It's all over! Shit Romney is all done, I guess 40 Million of his own dollars was enough! First thing on McCain's agenda will be to unite his republican party. You might see McCain be a real phony in the next couple months as he tries to get the real right wing clowns back on his side. So even if you hear McCain say that everyone should carry a sidearm or anyone that even mentions the word abortion will get punched in the mouth, don't worry he's just trying to get the far right back on his side, he's still the moderate we need to unite the country.
Hopefully the democrat primary will stay close and go to a 7th game if you will. That way they'll sap the money out of each others campaign and keep shitting on each other so McCain won't have to.
Finally Governor Patrick Duval has a good idea. He wants to start re-testing drivers that are over 65 years old. Maybe he was blind cc'd on the email Tam from Canton sent me that said:
"It is time to start testing drivers over 65. They are a real threat on the roadways to injure and kill others. I know the politicians are afraid to bring this subject to the forefront because the elderly vote in droves…like yesterday when an 85 year-old drove his Ford Escape to a school in Stoughton to cast his vote and drove over a grass rotary, plowed a helpless little girl in into a brick FUCKING wall, pinned her there and killed her. The son of a bitch said, “The car went into overdrive, I guess, and the brakes didn’t work”. LIAR, you hit the GD accelerator and never lifted your foot from it. He should not be allowed to drive ever again"
Good to see Sen.Kennedy has been spending his time trying to stop a Vanity Fair article about one of his assbag brothers many illegitimate kids. Doesn't Ted have something better to do like getting drunk and fighting his pet goat.
The FBI arrested dozens of aleged mob figures, the biggest mob sting since the John Gotti days. Among those arrested were, Elmo, Tommy Sneakers, The Greaseball, Jackie the Nose, Joe Gag, Buckwheat, Johnny Red Rose, Fat Richie and Mike the Electrician.
Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert was the top movie in America last weekend. First of all ain't they the same fucking person? She's not an unregistered super hero, she doesn't need an alta ego. 2nd the only reason so many parents took there kids to she this 15 year old cock tease is because Disney said it would only be out for a limited time. But after the movie made millions the first week, Disney said "HA! fooled you! The movie will be out for weeks, but thanks for running out and seeing it in it's opening weekend.
Two Komodo dragons have hatched at the Sedgwick County Zoo, apparently without the fertilization of a male. The dragons, both males, are believed to be the first in North America known to have hatched by parthenogenesis, which occurs naturally in some species, including invertebrates and lower plants. Apparently the dragons took it literally when they were told to go fuck themselves.
Woody Allen once described Scarlet Johansson as "criminally sexual." In his latest film, the legendary director casts the starlet's sexuality in a whole new light.
Allen and Johansson recently finished work on 'Vicky Cristina Barcelona' in Spain. In it, Johansson has "an extremely erotic" sex scene with co-star Penelope Cruz.
Jimmy Scorner's thoughts on this development:
"Lesbianism is A+, but Penelope Cruz is a gross pterodactyl who somehow snuck in my movies yet can't speak a word of English. LOG IT"
The Oscar nominees came out the other day and as usual you won't find any good movies like Superbad or Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer. Only pussy movies that only pussy critics enjoy. Michael Clayton was nominated for best picture as well as 15 other awards which blows my mind. Clayton had 22 catches for 331 yards and no touchdowns this season, how good could that movie actually be.
One week until pitchers and catchers report to spring training! Let's take a quick pre-spring training look at the AL east.
The Sox have almost the same exact team coming back. They've added some veteran arms to compete for a bullpen job and Mr.Nice Guy Sean Casey as a back up to Yuke and lefty off the bench. The re-signing of Bobby Keilty shows that the Sox have no plans to keep Coco as there 4th outfielder. Hopefully Coco can be used as a chip to help replace Schilling. The good news about Schillings injury is that the Sox do have good pitching dept and if he can come back with a rested arm in August, he could be ready for October when he does his best work anyway. I do agree with Disco, that Schilling took a paycut with the Sox because he knew he was hurting. If Schilling is a real man he'll donate this years salary to the McCain Campaign. McCain's campaign is struggling for cash and he can't count on the loads of money that big corporations usually give the GOP nominee because McCain has never and will never suck the cock of the big corporations. Sorry I forgot were talking baseball.
The Yanks didn't do much over the winter either. There going with Wang, 2 Dinosaurs & 2 babies in there starting rotation. That should be enough with the offensive fire power that they have. There real questions are in there bullpen, Rivera is still there but he turns 104 this spring and since the should have there 5 starters Joba should still be the dominate set up guy, but everyone else in the bullpen is a suspect. If the Yanks do make it to the playoffs which is absolutely not a guarantee anymore, there still missing that power ace that's needed to win in October. Of course a huge question surrounding the yanks is the change from Torre to Giradi. Giradi was a hard nosed get in your face manager with the Marlins. That was a team full kids and it worked there, it will be interesting to see if Giradi is more of a players manager with the veteran yanks.
After years and years of inconsistent moves Baltimore is finally heading in a direction, down. They've blown the whole fringin thing up. Got rid of Tejada, traded Bedard for Adam not pac man Jones and are going to trade Brian Roberts to the Cubs. There a terrible team but at least they have a plan to re-build and start over.
Tampa is actually heading in a the right direction. They have Kazmir, Shields and now Matt Garza Strip, which should be good top of the rotation for years to come. If Rocco Baldelli can ever stay healthy they have a good outfield and will score runs. Even though there finally heading in the right direction there still years away, but they'll be better than ever before and can't be counted on for a series sweep anymore with those 3 starters.
Toronto really didn't improve much in the off season, they have some good arms up there, but don't have any pop in there lineup and even if all there pitchers stay healthy the won't score enough runs to compete this season.
For Clemans sake I hope he told congress the true the other day. MacNamee has the DNA to prove Clemans was a cheat and there's no better evidence than DNA. Clemans is already going to go down as a fraud, it's time for him to to tell the truth, maybe save his Hall of Fame chances and not go to jail.
This Sunday on the Discovery channel is shark Sunday. So I'll take this opportunity to write about my of my true loves. SHARKS! Most people are very ignorant when it comes to sharks. They think that all sharks should be killed of and serve no purpose but to swim around and bite off Chiza's fathers nuts. People have no idea how important sharks are to the ecosystem.
Sharks play an important role at all tropic levels of the ocean ecosystem from scavengers to super-predators. Scavengers prey upon dead or dying animals, super predators help to control populations and maintain prey species diversity by concentrating on the most available species. The balance of the ecosystem is extremely important because all organisms belonging to the ecosystem depend upon each other to maintain this balance. Sharks play an important role in the ocean food chain. Sharks eat the weak, sick and dead fish that maintains a healthy ocean ecosystem, enabling the fittest to survive. If the large sharks were missing in this food chain, the large predator fish population would grow. This may cause depletion of the smaller prey fish, causing an imbalance. So the unchecked killing of sharks across the world needs to stop.
Sharks reproduce similar to mammals in that they have a low rate of reproduction and do not spawn like fish that have thousands or millions of larvae, hoping for a certain percentage to sustain the species. Many shark populations around the world have declined dramatically in recent decades. Over-fishing is the principal culprit in the precipitous decline. Sharks' biological vulnerabilities - their late sexual maturation and low reproductive rates - don't allow species to quickly recoup losses incurred from fishing. Quite simply, sharks are being taken out of the ocean faster than they can reproduce.
Not only are sharks essential to the worlds ecosystem but sharks are immune to most all disease, including cancer... sharks are the subject of intensive medical research that could some day benefit man. Also for all you fucks that like lobster, if sharks decline to seriously low numbers, commercial fisheries could be threatened. Octopuses eat lobsters and sharks eat octopuses. The declining number of sharks cannot control the octopuses eating the lobsters. Sharks are a public resource that should be protected for the benefits of future generations. The world was up in arms in the 40's when Hitler was trying to wipe out the Jews and Bono spends all day worring about genocide in Africa, but no one's sticking up for the sharks. But I bet when there are no shell fish to eat everyone will notice how important sharks are.
Fewer big sharks in the oceans mean that bay scallops and other shellfish may be harder to find at the market, according to an article in the March 30 issue of the journal Science, tying two unlikely links in the food web to the same fate.
A team of Canadian and American ecologists, led by world-renowned fisheries biologist Ransom Myers at Dalhousie University, has found that over fishing the largest predatory sharks, such as the bull, great white, dusky, and hammerhead sharks, along the Atlantic Coast of the United States has led to an explosion of their ray, skate, and small shark prey species.
"With fewer sharks around, the species they prey upon ? Like cownose rays have increased in numbers, and in turn, hordes of cownose rays dining on bay scallops, have wiped the scallops out," says co-author Julia Baum of Dalhousie.
"This ecological event is having a large impact on local communities that depend so much on healthy fisheries," says Charles Peterson, a professor of marine sciences biology and ecology at the Institute of Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and co-leader of the study.
The research builds upon an earlier study by Myers and Baum, published in Science in 2003, which used data from commercial fisheries to show rapid declines in the great sharks of the northwest Atlantic since the mid-1980s. Now, by examining a dozen different research surveys from 1970-2005 along the eastern U.S. coast, the research team has found that their original study underestimated the extent of the declines: scalloped hammerhead and tiger sharks may have declined by more than 97 percent; bull, dusky, and smooth hammerhead sharks by more than 99 percent.
"Large sharks have been functionally eliminated from the east coast of the U.S., meaning that they can no longer perform their ecosystem role as top predators," says Baum. "The extent of the declines shouldn't be a surprise considering how heavily large.
Most people don't give a shit about sharks because they think sharks are out to eat us.
In fact shark attacks are extremely rare. An individual is three times more likely to be hit by lightning than to be bitten by a shark.
The odds of being attacked by a shark are pretty slim, about 1 in 65,000,000.
Your much more likely to be killed by a human than a shark, so lets start fishing for people. Besides people, your much more likely to get killed by a bee, or even your household pet.
How about getting rid of the mosquitoes Sharks kill about five people a year. Mosquitoes kill over a million people a year and have zero redeemable qualities. I personally would rather get bit by a shark than a mosquito, I'd rather be bleeding than itchy.
Anyway the highlight of Shark Sunday will be Air Jaws: South Africa, take a look at the pics above to see what that's all about.
As you read the other day Dick Vitale returned to ESPN to call the UNC/Duke game. But here in Boston we got fucked. The game was blacked out on ESPN because it was airing on the local ACC feed on TV38 or the UPN or whatever it calls itself now. That was the first disappointment then Duke comes out firing 3's from everywhere to beat UNC, it was quite gay. Since Duke beat UNC at home all the pundits want to suck Dukes balls. But I know better, there soft and have no inside presence. They'll get bounced by the sweet 16. I still like my pre-season final four prediction of UNC, Kansas, Georgetown & Michigan State.
I think Shaq is an awful fit for the Phoenix Suns. They do need a defensive presence in the middle but Shaq's days of dominating are over.The Suns up tempo game does not suit Shaq, he'll just be crossing half court while the rest of the team has already scored and is getting back on defense.
Jan 7-Good actor James Spader I hardly know her, comedian Chris Rock, huge dickhead Aston Kutcher and 2 time NBA MVP and probably the best white player this generation, Steve Nash.
Jan 8th-Crazy actor Nick Nolte, rich author John Grisham, TV Legend Gary Coleman, Cliton friend Mary Steenburgen, Private Parts star Mary McCormack and NBA star Alonzo Mourning.Today is also the birthday of the worlds greatest composer John Williams. Williams has composed many of the most famous film scores in history, including those for Jaws, Star Wars, Superman, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Raiders of the Lost Ark, & Jurassic Park. Some people will tell you that Danny Elfman(Simpson theme) is in the same ballpark as John Williams, that just goes to show you that some people are idiots
Also on Jan 8th 1960 Boston Celtic center Bill Russell pulls down 51 rebounds to set a new NBA record, later eclipsed by Wilt Chamberlain's record of 55.
Can you believe that? ESPN goes all Kobe all the time when he scores 50 points never mind grabbing 50 rebounds that's just crazy, Russell and Wilts Medaclorian levels must have been off the charts.
Thanks for reading
"I'm Tallent I approve of this message and sharks biting people on surf boards, because to shark they look like sea lions"
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