I now know why nobody has hardly ran against Menino all these years he's been in office. They've been afraid too and I don't blame them. Menino and his crew are just like the Mafia, if you cross them they'll use there power and resources to ruin you. It takes real balls if your a business owner to donate to rival of Menino, for most business owners it's just not worth it. One local bar who's name I won't mention (It's the opposite of the Shittiest Bar) lost almost 75 grand simply because the owner donated $500 to Michael Flaherty's campaign. Once the Mayors office got word, they came busting in with trumped up inspectional violations and closed them down for a few weeks. And of course proving that it is politically motivated is difficult and would costs tens of thousands more in attorney fees, and will bring so many more headaches for them and more lost revenue.
Game On at Fenway Park was going to host a fund raiser for Flaherty, until Menino's top lackey paid them a visit and warned them not to or they would face the same punishment as other establishments that dared to go against the Menino family.
Even Boston's beloved Drop Kick Murphy's can't escape the Menino klan. They came to lead singer Ken Casey's bar and demanded that Ken call Flaherty and tell him to stop using Drop Kick songs in his campaign video's(that's just immature). When Casey refused Menino's henchmen threatened the business, so you'd better get the Beckett Burger while you can.
Is it just coincidence that Dana Van Fleet's Place, who's owner is a known Menino supporter, hasn't received any violations even though there's been a stabbing, a bartender caught selling Yayo over the bar and of course the coat check disaster.
As soon as this blog post I fear that the Beantown Gestapo will kick down my door and kill my dog because I forgot to cross a "t" or dot an"i" on his $6 license application.
As much as I like Jerry Remy as color commentator for the Sox, we may have a Wally Pip situation. NESN needs to find a way to keep Eck in the booth when Remy comes back. Eckersley is too entertaining to be relegated to the post game shit that no one watches.
Reading the crawl on ESPN last night and it says "Vikings trainer, gives Farves tips to help shoulder" FUCK YOU WHO CARES! The trainer should be helping the teams quarterback. ESPN can stop it with the mystery stuff, everyone in the world knows that he's coming back to play for Minnesota. Farve is Bob Wiley and football fans across the country are millions of Dr.Leo Marvin's. He wont go away, he's like genital herpes, he worse than herpes, at least with herpes you can take Valtrex there's no Valtrex for Brett Farve.
And now the triumphant return of The Gootch's B's Report!
08-09 Boston Bruins season review
The Bruins are back! After finishing up strong the season before the B's were nearly unbeatable for most of the season finishing as the Best team in the East and lost a disappointing game 7 to the Carolina Hurricanes ( the one team I didn't want to play in the playoffs), the B's a very young and this was a great learning season they have the skill all over the ice and just a little bit more experience and this team will be raising the cup in no time. The newly resigned Chiarelli has some very tough decisions to make to keep the B's under the cap and maybe forced to deal away Kessel after signing the future super star Dave Krecji there is not much room left for anybody else. Look for the B's to take home several awards this year, Tim Thomas and Zdeno Chara should be walking home with some hardware. I'll Talk to you in October, See you at the rink!
I'm thrilled to announce that Michael Phelps picked up his first endorsement since a picture of him hitting a bong surfaced. Phelps was unfairly vilified and lost all his endorsements after the picture surfaced. Ted Kennedy drowns his girlfriend and he gets re-elected to senate 87 times, Michael Jackson fingers little boys, when he dies he's hailed as some kind of hero, but 22 year old Phelps gets chinky eyed with his friends after he gets back from winning 32 gold medals and he's a bad seed. The 14-time Olympic gold medal-winning swimmer signed a multiyear deal with H2O Audio, a San Diego-based maker of waterproof headphones and accessories. Now I have absolutely no need for such accessories but if I ever do I'll be buying H2O Audio. Another H2O Audio athlete is Olympic swimmer Natalie Coughlin, who quite frankly seems like a lovely young lady
As if Jessica alba needed to get more on my good side, she has now taken up a cause that I've been on all my life and is near and dear to my heart. Alba found herself in hot water last week when photos surfaced of her papering over a billboard as part of a guerrilla-style campaign for White Mike, an L.A.-based group aiming to raise awareness of the endangered great white shark. She quickly apologized for the "spontaneous and ill-advised stunt."

Twitter is just a fad that will soon pass, log it. They should of called it Twatter, then maybe it would have a longer shelf life.
Or maybe Shitter! HAHAHA. "The only way to get news out of Iran, is through "shitting".
So speaking on Iran. The people of Iran last week tried to do they right thing and vote out the crazy Islamic government, only problem is that there a crazy Islamic government and you just don't vote them out. Did the people of Iran really think they were going to get a far election? So they did what any mass of people who want to be heard of, they took it to the streets, which was all fine and good until the Ayatollah, the Supreme Leader in Iran condemned the protest as illegal and unleashed the pro-government Basij militia on those poor pricks and that's when things got ugly. Mass beat downs and shootings of the once peaceful protesters started immediately. Things came to a head when the death of the beautiful young Neda was captured and posted of Youtube. Now the protest have waned out of fear of being Neda'd or worse and things are slowly going back to status quo in Iran. The opposition still isn't giving up the fight but when the government has all the guns and tear gas along with the right to do anything they want, it's a fight that's not going to go the oppositions way.
I had the chance to speak to one Iranian protester who was luck enough to get away from the Basij. I asked how he got away away he told me, " So Iran, Iran so far away. Iran all night and day. I couldn't get away"
A lot of people have criticized President Obuma's reaction or lack there of to the Iran Crisis. This one area were I can't take the President to task. What is he supposed to do. Anything he does will be seen as meddling to the Muslim world.
But Mr.Obuma, this is the same thug regime that you want to give credence to by sitting down face to face with. Even after they called you a good ole House Nigger(there words not mine).
Check out this live blog from out of Iran:...live blogging from Baharestan Square in central Tehran today captures but brief glimpses of the unimaginable horror that took place today. Bus loads of protesters were stopped and unloaded from their buses by "black-clad police" and literally herded. When the massing was sufficient, as the barely controllably distraught Tehran caller to CNN described first hand, hundreds of the regime's Basij thugs poured out of an adjoining mosque and commenced a massacre with axes, clubs, guns and gas.
This is the Iranian regime, wading into its own unarmed people and axing them to death, bludgeoning women (seen as the greatest threat to the regime) and throwing them to their deaths from pedestrian bridges.
You frigin invite Iranian President Afterdinerjacket, the man behind these madness to your house on the Fourth of July for burgers and dogs.
All this going on and you don't hear a peep from the U.N. as usual. Is there still a U.N.? There shouldn't be, worthless piece of shit organization.
Eventually we'll here from B?IHKH!'s political correspondent Tax and get his take on the events in Iran but right now the Iranian authorities have barred journalists for international news organizations from reporting on the streets and ordered them to stay in their offices. Tax tried to email the story last week but was sucker punched in the mouth Murphy's Law style and got his blackberry seized.
I'm afraid we may see a similar situation right here in Boston. When Menino loses the election to Michael Flaherty, there's no doubt he'll ignore the election results and send out his hordes of yes men and meter maids to give street cleaning tickets to anyone that supports Flaherty.

Transformers 2 is came out which gives me an excuse to post this:

Speaking of sequels, if you give the MD's a silly subject we will absolutly take it and run with it. SO one day we get to calling out movie sequel titles that are pretty much the opposite of the originals. Here's what we came up with:
Amistad 2: The Love Boat
Robin Hood: Men in Leotards
What's throwing up Gilbert Grape
Armegeddon 2: armregretton making the first one
Carlito's Other Way
The Day the Earth Started Moving AgainStench of a Cunt
Broiled White Potatoes
national almpoons Personal day
Particular given Tuesday
The Shortest foot
Here with the Breeze
Live soft
The 41 year old guy who had sex before.
Notorious 2: Reputable
The Association of Ordinary Assholes
Things to Do in Denver When You're Paralyzed from the Waist Down
Even Betterfellas
Bowling ball run
Boogie Nights 2: Snot Days
When Harry Met Sally He gave her roofies
2 Crawled under the Vultures nest
Liam Neisan stars in "Returned"
Roots 2: this time tobey has a whip
King Kong 2: This Time He Eats the Bitch
Ferris Bulher's Double Shift
Sunday Night Soar Throat
Not Giving a Damn About Private Ryan
The Flamenco SuitcaseAll Cats Burn in HellDog on a cold steel floor
Nights of lightning
L. A everyone knows
A Non-Commissioned Soldier and an Asshole
*Batteries are definitely included
A few lousy boys
Larry of Irseal
It's loud as hell on the Eastern Front
Hardley Looking For Susan
Stephen King's: The Sit
Message in a Condom
Emails from Iwo Jima
The Decent, The Awful and The Handsome
Star War Episode VI: Return of the not so skilled
Sit and Recieve
Snow White and the Eight Dwarfs: Who brought rubbers?There will be bone marrow
A Future of Pacifist
Bus Driver
Some like it Luke Warm
Splash 2: no wake
Ernest doesn't go anywhere
Half cotton t shirt
Don't Tell Mom the Baby Sitter Was Just Sleeping
The Afterlife of a Salesman
Philidephia Two: It Was Just The Flu
Tomorrow dies constantly
Apocalypse Later
Shindler's other list: This time it's personal
You forgot about this Mohican"
Thin line between hate and hate
American History XI
There's something about Hitler
DC Trolley
The Clean 11
Brians Poem
Platoon 2 Electric Boogaloon
Dr. Do-everything around this house cause the wifes a lazy whore
Wrist Shot
Capture WillyPlenty of Country for Young Girls
Luxary Cat Trillionaire
Gentlemen Prefer Blowjobs
Color purple 2: the color green
Little Shop of Delightful Treats
Unforgivin 2: Wicked SorryJerry Maguire returns, Look at the Monneysober and completely awareThe world is to much
Ocean's None
Straighten it like Twellman
Down periscope 2: down syndrome
Save Bill
Fake Romance
Thanks to Tax, The Gootch, Jimmy, Face, Shamus and Fing Fang Foom
People know I love Frank Sinatra. But I got to say he's way off base in his song "Lady is Tramp".
Take a look at the lyrics and tell me exactly way this bitch is a tramp. (My comments in parathesis)
She gets too hungry, for dinner at eight (She should be hungary at 8, I'm looking for my 4th meal around that time)
She loves the theater, but doesnt come late (That's good, she's puntual)
She'd never bother, with people she's hate (Why would she bother with them, if she hates them)
Thats why the lady is a tramp
Doesnt like crap games, with barons and earls (So?)
Wont go to harlem, in ermine and pearls (That's smart, she doesn't want to get rolled for her ermine & pearls)
Wont dish the dirt, with the rest of those girls (Good, all the rest of those girls do is gssip)
Thats why the lady is a tramp
She loves the free, fresh wind in her hair (Is that a problem?)
Life without care
Shes broke, but its ok
She hates california, its cold and its damp (Who likes cold & damp?)
Thats why the lady is a tramp
Doesnt like dice games, with sharpies and frauds (Nobody wants to play a game with fraud)
Wont go to harlem, in Lincolns or Fords (Again smart, doesn't want her car stolen)
Wont dish the dirt, with the rest of those broads
Thats why the lady is a tramp
So those are the reasons the lady is a tramp? I'm not buying it. In my opinion Old Blue Eyes owes that lady an apology
If you a guy, you either a) love Eva Mendes or 2) are gay. There's no gray area.

Now that they split up there going to have to change the name of the show to John & Kate: Masturbate
We know Michael Jackson is dead, but we still don't know if Annie's ok.
How do you lose a needle in a haystack and why would you even bother looking for it, just get another needle.
Thanks for reading
I'm Tallent, and I approve of this message
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