I think the AIDS have gone right to Magic Johnson's head. He looks fine physically, but man is he a dummy.
I can't understand why Griffey's quest for 600 home runs isn't getting more attention. This is the greatest professional baseball player of our life time and he gets no credit. Does ESPN and the rest of the media favor cheaters? Anytime that sorry excuse of a human being, Barry Bonds was close to a milestone, ESPN would have Pedro Gomez there for Bonds every bowel movement.
I didn't know Patriots Offensive lineman Nick Kazcur hung outside PS Deli.
The best name in sports......no the best name in the world is BJ Upton. Simply because the the BJ stands for Bossman Junior!
Memorial Day commemorates U.S. men and women who perished while in military service to their country. So is it right to say "Happy Memorial Day"?
According to some NYC night club bouncers, a growing number of young men have been slathering their chests with Preparation H, the hemorrhoid creme. The active ingredient in the creme works by constricting blood vessels around the treated area, causing less blood and fluid to be fed into the surrounding muscle. As a result, tissue constricts giving muscles a more defined look, in theory. People got the idea from bodybuilders who apply it to their biceps, love handles, etc in order to look more defined for competitions.
I guess this makes sense, since you do apply Preparation H to assholes.
You can now place an order with Papa Johns with a text message. Fucking genius! I love that.
Boston's Mayor Menino had "no comment" when asked about city public works employees watching TV and having cookouts while on the job. Got to love the double standard, he has no comment on these guys but can't stop bitching and moaning when a fireman calls in sick.
Actor Harold Perrineau who played/plays Michael on LOST bitched and moaned that he was killed off the show because he was black. IS HE FUCKING KIDDING? Did he see this season, they were killing off everyone, white, black, and Korean.
Speaking of LOST the best actor you've never heard of has to be Michael Emerson who plays Benjamin Linus on the show. If that guys doesn't win an Emmy then I don't know what the hell's going on.
I would hate to be an ant. The other day I was taking my dog for a walk and he stopped to take a piss on a tree. I looked down and I noticed that he was taking a leak right on thousands of ants. Imagine your doing your thing, gathering food, making a home, and all of a sudden a giant animal comes along and drowns you and everyone you know in piss. That's no way to live.
If the song "One Big Holiday" by My Morning Jacket doesn't inspire you to want to drink your face off, than you better check your pulse.
It has been 873 days since Senator Obama's one and only visit to Iraq. Yet, despite zero first hand knowledge of conditions on the ground since the change in strategy, Senator Obama advocates withdrawal of U.S. troops. While he is happy to hold unconditional presidential meetings with the world's worst dictators, he has yet to meet with General Petraeus about the improving conditions in Iraq. Before Senator Obama decides to override the recommendations of our commanders in the field and surrender the flight, he should have the judgment to see for himself first-hand the conditions on the ground.
Hot on the heels of his explanation for why he no longer wears a flag pin, presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama was forced to explain why he doesn't follow protocol when the National Anthem is played."As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides," Obama said. "There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression. And the anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all. It should be swapped for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing.' If that were our anthem, then I might salute it."
WHAT!?!?! Don't want to take sides? Let's get this straight, your running for president of the United States but your not actually on our side? The flag is a symbol of oppression to many people? What does the American flag mean to you you commie dirt bag. Fuck you. I'd like to teach the world to sing? Get bent Obama. I'd like to teach the world to spit in your face.
Have you ever looked at the history on your Google task bar to see what you've searched for in the past? It can be pretty funny. Some of the things I've searched for that made me laugh were: Obama blowing coke, Who raped Kelly Taylor, Jews are coming, Hanna Montana dressed like a whore, girls doing cocaine, parrot with an erection & smelling a fart.
June 2nd-Hot Chick Nikki Cox
June 3rd-MLB Star Travis Hafner
June 4th-Hot Chicks Izabella Scorupco and Angelina Jolie, Angie was one of the hottest on the planet and I guess she still is but she's lost a lot of her luster with all the adoptions and thinking she's the messiah.
June 5th-NFL star Tory Holt; great actor Ron Livingston, Livingston's been in some great shit, Swingers, Band of Brothers, Office Space, but he has a enormous blemish on his filmography with his Sex and the City stint & Curb Your Enthusiasm actor Jeff Garlin
June 6th-Freddy Kruger; Pig Vomit, Paul Giamatti
also on June 6th 1944- The largest seaborne invasion in history, known as D-Day, over 120,000 Allied troops land on the beaches of Normandy in German-occupied northern France.
June 7th-Legendary crooners Tom Jones & Dean Martin; hot tennis ex-tennis player Anna Kournikova, funny bastard Michael Cera who all ready as a teenager has stared in the terrific sitcom Arrested Development, and Tallent choice movies, Juno & SuperBad; and NBA star Allen Iverson
Thanks for reading.
"I'm Tallent I approve of this message, and I DO NOT approve of my president not being the least bit patriotic""
Excellent post. Just one problem: http://blog.washingtonpost.com/fact-checker/2007/11/obama_nabbed_by_the_patriotic.html
You think a picture of Obama with his hand on his chest makes him patriotic? He's probably searching his jackey for his pack of cigarettes at a black panther party.
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