He did it! Johnny Boy shocked the Nation and ran away with the GOP nomination. It's strange that it was one of the biggest comebacks in election history yet McCain ran away with the nomination. The comeback was from the critics, the naysayers, the so called experts that think Americans wanted either a phony Mormon with a Dr.Strange haircut or a guy that just happened to be mayor of New York on September 11th 2001. The truth is Americans want the best guy for the job and that's McCain. The GOP Election wasn't even close, McCain won NH and never looked back. Rudy was gone by Florida & Shit realized he was done after Super Tuesday. I'm gonna git you Suckabee stayed around because he's unemployed. Huckabee interviewed for the now vacant daytime shift at the Cornerstone, we'll keep you posted.
The McCain Campaign was pretty quite in the media before Tuesday, but he said busy. McCain traveled through Ohio and Texas in advance of Tuesday's primaries in each state. From Tyler and San Antonio to Cleveland and Cincinnati, the crowds at all of John McCain's events were excited, and the energy was contagious.
In West Chester, Ohio, McCain visited the Armor Holdings factory where they assemble armored vehicles used in Iraq. After touring the plant, he held a town hall meeting, speaking to hundreds of employees before answering questions.
John McCain also held a town hall meeting at Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy in Houston, Texas. After the event, former Secretary of State James Baker endorsed John McCain. Secretary Baker said, "I support John McCain because he has the critical leadership qualities, real-world experience, and resolute moral compass that our next president will need in order to responsibly address the daunting global and domestic challenges that lie ahead."
Also last week we witnessed the first of the negative TV attacks that will be waged against John McCain. The liberal group VoteVets.org has begun airing an attack ad on cable television that flat out lies about John McCain's positions. We saw a similar attack from the New York Times last week, and it is only the beginning. It appears that the politics of "hope and change" are euphemisms for even more vicious attacks than we've ever seen before. All the usual liberal suspects - MoveOn.org, the Democratic National Committee, The New York Times and others - are adding to the efforts under way by VoteVets.org and are plotting to spend over $20 million to smear John McCain.
John took the time to Email me the other so I'll share his Email with you now:
we did it.
We won the Republican nomination. It was a long, up and down journey, but we stuck together, spoke honestly to the American people, and our steadfast determination has paid off. You have my thanks and undying gratitude for your unwavering support on the campaign trail and on your blog.
As we come to the end of our party's primary contest, we begin what will certainly be a spirited and hard-fought campaign against the Democratic nominee. In November, Americans will have a clear choice to make. And I intend to fight as hard as I can to make it very clear that I am the candidate with the experience and leadership to serve as our commander in chief from day one.
Obama couldn't put Hil away on the so called 2nd Super Tuesday. Hil took Ohio and won the Texas primary. Hil isn't really isn't back in the race much more than she was on Monday because Obama won the caucus portion of the Texas election so Hil only gained like 6 delegates. So it's status quo in the Democratic primary unless, Hil can some how free the delegates that aren't counted in Florida & Michigan or even gets another primary for these states. Party head Howard Dean is fighting to do the primaries over in these states. I hope these states are proud of themselves, if they have to run another primary it will cost each state roughly $12-$15 Million. I spoke to Howard Dean about this and he said "WE GOT TO DO ANOTHER PRIMARY IN FLORIDA AND IN MICHIGAN, THAN WE'LL GO TO WASHINGTON AND TAKE BACK THE WHITE HOUSE, EEEEEEEEEEEEEYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
Ralph Nader is back for a third party presidential nomination. Hopefully he can help steal a state like Florida for the GOP again like he did in 2000. If you remember Florida was a pretty important state in that election. Nader, pretty much a communist who wants government to set prices and even wages for workers.
Obama has received and accepted the backing of Louis Farrakhan. So now in Obama's corner is another one of my arch enemies. Jon Kerry, Patrick Duval, Ted Kennedy, Oprah and now Farrakhan, who's next David Tyree?
Star Jones TV show was cancelled, big fucking surprise. I didn't know that hideous creature even had a TV show. Who the hell wants to hear what she has to say, she's a puke with no readable human qualities.
Another crazy gunman, this time at Wendy's. Now this one really rubs me the wrong way. If you going to shoot up a restaurant, make it a shity McDonald's or Applebee's. Don't go giving Wendy bad press, all she wants to do is serve delicious burgers.
If there are any crazy gunman reading today, please save your rampage for May 31st. On May 31st at the Bank of America Pavilion, Cyndi Lauper is performing with The B-52and Rosie O'Donnell along with host Carson Kressley of the Bravo cable network's "Queer Eye". If you can't actually shoot the performers, I'm thinking anyone that spent money to go to that show could use a bullet in the sternum.
One word to describe Jon Shibly's new commercial: Powerful
Once again all the so called experts are licking the testicles of the Chicago Cubs, I'm not buying it. They'll probably win that awful Division unless maybe Milwaukee steps it up, but there not NL contenders, the Mets, Philly, Ariz and maybe Colo are all better than them.
Looks like the Sox would very well will back to back World Series. There already a Juggernaut. If there beating teams like Boston College 24-0 Northeastern like 14-3, how are the Yanks, Tor, Det, Clev, LA & Sea supposed to compete with them.
Big ups to Prince Harry. He didn't have to go to the front lines, but he did, good for him.
The odds are out for the newest version of Dancing with the Stars. It's tough to handicap it until you know who the stars partner is. Cheryl Burke is a 2 time champ who was bounced early last season because she was partnered up with Wayne Newton. She'll be looking to bounce back also Tony Doublini has gone deep in the contest a few times now but hasn't won it yet. As for the stars, I can't see Adam Carolla taking it serious enough to go deep, hopefully Shannon Elizabeth sticks around, Steve Guttenberg has no chance, hopefully Penn Jillette's heart magically explodes during competition and he dies, Priscilla Presley could do well, Monica Seles certainly has the athletic ability to make a splash that is if nobody stabs her in the spine, I think Jason Taylor will do well, I hear he's already putting in a lot of practice hours, Kristi Yamaguchi could be the favorite, she was a figure skater and that's just like dancing on ice which I think would be harder. As for the rest of the cast I don;t know who Mario, Marlee Martin or Marissa Jaret Winokur are.
Remember that show Murder She Wrote? Everywhere that chick Jessica Fletcher went someone would wind up getting wacked. Why wasn't anyone investigating her? For 12 years people were killed all around her and she conveniently always had the answers. I'm calling Shenanigans, these cases should be re-opened, I just hope she hasn't set up some poor prick for a little lethal injection action. More like Murder She Did.
March 1-My good friend Chuck Zito. Me and Chuck have been friends ever since I slapped around some guy that was giving Chuck a hard time at a bar one nght. Ever since, me and Chuck hang out at Score's a lot and every once in a while we'll hang out in Vegas for a big fight. The pic above was taking by Jimmy Scorner at the Hard Rock pool in Vegas. Also having a birthday pn March 1tt is long logged Ana Hickman http://www.webwombat.com.au/lifestyle/fashion_beauty/images/hickmann4.JPG
Also on March 1st 1972, Wilt Chamberlain becomes the first NBA basketball player to score 30,000....................................................... points.
March 2-Rock Legend Jon Bon Jovi, & new blond Bond Daniel Craig.
March 3-Crazy kicker Sebastian Janikiwoski, NFL Ben Rothsleberger and a good day for hot chicks Julie Bowen-http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/1370/juliebowenlastcallud3.jpg- Jessica Biel-http://www.wallpaperbase.com/wallpapers/celebs/jessicabiel/jessica_biel_7.jpg-
and best of the bunch Kim Smith -http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/8961/tilt2k7kimsmith01za5.jpg.
March 4-Super Hot Rachel Roberts- http://temp.pixhost.eu/avaxhome/avaxhome/2007-09-03/Rachel_Roberts_009.jpg
March 5th-That piece of shit magic cunt Penn Jillette, Baseball star Paul Konerko, hot chick Niki Taylor-http://z.about.com/d/realitytv/1/0/z/H/1/Niki_Taylor.jpg
and the lovely,the tallented, the lovely Eva Mendes seen above and here http://www.newchatter.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/eva-mendes-sex-scene.jpg
March 6th-Ed McMahon, Tom Arnold whom blows, but the part with him in the bathroom stall in the first Austin Powers movie is classic, NBA birthdays have Michael Finley, Shaq( I told you that trade would suck for Pho) and the lousy Wally Szczerbiak, I don't care what Disco says, Wally is a stiff always has been, everyone thinks that trade was great for Lebron James, Ben Wallace has always been overrated especially now he's legit below average, the Coco Crisp of the NBA is Ben Wallace.
Feb-7th Professional Hitter Jeff Kent & one of my all time favorite playmates Brooke Berry
Also on Feb 7th 1876: Alexander Graham Bell receives a patent for the telephone.
Really not that impressed, who ever invented the text message is the real genius.
Thanks for reading
"I'm Tallent I approve of this message and eating pastrami on Fridays during lent"
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