After game 4 of the NBA finals, I was so excited about the Celtics comeback , I decided to have 2 quick shots of orange vodka and write post about what I just saw. Well somehow while typing the post I hit a button and POOF the post was gone. I guess I was pretty drunk because it turns out I was writing the post on my Yahoo Email instead of the blog web site. That's the good news the post saved as a draft and even though it is incomplete, I'm able to at least post what I had written to that point. So now with out further ado, the drunk post game 4 post........
Holy shit! Holy shit I can't believe the Celtics just won that game. I don't care what the point difference was in that NJ playoff game. That was the greatest playoff comeback in the history of the NBA. I apologize for everything I ever said about just Ray Allen, he's been the most consist ant of the big 3. This is a game we'll be telling are children about. As much as Doc drives me bonkers, he's doing something right, to get that teams head out of there ass. It's a lot like Francona were I sometimes pull my hair out, about the rotations(lineups) but I guess they know best. Doc's willingness to go small was (pun intended) HUGE. I love me some Rondo's but in this series Posey out there with Allen handling the ball is a better matchup.If you don't think that game was exciting, just look at what I did to a perfectly good wife-beater.

I I don't really remember the great C's teams of the 80's but from what I've seen and read, James Posey is this generations Cedric Maxwell. Game 1 PJ was the man off the bench, game 2 it was Powe white trash, but shaved Posey has been the constant the whole series. playing hard, hitting 3's, he's covered both Kobe and Gasol in big moments and knoc....
Well, that's were I lose it but you get the jest of it.
Thanks for reading
"I'm Tallent, I approve of this message and re-signing James Posey"
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