (Did you know he had a 19 rebounds game in college). The C's have a tough west trip after the all-star break hopefully they can get there bigs healthy and play we'll enough to keep at least the best Eastern record.
I was so upset to see the picture of the Hulk villain Abomination for the new hulk movie that somes out this summer. The Abomination that's in the movie looks like a monster out of Resident Evil. We all know that the real Abomination looks like the Creature from the Black Lagoon that stole Debbie Clemans steroids.
The SI Swimsuit issue came out Tuesday and a lot of people don't see this as a big deal anymore. With Maxim magazines, FHM and Big Tits at Work.com people can get the chick fix other places instead of waiting a year for this issue. I still am a huge fan of the swimsuit issue. It goes back to childhood, checking out Elle McPherson on the cover and finding it so cool that they put suntan oil on her tits. The issue still has the best looking girls from all over the world. When I go the through the issue more indebt I'll give you my report. I can tell you I've already wasted ample time checking out some Hawaiian bird online.
I actually feel bad for my boss today. She has a small talk double whammy. She went on vacation and hurt her knee. So now everyone that come by her desk ask 2 small talk crap questions, "how was the trip?", "what happened to you knee".
Feb12th-Lawyer Abe Lincoln, Celtic great Bill Russell, hot chick Christina Ricci and talk show host Arseniooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Hall
Feb 13th-ex-Cincinnati Mayor Jerry Springer, Sledgehammer Peter Gabriel, High School basketball star Randy Moss, and hot chick Kelly Hu
Feb 14th-Hide and seek champion Jimmy Hoffa, Mike Bloomberg who's so rich he has he's own stock market,and dickhead Rob Thomas
Thanks for Reading
"I'm Tallent I approve of this message and drinking Zima for breakfast"
1 comment:
In response to Clemens roids and kissing ass to the commitee, I heard from reliable sources that he had his wife the Douche Cunt Whore Debbie Clemens give Mayor MCcheese a rimjob to curry favor. While she was eating ass it accidentally turned into a Breakfast At Tiffany's and they both kind of liked it. Anyway to make a long story short MCcheese had no vote so the only thing he could offer was hamburgers for life and Clemens the fat ass fuck that he is accepted without countering to get even an apple pie, so Clemens lied to Congress but then let the good Mayor get a rimjob and shit on his wife's tits for a few hamburgers and I thought Debbie Clemens was having a bad day when he admitted under oath that she used HGH and has a dick.
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