Guess who's back mother fuckers! How long has it been.....too long. Now that the Dell Inspirion 1525 has arrived it's time to take B?IHKH! to the next level.
What have we missed, the presidential election has been in a lull, but there's a huge primary in PA on April 22nd.
This Hil Cliton is a piece of work, trying to sound like some Audie Murphy dodging bullets in Yugoslavia. Too bad she already told the truth 8 years ago and there's footage of her getting iff the plane and kissing babies, nice story whore. Another clown who misremembered.

Also while the blog was on hiatus Obama got the endorsement of New Mexico governor Bill Richardson. Of course I live by the credo "fuck Hilary" but this Richardson is one ungrateful dude, the Clinton's made him. Bubba had this to say. "Mr. Richardson's endorsement came right around the anniversary of the day when Judas sold out (Jesus) for 30 pieces of silver, so I think the timing is appropriate, if ironic," he said.
Well that's a little much, but that Richardson isn't very loyal.
McCain's been doing his thing, taking his straight talk express from coast to coast, state to state.
The Celtics have turned into one of the best regular season teams of all time, winning 60 plus games and smashing everyone, were now just waiting for the playoffs.
The Sox had there home opener the other day, after that stupid trip that started in Japan. Now that all there opening days are done and the bullshit is over, it's time for the regular season to start. That Japan trip was awful, those games didn't even seem real. What was the need to play regular season games there. You want to play in Japan, go ahead play in late February and come back and play your grapefruit league. That was just a disgrace, The Red Sox should have to apologize to Oakland for getting them into that mess.
I guess the Bruins actually made the playoffs. So now it's time for The Gootch's B's report:
I really hope that this city gives this team the respect that they deserve, like they give all of our other teams. The Celts up until this year sucked, the B's have always been a playoff team except for a few seasons. This team is unreal, what a story, for a team to lose all of their best players for long periods of time and some are still out and be in this position is amazing. They clinched a spot last night with a 2-1 win over Ottawa and currently sit sixth in the standings and everyone is so close in the standing the B's could finish as high as 5th or as low as 8th. The sit 8 points out the top spot, there is no way they wouldn't be the #1 seed in the east had they been able to stay healthy and they are in this spot with about 6-7 guys that should still be in providence. If Claude Julien doesn't get the Jack Adams award its robbery and Chirelli for drafting these players the last few years and developing them. Krecji, Sobotka, Lashoff, Lucic, Metrpololit, Norkelainen are al top players for us and playing great. The only disappointment to me on this team is Peter Schaefer his playing more like Paul Schaefer. They traded for this guy after 3 good seasons in Ottawa and he hasn't done anything, but played great last night and has shown a few times this year he is good and he got hurt for a while too , maybe that's why he sucks but if he ever got going in the playoffs it would be huge. If Washington wins tonight they get the #3 seed and if they lose Carolina get it and currently the B's play the #3 seed I would much rather see Carolina. This team is a lot of fun to watch, see you in the playoffs.
While I was gone Massachusetts voted down Patrick Duvals whole budget plan which was to build casinos. But was Duval there to fight for his cause? Nope The Governor skipped casino debate to pitch his autobiography in NYC. That just goes to show this guy don't give a shit. He ran for governor for the publicity and the stupid asses in the State voted for him because he was black and spoke proper english.
Is France trying to change there image? All of my life I've been down on France, and for good reason for over a century they've been rude, smelly, arrogant, pussies . But you have to give credit were it's do. Have you seen this President Nicolas Sarkozy's wife. If not A nude photo of France's first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy will be auctioned off at a sale next month in New York City. But B?IHKH! has obtained the photo. From the photo we can see that President Sarkozy clearly approves of Bush.

Also France pledged to send more troops to fight Taliban in Afghanistan .We'll it's about time, maybe this Sarkozy is trying to finally do the right thing in France.
Did you see that Coors Light now has the Vent Can. The first-ever built-in vent, the Vented Wide Mouth Can. It just proves Coors Light’s continuing commitment to providing beer drinkers the best way to enjoy the World’s Most Refreshing Beer. How the people of Colorado didn't elect Peter Coors into the Senate I'll never know.
With the industry’s first built-in vent and a new eight percent wider opening, the Vented Wide Mouth Can allows for a smoother pour and delivers a draft-like experience that reduces the vacuum or “glugging” effect.
Ever since Bill Coors invented the aluminum can in 1959, beer innovations and packaging enhancements have been a hallmark of Coors Brewing Company, with the goal of delivering the coldest, most refreshing beer to adult consumers. Other recent innovations and packaging enhancements include, Cold Activated Bottle: Mountains on the label turn blue when the beer is cold enough to drink, Super Cold Draft: An innovative draft system that pours Coors Light below freezing, Frost Brew Liner: The tinted blue liner that protects the refreshing taste of its beer & the Plastic Bottle Cooler Box: The industry’s first ice-ready, one-time use cooler package.
The other day Dick Vitale was elected into the basketball hall of fame, I had the chance to speak with Dicky V and he had this to say:
Also a few weeks ago An Egyptian man was shot dead and two others wounded in an incident involving a U.S.-flagged cargo ship transverse the Suez Canal in the direction of the Mediterranean Sea. After sunset, a motor boat carrying three Egyptians approached the "Global Patriot" with the intent of selling products when the ship opened fire on it with tracer bullets killing Mohammed Fouad and wounding the other two occupants, said an Egyptian navy official on customary condition of anonymity.
My thoughts on this are, Hey sorry buddy, tell your Muslim buddies to stop blowing shit up and maybe you can sell your goods to a US ship again. What were they thinking driving there boat up to a US ship what did they expect to happen. HAven't they heard of the U.S. Cole? Again B?IHKH! turns to Jack Kirkpatrick for his thoughts. Shanna!..... they bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting into. I say, let 'em crash.
Chalk Neil Young up as dead to me. Fuck this guy. Good music but I recently found out he's a Canadian citizen. This guys whole day consist of blasting the US for anything and everything. He even has a song about Bush called "Let's impeach the President" IT'S NOT EVEN YOUR FUCKING PRESIDENT!I Hope a Southern Man slaps him around. Go back to Canada and mind your business.
The pharmacy Rite Aid is trying to put the Maury Povich show out of business. There now selling over the counter paternity test. Now the ho's can find out who's there baby's daddy is without going on Maury.
Lots of birthdays to catch up on.
March 25th-Butterfly Elton John, MLB great Tom Glavine, Best Heavyweight Wladimir Klitchsko and hot chicks Amy Smart, Danica Patrick and Katherine McPhee .
March 26th-Sonny Corleone James Caan, NFL greats Marcus Allen & Gino Capelletti & All Time NBA great John Stockton, country star Kenny Chesney who was married to Rene Zellwigger for a while but he shaved that beard pretty quickly.
March 27th-Director Quentin Tarantino who directed Tallent choice movies, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill and of course one of the top 2 movies of all time Pulp Fiction, also with birthdays on the 27th are hot chicks Taliso Soto, Malia Jones, Mariah Carey and the ultimate butter face Fergie.
March 28th-hot chick Shanna Moakler, and actor Vince Vaughn who's been in Tallent choice pics Swingers, Dodgeball, Anchorman, Starsky & Hutch, & Old School.
Also on March 28th 1930, the ancient Turkish city of Constantinople changes its name to Istanbul. So it's true when they say:
Istanbul was Constantinople
Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Constantinople
Now it's Turkish delight on a moonlit night
Every gal in Constantinople
Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople
So if you've a date in Constantinople
She'll be waiting in Istanbul
Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
Why they changed it I can't say
People just liked it better that way
So take me back to Constantinople
No, you can't go back to Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Constantinople
Why did Constantinople get the works?
That's nobody's business but the Turks
Istanbul (Istanbul)
Istanbul (Istanbul)
Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
Why they changed it I can't say
People just liked it better that way
Istanbul was Constantinople
Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Constantinople
Why did Constantinople get the works?
That's nobody's business but the Turks
So take me back to Constantinople
No, you can't go back to Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Constantinople
Why did Constantinople get the works?
That's nobody's business but the Turks
March 29th-Trophy Cy Young,smoker Joe Frazier hot chick Lucy Lawless, & all time great hot chick Elle McPherson.
March 30th-Dick Tracy star Warren Beatty, legacy key holder Ian Zering, fast car owner Tracy Chapman, race horse Secretariat and hot chick Donna Derrico.
March 31st- Al Gore WHHAAAAAAAAAA I'm Al Gore WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA there were hanging chad's WHAAAAAAAAAAAA I complain about the election but I couldn't even win my own state WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA the ice is melting WHAAAAAAAAAAA, hockey great Gordie Howe and the one and only Christopher Walken who makes any movie better just by being in it.
What have we missed, the presidential election has been in a lull, but there's a huge primary in PA on April 22nd.
This Hil Cliton is a piece of work, trying to sound like some Audie Murphy dodging bullets in Yugoslavia. Too bad she already told the truth 8 years ago and there's footage of her getting iff the plane and kissing babies, nice story whore. Another clown who misremembered.

Also while the blog was on hiatus Obama got the endorsement of New Mexico governor Bill Richardson. Of course I live by the credo "fuck Hilary" but this Richardson is one ungrateful dude, the Clinton's made him. Bubba had this to say. "Mr. Richardson's endorsement came right around the anniversary of the day when Judas sold out (Jesus) for 30 pieces of silver, so I think the timing is appropriate, if ironic," he said.
Well that's a little much, but that Richardson isn't very loyal.
McCain's been doing his thing, taking his straight talk express from coast to coast, state to state.
The Celtics have turned into one of the best regular season teams of all time, winning 60 plus games and smashing everyone, were now just waiting for the playoffs.
The Sox had there home opener the other day, after that stupid trip that started in Japan. Now that all there opening days are done and the bullshit is over, it's time for the regular season to start. That Japan trip was awful, those games didn't even seem real. What was the need to play regular season games there. You want to play in Japan, go ahead play in late February and come back and play your grapefruit league. That was just a disgrace, The Red Sox should have to apologize to Oakland for getting them into that mess.
I guess the Bruins actually made the playoffs. So now it's time for The Gootch's B's report:
I really hope that this city gives this team the respect that they deserve, like they give all of our other teams. The Celts up until this year sucked, the B's have always been a playoff team except for a few seasons. This team is unreal, what a story, for a team to lose all of their best players for long periods of time and some are still out and be in this position is amazing. They clinched a spot last night with a 2-1 win over Ottawa and currently sit sixth in the standings and everyone is so close in the standing the B's could finish as high as 5th or as low as 8th. The sit 8 points out the top spot, there is no way they wouldn't be the #1 seed in the east had they been able to stay healthy and they are in this spot with about 6-7 guys that should still be in providence. If Claude Julien doesn't get the Jack Adams award its robbery and Chirelli for drafting these players the last few years and developing them. Krecji, Sobotka, Lashoff, Lucic, Metrpololit, Norkelainen are al top players for us and playing great. The only disappointment to me on this team is Peter Schaefer his playing more like Paul Schaefer. They traded for this guy after 3 good seasons in Ottawa and he hasn't done anything, but played great last night and has shown a few times this year he is good and he got hurt for a while too , maybe that's why he sucks but if he ever got going in the playoffs it would be huge. If Washington wins tonight they get the #3 seed and if they lose Carolina get it and currently the B's play the #3 seed I would much rather see Carolina. This team is a lot of fun to watch, see you in the playoffs.
While I was gone Massachusetts voted down Patrick Duvals whole budget plan which was to build casinos. But was Duval there to fight for his cause? Nope The Governor skipped casino debate to pitch his autobiography in NYC. That just goes to show this guy don't give a shit. He ran for governor for the publicity and the stupid asses in the State voted for him because he was black and spoke proper english.
Is France trying to change there image? All of my life I've been down on France, and for good reason for over a century they've been rude, smelly, arrogant, pussies . But you have to give credit were it's do. Have you seen this President Nicolas Sarkozy's wife. If not A nude photo of France's first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy will be auctioned off at a sale next month in New York City. But B?IHKH! has obtained the photo. From the photo we can see that President Sarkozy clearly approves of Bush.

Also France pledged to send more troops to fight Taliban in Afghanistan .We'll it's about time, maybe this Sarkozy is trying to finally do the right thing in France.
Did you see that Coors Light now has the Vent Can. The first-ever built-in vent, the Vented Wide Mouth Can. It just proves Coors Light’s continuing commitment to providing beer drinkers the best way to enjoy the World’s Most Refreshing Beer. How the people of Colorado didn't elect Peter Coors into the Senate I'll never know.
With the industry’s first built-in vent and a new eight percent wider opening, the Vented Wide Mouth Can allows for a smoother pour and delivers a draft-like experience that reduces the vacuum or “glugging” effect.
Ever since Bill Coors invented the aluminum can in 1959, beer innovations and packaging enhancements have been a hallmark of Coors Brewing Company, with the goal of delivering the coldest, most refreshing beer to adult consumers. Other recent innovations and packaging enhancements include, Cold Activated Bottle: Mountains on the label turn blue when the beer is cold enough to drink, Super Cold Draft: An innovative draft system that pours Coors Light below freezing, Frost Brew Liner: The tinted blue liner that protects the refreshing taste of its beer & the Plastic Bottle Cooler Box: The industry’s first ice-ready, one-time use cooler package.
The other day Dick Vitale was elected into the basketball hall of fame, I had the chance to speak with Dicky V and he had this to say:
Also a few weeks ago An Egyptian man was shot dead and two others wounded in an incident involving a U.S.-flagged cargo ship transverse the Suez Canal in the direction of the Mediterranean Sea. After sunset, a motor boat carrying three Egyptians approached the "Global Patriot" with the intent of selling products when the ship opened fire on it with tracer bullets killing Mohammed Fouad and wounding the other two occupants, said an Egyptian navy official on customary condition of anonymity.
My thoughts on this are, Hey sorry buddy, tell your Muslim buddies to stop blowing shit up and maybe you can sell your goods to a US ship again. What were they thinking driving there boat up to a US ship what did they expect to happen. HAven't they heard of the U.S. Cole? Again B?IHKH! turns to Jack Kirkpatrick for his thoughts. Shanna!..... they bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting into. I say, let 'em crash.
Chalk Neil Young up as dead to me. Fuck this guy. Good music but I recently found out he's a Canadian citizen. This guys whole day consist of blasting the US for anything and everything. He even has a song about Bush called "Let's impeach the President" IT'S NOT EVEN YOUR FUCKING PRESIDENT!I Hope a Southern Man slaps him around. Go back to Canada and mind your business.
The pharmacy Rite Aid is trying to put the Maury Povich show out of business. There now selling over the counter paternity test. Now the ho's can find out who's there baby's daddy is without going on Maury.
Lots of birthdays to catch up on.
March 25th-Butterfly Elton John, MLB great Tom Glavine, Best Heavyweight Wladimir Klitchsko and hot chicks Amy Smart, Danica Patrick and Katherine McPhee .
March 26th-Sonny Corleone James Caan, NFL greats Marcus Allen & Gino Capelletti & All Time NBA great John Stockton, country star Kenny Chesney who was married to Rene Zellwigger for a while but he shaved that beard pretty quickly.
March 27th-Director Quentin Tarantino who directed Tallent choice movies, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill and of course one of the top 2 movies of all time Pulp Fiction, also with birthdays on the 27th are hot chicks Taliso Soto, Malia Jones, Mariah Carey and the ultimate butter face Fergie.
March 28th-hot chick Shanna Moakler, and actor Vince Vaughn who's been in Tallent choice pics Swingers, Dodgeball, Anchorman, Starsky & Hutch, & Old School.
Also on March 28th 1930, the ancient Turkish city of Constantinople changes its name to Istanbul. So it's true when they say:
Istanbul was Constantinople
Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Constantinople
Now it's Turkish delight on a moonlit night
Every gal in Constantinople
Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople
So if you've a date in Constantinople
She'll be waiting in Istanbul
Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
Why they changed it I can't say
People just liked it better that way
So take me back to Constantinople
No, you can't go back to Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Constantinople
Why did Constantinople get the works?
That's nobody's business but the Turks
Istanbul (Istanbul)
Istanbul (Istanbul)
Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
Why they changed it I can't say
People just liked it better that way
Istanbul was Constantinople
Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Constantinople
Why did Constantinople get the works?
That's nobody's business but the Turks
So take me back to Constantinople
No, you can't go back to Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Constantinople
Why did Constantinople get the works?
That's nobody's business but the Turks
March 29th-Trophy Cy Young,smoker Joe Frazier hot chick Lucy Lawless, & all time great hot chick Elle McPherson.
March 30th-Dick Tracy star Warren Beatty, legacy key holder Ian Zering, fast car owner Tracy Chapman, race horse Secretariat and hot chick Donna Derrico.
March 31st- Al Gore WHHAAAAAAAAAA I'm Al Gore WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA there were hanging chad's WHAAAAAAAAAAAA I complain about the election but I couldn't even win my own state WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA the ice is melting WHAAAAAAAAAAA, hockey great Gordie Howe and the one and only Christopher Walken who makes any movie better just by being in it.
So that's it for now, April birthdays and lots of other shit next time. Thanks for reading.
"I'm Tallent and I approve of this message and anything that has to do with Coors Light."
1 comment:
After reaing this blog I am so loving, happy, and grateful that this groundbreaking blog is back! It was put together by a true champion of information! After reading "Bloggher" everything that I've researched from a scientific and spiritual perspective immediately clicked. I was instantly inspired! It became apparent that I needed to evaluate my current paradigms along with my conscious and subconscious way of thinking! I took massive and immediate action and assumed all responsibility for my previous, habituated way of thinking. Then, I began to remove all resistance out of my life and create empowering paradigms and relationships by the powerful insight from Steve. Not only was is great comic relief, it also helped heal my back pain.
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