infrastructure, state and federal government spend the money on studying beetle cum. The best and easiest way to get the economy back on track is to settle things in Iraq,(not by just up and leaving by the way)and to stop wasting millions on the National Belly Button Lint Museum.
McCain's economic vision stands in stark contrast with the visions of both Democratic presidential contenders, whose economic plans endorse exorbitant taxes and more bureaucracy than Alteron ever seen from the empire.
Eliminating earmarks and wasteful spending won't fill the hole completely, but it will free up tens of billions of taxpayer dollars and is only part of his wide-ranging economic plan. Transparency in the budget process also will allow Americans to see just how their hard-earned money is being spent and will call attention to leaks in the system.
McCain's economic plan also includes nixing corporate welfare and closing loopholes in the system. By focusing on eliminating the budget deficit and controlling undisciplined government spending, McCain's economic plan takes on much more responsibility for Americans' tax dollars.
I once again had a chance to sit down with Mr. McCain, and since he was buying the beers, I left the economy off the table and we disgust health care. I first asked McCain about his opponents health care plans and he had this to say. " As you know, both Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are touting outrageously expensive and unrealistic universal health care plans - a government monopoly over health care. Unlike my opponents, I do not believe that all of our nation's problems can be solved by turning control over to our government, with all the tax increases, new mandates and government regulation that come with that idea. " When I grilled McCain on why his plan was better, he responded by saying 'I believe the key to real reform is to restore control over our health care system to the patients themselves. Americans need new choices beyond those offered in employment-based coverage.
That's why, as president, I will seek to encourage and expand the benefits of Health Savings Accounts, tax-preferred accounts that are used to pay insurance premiums and other health costs. These accounts put the family in charge of what they pay for.
In addition, I will reform the tax code to provide every family the option of receiving a direct, refundable tax deposit - effectively $2,500 for individuals and $5,000 cash for families to offset the cost of insurance. "
I have to agree with Sen. McCain. The reality is that both Senator Clinton and Senator Obama, in their haste to garner support for their so-called "solutions," are promising more than they can deliver. And, once again, they are simply out-of-touch with the real problems facing our health care system and how to solve them.
Here are the facts: Under the Democrats' plan, we will have all the problems, and more, of the current health care system - rigid rules, long waits and lack of choices - and we risk degrading the system's great strengths and advantages, including the innovation and life-saving technology that make American medicine the most advanced in the world.
Did you know that the Iranian president gives all the young kids in his country cocaine. The reason being that they get hooked on the devils dandruff and if they become soldiers the Iranian government will supply them with all the yayo they want. No wonder Obama wants to "Sit down" with Mahmoud "Escobar" Ahmadinejad.

Chicago Bears Running Back Cedric Benson was arrested for driving a boat drunk. You shouldn't be arrested for that! You should be arrested for driving a boat sober. It's not a car, it's totally type of driving all together......... There are a lot less boats in the water than cars on the road. Not to mention there's a lot more room, especially in the ocean or a large lake.
Oh it's Cinco De Mayo, everyone go out and pretends you like corona, when in fact you would never drink it the other 364 days! So foolish, if you want to go out to celebrate a Mexican holiday so some reason, just drink what you usually drink, there's no need to pretend to you Corona, you don't pretend to be a Mexican.
Now that Disco has knocked out Mike Tyson and slayed Jaws. His next quest is to figure out what it is exactly Meatloaf won't do for love.
Heard a rumor that Dwayne Wade is banging Star Jones. If that's true, I have zero respect for Wade. Why would a rich, young NBA Superstar get in bed with a hideous monster like Jones
Not only is she uglier than a bag full of assholes, but she's a douche bag to boot. Marries a gay guy just to get free shit. Goes on the View and asks company's to sponsor her wedding to get free shit.
I wonder if I take that Flomax before I go out drinking, if it will prevent me from having to take a piss after each beer once my seal is broke.
I was back at Fenway the other night. The temperature was around 40, and it was pouring. Yet hundreds of people men & women still had flip flops on! What is this flip flop craze, people love these fucking things. I can see if it's hot out you don't want to get your feet sweaty and bogus, but it's cold and raining, why do you feel the need to show show off your toes.
100,00 people may have been killed in that cyclone in Myanmar, but it will always be Burma to me.
April 2nd-Top Electrician and Bag Piper Kenny Tallent, Bing Crosby, who with David Bowie sang the greatest Christmas song ever.
April 3rd-Hot Chick Kimora Lee Simons, Rock Legend James Brown
April 4th & 5th-No birthdays wortha dam
April 6th-One of the top 5 baseball players ever Willie Mays, Rock Legend Bob Seger, former UK Prime Minister and friend of the US Tony Blair, Actor George Clooney, NBA Superstar and should have been 07 MVP Chris Paul
April 7th-One of the greatest QB's ever Johnny Unitas, & deceased Wrestler Owen Hart "Enough is Enough and it's time for a change!"
April 8th-Bomb dropping President of the USA Harry S. Truman, comidic legend Don Rickles and hot chicks Jennifer Walcott & Josie Maran.
April 9th-Legendary singer & Drunk Billy Joel, hit machine Tony Gywnn, Wu Tang Member Ghost Face Killah, MLB superstar Brandon Webb & Hot Chick Rosario Dawson
April 10th-One Hit Wonder, Bono
April 11th Chick Hot Laetitia Casta
April 12th-Hall of Fame catcher Yogi Berra. Everyone thinks his little sayings were great, I think he's a fucking idiot.
Also on May 12th 1932; Over two months after he was kidnapped, American aviator Charles Lindbergh's baby is found dead; Lindbergh had paid the ransom on April 2.
That's fucked up man. If your going to kidnap a baby at least let him go after you get the ransom. I mean the kidnappers didn't even let the kid go when Lindbergh said.........
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