Forgive me readers for I have sinned, it's has been 13 days since I have posted.
I would like to thank the NY times for helping my boy McCain. The commie rag tried to to get nasty saying Johnny Boy was giving it hard to some chick lobbyist. They tried to take him down but all they did was build him up and disgrace themselves. Unnamed sources with no story trying to stir the poo because McCain likes blondes. I wonder if the times will write that I had inappropriate relationship with my dry cleaner because I like Asians. Another thing the Time accomplished was to unite the GOP party. The only thing the righties hate more than an anti war, illegal alien, atheist that's going to have an abortion is the NY Times. By lying about McCain the Times has rallied GOP behind McCain. Just today the Times published an article saying McCain should be ruled out because he was born in the Panama Canal Zone. But McCain's old man was in the Navy, and that's why Johnny Boy was born abroad(hahaha a broad). The Times further enhances it's reputation as being the worlds most full of shit paper.
I'm starting to think this Michelle Obama is a Niggunt. About her "first time in my adult life you were proud of your country" talk. Don't let your nipples get too hard yet. Your husband might beat the unlikable bitch in your primary. But this country will not elect Obama over McCain, you can log that all day long! But than I was reading her college thesis and read the following.
"I found at Princeton, no matter how liberal and open minded some of my white classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really don't belong"
Regardless of thee circumstances under which I interact with whites at Princeton, it often seems as if, to them, I will always be a black student first.
This next quote sounds more like a Black Panther Speech than a college thesis.
"It is possible that black individuals either chose to or felt pressure to come together....because of the belief that blacks must join in soldiery to combat the white oppressor."
Waaaaaa I'm black and go to Princeton WAAAAAAAAA. What about all the people black, white, spic & chink that are just as smart and smarter than you that didn't have the chance to go to Princeton or Harvard.
She grabbed a partial scholarship to Princeton and a FULL FUCKING FREE RIDE AT HARVARD. Were where white oppressors than! Were you pround of your country when it handed you over like $150 grand to go to school. I don't have any facts but I'm willing to guess some of the scholarships she's received weren't;t available to white students. Even though I don't agree with most if any of Obama's politics, I respect that he hasn't played the race card, he's let Hilary do that, but his wife should shut up and continue to finger Oprah's snatch.
With Obama with a close lead, the Democrat primary goes to the key states Texas & Ohio. If Hill wins both than she's right back in the race. If she wins one, she's still in but not looking good (does she ever?). If she loses both, goodnight Irene.
I can't believe in a race so close, it's not a bigger story that the Florida and Michigan delegates do not count. If you remember Michigan and Florida moved there primaries up without the blessing of the powers that be in the democratic party. So the party took there delegates away. I hope it was worth it for these states to move up there primary. This amazes me, with the future of are country on the line these States and the Democratic party are having a pissing match. How would you feel if your a citizen of those states and your vote didn't even count.
I've gotten a few Emails from McCain Campaign manager Ricky Davis, which I will share with you now:
Last night, I was able to thank the people of Wisconsin and Washington for bringing me one step closer to securing our party's nomination for president. Today, I want to specially thank my online supporters for your hard work that has brought me to this point. As we move toward officially securing the nomination, I am actively working to unite our party for the great contest that we face in November. If I am to succeed in this endeavor, I will need your help as a valued and active member of my team.
We have traveled a great distance together already in this campaign, and overcome more than a few obstacles. But as I said last week, now comes the hard part and for America, the bigger decision. Will we make the right changes to restore the people's trust in their government and meet the great challenges of our time with wisdom and faith in the values we hold dear? Or will we heed appeals for change that ignore the lessons of history, and lack confidence in the intelligence and ideals of free people?
I will fight every moment of every day in this campaign to make sure Americans are not deceived by an eloquent, but empty call for change that promises no more than a holiday from history and a return to the false promises and failed policies of a tired philosophy that trusts in government more than people. Our purpose is to keep this blessed country free, safe, prosperous and proud. And the changes we offer to the institutions and policies of government will reflect and rely upon the strength, industry, aspirations and decency of the people we serve.
The most important obligation of the next president is to protect Americans from the threat posed by violent extremists who despise us, our values and modernity itself. The institutions and doctrines we relied on in the Cold War are no longer adequate to protect us in a struggle where suicide bombers might obtain the world's most terrifying weapons.
That is why my friends, while I am confident of the eventual outcome of this primary race - the stakes are too high to take the nomination for granted. There are still more primaries, there are still three of us competing for the nomination and I am still working night and day to make sure that we have the funds necessary to compete and win the remaining state primaries.
Dear Tallent
It has been an exciting and hard-fought few months. Support from McCainiacs nationwide fuels our campaign and helps spread our message to fellow supporters who will cast primary votes.
You are one of our strongest supporters, and I join the Senator and our entire campaign organization in expressing our deep gratitude for your commitment.
Your steadfast support fueled a surging campaign through the primaries that is now poised to win the Republican nomination. We should all be proud to stand with John McCain he is ready to be the next President of the United States.
Tax's Election report:
Hillary can't get enough people to vote for her, so her campaign is just trying to scare people into voting against Obama. It's sickening. Especially since she allegedly is a Democrat. I think she loves being in power more than she loves the Democratic Party. Because stunts like this can only weaken the Party and help McCain. Hillary, it's over, you lost, you can't win. You are down by 160 pledged delegates. You got blown out in 11 straight elections, the closest one was 17 points. Game. Set. Match. It's time to drop out and solidify the Democratic party against a tough GOP opponent. McCain might not be able to do any more campaigning for 6 months because he may have violated the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law (yes, that's right, the law he wrote, that's priceless). But he doesn't need to campaign right now because Hillary is doing it for him.
McCain is vulnerable right now between that and the lobbyist story. A united Democratic party should be applying the pressure to him, but Hillary's nonsense is letting him stay under the radar. Huckabee is staying in he race even though he can't win either. But at least he's not throwing dirty cheap shots at McCain like Clinton is to Obama. He cares about his party, and he cares about his country. He's a lunatic, but he's not an asshole. But I digress.
As for the photo, Obama was on a diplomatic mission to Kenya and dressed in the tribal garb, just like every other politician does on diplomatic missions. (see a few pictures below) But because Obama happens to be a black guy with a funny name, everyone is scared. It's about time people see through that crap and reject it. Unfortunately, people are generally pretty stupid so it actually works a lot of the time. Hopefully Obama and McCain will stay away from this crap because they both seem to be men of honor, and they both know that all this crap can do is hurt the country by turning people off to politics and driving them away from getting involved. I think McCain remembers South Carolina in 2000, when Karl Rove started that rumor that he fathered an illegitimate black baby. That's why Bush is in office right now instead of McCain or Gore. I'd be upset if he used that lesson to tear someone else down, rather than to reject that stuff completely.
I'd rather hear about economic plans, foreign policy, national security, taxes, health care, etc. But this is what excites people. That McCain story that broke, everyone focused on whether he was fingerblasting that lobbyist, that wasn't even the point. It was that he may have had a close relationship with a lobbyist whose clients came before the commerce committee that he chaired. He wrote letters to the FCC on behalf of her clients, maybe she was giving him head and maybe she wasn't that's not the point. But people fall for the sensationalist crap like the affair and this foolish picture, which anyone with half a brain would know is harmless.
The Gootch's B's report:
Night after Night Marc Savard is the best player on the ice every game, he will never be the MVP with guys like Crosby and Ovechkin and shit but he outplays those guys all the time, he is playing awesome tonight. Good Game 1-1 lots of fights too. Trade Deadline is Tuesday, I would love to see the B's get Mike Knuble back and I bet they could get him back for cheap...I wish Jacobs let us bring Nylander, Rolston and Knuble back...all 3 of those guys were willing to take less to stay here too. FUCK! I love Hockey.
That Rule: "I" before "E" accept after "C" is bullshit
Looks like WHDH Channel 7 has been reading the blog. They have Francis Rivera out of the turtle necks and wearing less make-up.
Birthdays Feb 20-B's great Phil Esposito, Sir Charles Barkley, piece of ass Cindy Crawford, Kurt Cobain who was murdered, log it, MLB ace Justin Verlander, and Rhianna, I was one of first people to predict big things for Rhianna years ago I said "she's the next Beyonce". Now she's a superstar. Further proves that I'm a trend setter.
Feb 21st-The original cougar Sweet Rue McClanahan, Down Periscope star Kelsey Grammer, & Sexy chick Jennifer Love Hugetits.
Also on feb 21st 1965: Someone did everyone a favor as Malcolm X is shot dead at the Audubon Ballroom, in Harlem, New York. Nothing but a racist this guy, MLK must roll over in his grave everytime his name is mentioned in t he same sentence as Malcolm X
Feb 22nd-OH CRIKIE! Alligator fucker Steve Irwin, Father of the Country George Washington (literarily, he had like 1,000 kids) and fat piece of cat shit, assfuck, rat cum Ted Kennedy, the father of the dunk Dr.J, and hot chick Jeri Ryan.
Feb 23rd-Actress Dakota Fanning, this little shit is already out of touch with real life, I can't imagine how big of turd she'll be when she's 30 and baseball great Hornus Wagner.
Feb 24th-McCain buddy Joe Lieberman, dart team goalie Edward James Olmos, boxing great Floyd Mayweather Jr. "FUCK HIS ASS UP............ MAYWEATHER., gay QB Jeff Garcia and the real hero of the PTO(Pacific Theater of Operations) in WWII Chester Nimitz not Macarthur. Nimitz was appointed rear admiral(gay?) In December 1941, after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the entry of the United States into World War II, Nimitz was appointed commander in chief of the Pacific Fleet, with the rank of four-star admiral. As commander of the Pacific Ocean Zone, he directed both the Navy and the Marines. His bold tactics and strategy were largely responsible for stopping the Japanese advance at the Battle of the Coral Sea (May 1942) and the victorious Battle of Midway (June 1942). Nimitz also helped to develop the strategy of island hopping, in which each island that was captured became the base from which to attack the next target. Islands that were Japanese strongholds were skipped; this strategy saved both lives and time. He was promoted to the position of Admiral of the Fleet in 1944. Nimitz was the official U.S. representative who signed the Japanese surrender in 1945. After the war, he was chief of naval operations from December 1945 to December 1947, when he retired.
Feb 25th- The Nature Boy Ric Flair, WOOOOOOOOOO!
Feb 26th-Actor Jackie Gleason, good but overrated Johnny Cash and NFL great Marshall Faulk.
Also on Feb 26 1993: A terrorist bomb explosion kills five people and badly damages the World Trade Center in New York, New York. But Bubba was too busy getting a blumkin to do anything about it.
Feb 27th-Old whore Liz Taylor, NFL great Ray Berry, October Gonzalez' husband Tony, daughter to a whore Chelsea Cliton and actress Rae Dong Chong who won best supporting actress in 1985 for her role in Commando.
Feb 28th-NCAA hoops coaching legend Dean Smith
Feb 29th-Denis Farina, I wish Farina would branch out and play a cop sometime, I bet that would be good.
The March birthdays on the next post which is already being worked on to avoid another delay.
Thanks for reading.
"I'm Tallent and I approve of message and doing more than bracket in your office pool"