I post with great sadness today, due to the passing of Chief Martin Brody. Heaven's gonna need a bigger boat. A 25 foot 3 ton Great White couldn't get Chief Brody but the big C did. It's a little ironic since the shark that Brody is known for killing is immune to cancer. Also ironic that Chief Brody passed away on what was Shark Sunday on Discovery channel.
Martin unselfishly took the job on Amity Island, even though he's a afraid of the ocean, for a better life for his family and "in Amity one man can make a difference"
Brody didn't figure he'd have a shark problem in his first summer. After Chrissie Watkins was eaten, Brody made the right decision to close the beaches only to be overruled my Mayor Larry Vaughn because "Amity is a summer town, it needs summer dollars".
After a third attack on the 4th of July, Chief Brody forced Mayor Vaughn to hire Captain Quint to kill the shark.
Brody with Matt Hooper from the Oceanographic Institute went with Captain Quint on the Orca to catch and kill the shark. It was Brody's party, Brody's chatter but Quint's Vessel.
The boat was sunk, Hooper was presumed dead, Quint was definitely dead, but Brody prevailed sticking a tank of compressed air in the sharks mouth and shooting it with the riffle, blowing the fuck out of the shark, while say his famous quote "smile, you son of a bitch".
Brody is survived by his cunt wife(who sleeps with Hooper in the book), and 2 sons Michael and Sean.
Brody also stared in Marvel Comics The Punisher, Marathon Man, The French Connection, & 2001: A Space Oddisy. I was shocked to find out that Brody was originally casted as John Rambo in First Blood.
A weekend sweep for Obama puts him in the lead for the Democrat primary. Typical Hil, she fired her campaign manager, blaming everyone else, when she's in fact the bitch that people don't like.
Since I last mentioned the Celts, they've won 3 in a row. At home against the Clippers, squeaked out a win in Minn on Leon Powe white trash tip at the buzzer and a most impressive win yesterday against the World Champion Spurs. Yesterdays game was great, without K-Perk and of course KG, the C's got great minutes from Big Baby. While Pierce took over on offensive the whole team played great D. Without anyone bigger than 6'8'' I thought the C's might be kaput in this one but they played a great game. There now 5-2 without KG, including win against Dallas and San Antonio, FourAces informs me that there 16-0 against the West. All this should more than prove that this current roster of Celtics is more can capable of winning an NBA Championship. They play at Indiana Tuesday and home against the Knicks on Wednesday before we'll deserved break.
So Clemans had McNamee shoot up his wife for the SI swimsuit issue. HAHAHA that's too funny. No doubt that he has his KKKKids juicing.
The Gootch's B's report:
OK, the B's took a tough loss to Buffalo at home early in the week due to Buffalo's goalie and our Power Play but the B's went up to Buffalo and got revenge last night with a 3-2 shootout win, it was a huge win for us. The B's are home the next 2 games again Florida and Carolina too big games in the standings for us both teams a closely behind us but Carolina is currently the #3 seed because they are the Southeast Division leaders. This is really such a great year in Hockey, The B's are currently the 7th seed in the East but only 6 points out of 4th and 9 behind Ottawa for first considering you get 2 points a win that is a possibility, I do believe we had our chance to catch Ottawa while they had some injuries but They got Heatley back and now they are rolling again but catching Montreal for the 4th seed is a definite possibility and will beat them the next 2 times we play them, LOG IT. The division to watch is the Southeast Division, its so close and competitive Carolina 58 pts, Wash 57 pts, Atlanta 56 pts, Florida 55 pts and Tampa 51 pts, that is a lot of fun too watch because it looks like only the division winner will make the playoffs out of that division. B's This week, Fla tonight, Carolina and Pitt this week.
The first X-men after the Messiah complex was a dud. Emma and Cyclops vacationing in The Savage Land, Colussus, Logan and Nightcrawler playing practically jokes on each other in Germany before heading to Russia and Archangel finding out that San Francisco has gone back into the 60's. I hope this is all heading somewhere cause that was pretty weak. We'll see how the aftermath of the Messiah Complex effected X-Factor and the new X-Force this week.
A shocker revealed in this months Ms.Marvel. Iron Man tells S.H.I.E.L.D agent Sum that Ms.Marvel is a Skrull. I'm not buying it, there's more to this than this issue lets on, well see.
Even if Dillon's father was in jail it wasn't a good idea for Mrs.Walsh to invite him to stay at there house while recovering from a concussion and some cracked ribs. He and Brenda had just broke up, nothing good could of come of that. I don't think Eckhouse overreacted at all. How is he supposed to react to coming home from a conference and his daughters dry-humping Dillon on the couch.
Jan 9th-Gone Fishing Star Joe Peschi, Bad Vlad Guerreo, hot chick Zhang Zyi, NBA up and comer Jameer Nelson and former NBA role player Michael Jordan.
On Jan 1st I accidentally said happy birthday to the Jan 10th birthday people too, so I'll just say that on Jan 2 1989, The World Wrestling Foundation admits in court that professional wrestling is an exhibition and not a sport. This news leaves FourAces in a dark depression, that came to a head one night when he was hauled of to the asylum after chasing down 43 Vicodin with a purple monster.
Jan 11th-Toilet paper user Sheryl Crow, butter face Kelly Rowland, hot chick Jennifer Anniston, Tallent Choice pick Boogie Nights star Burt Reynolds and the most influencail actor of the last 30 years Leslie Neilson.
Leading roles in the science fiction classic Forbidden Planet and as the ship's captain in The Poseidon Adventure came long before Nielsen considered a turn to comedy. His performance as a Dr.Rumack in 1980's Airplane! marked a turning point in Nielsen's career, one that would make him, in the words of movie critic Roger Ebert, "the Olivier of spoofs. I have no idea what that's supposed to mean but whatever.
Directors, interested in the success of the new comedy, decided to bring the slapstick style of comedy to television. They asked Nielsen to play the lead role in their new series, Police Squad! The series introduced Nielsen as Frank Drebin, a stereotypical police officer modeled after earlier detective series. Six years after the cancellation of Police Squad!, the directors decided to make a feature length version for theaters. Titled The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! Both Airplanes and The Naked Gun are Tallent Choice movies, the original Airplane is a 5 star elite choice one of the greatest movies ever. Nielsen also started in good comedies, Scary Movie3, Spy Hard, Dracula: Dead and Loving it, & Repossessed.
Thanks for reading.
"I'm Tallent I approve of this message and swimming with bow-legged women"
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