Anyways, the Straight Talk express keeps rolling . Last week Johnny Boy embarked on a trip to areas of the United States seldom-visited and all too often forgotten by our nation's leaders.He did this because he wants to learn from the people who live in these areas. Yesterday, he had the opportunity to visit Alabama. During his trip he spent time in the towns of Selma, Gee's Bend, Camden and Thomasville.
I asked Mr. McCain about his trip. "It was an honor to visit Selma, a place that held great significance in the Civil Rights movement. I was also fortunate to visit the Gee's Bend quilters, who gave me such a warm welcome - I thank them for their hospitality. "
When I asked McCain why he was vi sting such rural place, not often seen as election hot beds.
"Tallent, I am traveling to these places because if I am to be President of the United States of America, I'm going to be the president of all the people. I will work for all people and I will listen to all people. By understanding the challenges - and they are enormous - that these Americans face today, I will be a far better president."
"There must be no forgotten places in America. I have always believed in this country, in a good America, a great America. And I have always believed we can build a better America for all people. This week, I'm traveling to places where great Americans are still fighting for change to make us a better country. I am going to meet and learn from these patriots."
As the presidential campaign kicks into high gear, it's more important than ever to show your support for John McCain. One way you can stand out is by wearing official John McCain 2008 gear.
The official campaign store, http://store.johnmccain.com, has hats, buttons, bumper stickers, yard signs, t-shirts and special state and coalition-specific gear. As supporters of John McCain, we know that he is the right man to lead our nation as we face tough challenges. Now is the time to stand with John McCain and show our support for him. As president, John McCain is the most prepared candidate to serve as our commander in chief and fight for our shared values in the White House. As his team of supporters, it is our job to ensure he wins in November.
During game 2 of the Celts/Hawks Series I got a kick out of when the Hawks were down by 20 and Bibby missed a free throw and everyone on his team slapped him 5.
Had nothing against the Hawks until this series, they were just fodder for the Rancor. But there's a good amount of assholes on this squad. Mike Bibby says Boston fans are fair weather fans. He plays in fucking Atlanta the worst sports city in America. Actually it might be the worst city in America. It could use a nice disaster. I wish Gen. Sherman was still alive to burn it down again. But back to the Hawks with Al Horford talking shit all game wither there winning or losing, some bone heads can't help constantly talking shit and being an assshole and Za Za Gabor acting like a tough guy, knowing full well KG can't get thrown out of the game. If Za Za ever got in KG's face on the street, KG would simply bite his head off and scream one of the 7 dirty words.
When KG layed that pick on Za Za in game 7, it was one of the greatest basketball moments of my adult life.
When will Comcast Sports Network learn they can not show a close up of KG's face. He clearly yells "Something, Something MOTHER FUCKER!" after every play.
And now The Gootch's Postseason B's report:
Well I have to say this was a great year for the Bruins with much more to come over the years. This team is so young and set up perfectly for the future.In the offseason, I think they need to try and restructure Glenn Murray's contract or trade him away ( 0 points) in the playoffs, although he was hurt all year, i can see him have a big year next year. The B's obvious need is scoring, the defense is in great shape as well as goal tending. The B's need to get Hossa who is a free agent, i don't think Pitt can resign him with Crosby and Malkin and Gonchar. Hossa would be huge for us and played great with Savard in Atlanta, if we trade Murray we would definitely have enough to sign him but we could have both if Murray would agree to take less.The prospects we have are great if we develop them they will be awesome but we might be able to get another star by trading 1 or 2. I gaurantee that w find out half the guys playing were really hurt in this series, we know savard had a broken back, i bet chara is really hurt, murray was hurt and almost broke his neck in game 7. on top of all other injuries. getting hossa should be #1 on their list i would also like to see them try and get corey perry from anaheim or kristian huselius from calgary both free agents also a surprise could be us going after mats sundin.
The temperature got up to 84 this week and everyone was so excited. Oh yeah bring on the Mosquito's and the swamp ass, hot weather is great!
I like what the Pats did at the top of the draft. The player they wanted was going to be available a few picks down the road anyway, so they went down to 10 and got an extra 3rd round, the first 3 Pats picks were on on defense, 2 linebackers, a defensive back. We'll see how good these guys end up being. They got younger and faster on D, which they needed to do.
Tough spot for Matt Ryan to get drafted, not a lot of Tallent around him in a city that doesn't care for white people much. You know once Vick gets out of of the hooscow, the Falcon fans will be hooting and hollowing for Vick to get his job back. Even though he's a shitty human and a shitty quarterback, he's a brother from the south south, that can run fast.
This Hank Steinbrenner is a trip. He clearly feels the need to be a big mouthed fool because his
father was. He doesn't even know what he's talking about. Anyone that throws 100mph should be a starter. There are tons of pitchers that throw in the upper 90's that just flat out suck, take Hank's boy Kyle Farnsworth for instance.
One of my New Years resolutions was to expose Dr. Phil for the fraud that he is. We'll the time has come!
The Producers of his show bailed out a teen that was arrested for taking part in a videotaped beating of another teen, just to get the interview. Where was the good doctor and his moral compass then?
But Phil's shadiness started decades ago:
The Texas attorney general investigated him for a possible health club scam in 1973. McGraw sold expensive lifetime memberships to a health club in Topeka, Kan., and resold the contracts to a financial institution, so the members had to keep paying whether the club existed or not. According to the court papers, three different Topeka banks sued him for more than $40,000, but he never showed in court and monies were never recovered. He had moved on to Texas, where he obtained a doctorate from the University of North Texas and began to practice psychology.
In 1989, the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists imposed disciplinary sanctions against McGraw for what was deemed an inappropriate "dual relationship." McGraw admitted he hired one of his clients, a 19-year-old woman, to work in his office (can you say "breach of ethics"?), but denied her claim of a sexual relationship. The board ordered McGraw to pass a jurisprudence exam, undergo a psychological evaluation, take an ethics class and have his practice supervised for one year. Did he make amends and make it right? Well, as of 2008, no. Nineteen years in, and he still hasn't met the board's conditions. His license to practice psychology was revoked and, from that point on, he has not been licensed to practice psychology at all. As the man himself has noted, "Failure is no accident." This from the same guy who says "If you watch porn, then you can't love your wife!"
McGraw, who said, "We teach people how to treat us," exhibited poor judgment again when he decided to feature convicted murderer Laurie "Bambi" Bembenek. Bembenek was scheduled to appear on the "Dr. Phil" show in 2002 to clear her name. It didn't go well. She later filed a lawsuit against Dr. Phil and more than 50 of his staffers for, she said, being held against her will in an apartment with no way to contact the outside world, while awaiting potentially show-stopping, name-clearing DNA results. Bembenek claims the forced confinement led to a panic attack, which drove her to escape by climbing out a window. She fell and shattered her leg, which later had to be amputated below the knee. Despite whether Bembenek was detained against her will, one wonders at the "stinking thinking" involved in allowing an emotionally fragile, convicted murderer to become so agitated that she felt her only recourse was to shimmy down the outside of a building on a bed sheet ladder.
McGraw has long been an outspoken critic of pornography. Then, he stands as the best man in his son, Jay's, 2006 wedding to Playboy playmate Erica Dahm; Phil even hosted the wedding at his Beverly Hills, Calif., mansion. Against porn? Fine. Supportive of his son, regardless? Terrific. Altering his "Dr. Phil" Web site to remove all of his comments about porn right after the fact? Phony, what a fraud this mother fucker is.
In January 2008, McGraw's behavior motivated a psychologist (an actual one, with a license and everything) to lodge a complaint with the California Board of Psychology, alleging that Dr. Phil was practicing illegally when he visited Britney Spears at Cedars-Sinai. McGraw was, reportedly, counseling Spears as well as inviting her to join her family on his stage for an upcoming televised intervention. After his unannounced hour-long visit, he made several long-winded statements on his show about Britney's mental state, which really chapped the family spokesperson.
You think Phil gives a fuck about Britney? No way he didn't care to help her, he was just looking for ratings.
Thelma Box, a former business partner, alleges that McGraw sold his stake in Pathways, their self-help company (started in 1984), an entire year before he told her. Box also insists she co-created and co-authored the materials used in Pathways seminars, material that McGraw uses today in his show, but she has never been given any credit.
Even the fairly unflappable residents of Los Angeles' Wilshire neighborhood have raised arms against McGraw. His Dr. Phil House was an actual house back in 2006, but multiple film crews, trucks, cables and the numerous wandering, addled, addicted, and just plain nutty guests all culminated in too many complaints. They were forced to stop shooting on-site; the show is now actually shot on a soundstage, not on location (although the exterior of the house is still shown in episodes).
And now this: Last week, Dr. Phil had his producers bail out Mercades Nichols, one of the six teenage Florida cheerleaders accused of beating another girl, videotaping it and posting the footage on YouTube. Nichols signed an exclusivity contract with McGraw's people, allegedly in exchange for her $30,000 bail. In light of the public outcry, producers have since announced they made an error in judgment and they have no plans to go forward with the show. Dr. Phil has yet to make his usual half-apologetic public statement, although now might be just the time for McGraw to heed his own advice: "If you want more, you have to require more from yourself."
The inappropriate bail, on the heels of the Britney fiasco, may be why there are growing rumors that Oprah wants nothing to do with the not-always-so-good doctor; there is also talk that McGraw and his wife, Robin, are on the outs. Of course super husband Phil, never mentions that this happens to be his 2nd marriage
April 23rd- Lousy drink with no alcohol Shirley Temple, Legendary singer Roy Orbisen, the other broad on Three’s Company Joyce Dewitt, One of the 3 greatest Offensive Lineman in NFL History John Hannah, hot chick Joanna Krupa, The 15th President of the USA, James Buchanan, and the master of iambic pentameter, William Shakespeare.
April 24th-Entertainer, Cedric the Entertainer, MLB Stars Chipper Jones & Carlos Beltran, crazy goalie Ed Belfour, who once offered a cop one billion dollars not to arrest him
April 25th-Michael Corleone, Al Pacino, and overrated actress, squinty face Renee Zellweger
April 26th-no birthdays worth a dam
April 27th- Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true President, Abram Lincoln, 50 dollar bill, and 18th President of the USA, Ulessys S. Grant, MLB Legend Rogers Hornsby. Hornsby holds the modern record for highest batting average in a season, .424 in 1924, and he won the Triple Crown in 1922 and again in 1925. He won the NL's MVP Award twice, in 1925 and 1929. At his peak, from 1920 to 1925, Hornsby led his league in batting average all six years, in RBIs four years, and in home runs twice. Over five seasons (1921 through 1925), Hornsby averaged an astonishing .402, a feat (based on current research), he won a 7th batting title for the Boston Braves in 1928 (.387). He hit 301 home runs, not all of them as a second baseman. He is among the top four in home runs by a second baseman, as of the start of the 2005 season.
The Ice Man George Gervin, And of course car jumping Joey Gathwright
Kari_Wuhrer_002.jpg">Kari Wuhrerand the greatest actress of all time Jessica Alba
April 29th:-Co-Creater and star of the greatest show ever, Jerry Seinfeld
Also Cougar Michele Phiffer, actress Uma Thurman, “Uma Jerry, Uma!” NBA star Carmelo Anthony, Pot Smoker, Willie Nelson
May 1st-Julie Benz. Check out the link, Julie Benz over.
Thanks for reading.
"I'm Tallent and I apporve of thus message and Atlanta getting a New Orleans style makeover"
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