Alec Baldwin, a star of NBC's "30 Rock," was examined Thursday at a hospital after his daughter called 911 saying he had threatened to take pills after they argued, a law enforcement official said.
I find this unbelievable. I know for a fact Baldwin and his daughter have a great relationship, just listen to the love in this voice mail.
Last week Apple introduced it's new product the IPAD. Now I'm not one to tell Steve Jobs how to run his business but I don't see this flying. They should stick to making phones, computers and shit like that and stay out of the femine hygiene arena.
Heard a rumor that South Boston is in the running to be the location for the next season of Greaseball Shore. First of all why would MTV take the show to Southie when they could go out to the Hampton’s, or down Miami Beach. Second of all, please stay the fuck out. As great as Southie is, it has several problems. Crime, junkies, Meter Maids, drunks, yuppies, dog shit, parking, shitty politicians, stop signs as far as the eye can see, just to name a few. But we really don't have a Guido problem, and I'd like that to remain the case. So please MTV don't burden me with there nonsense.
And now for The Gootch's B's Report:
Well we didn't get Kovalchuck and I'm actually glad, they were trying to rip us off and then they settle for a horrible deal, good luck Atlanta. I think we should go out and grab Whitney and Selanne both of those guys would only cost us draft picks and be able to keep our team intact we have 9 1st and 2nd round picks in the next 2 drafts, That's incredible, teams would die to be in that position the Bruins are in tremendous shape for years to come , we can grab whitney and selanne we would have an awesome team. i would not want to play us. The team is starting to turn it around and the key to it all is they are playing physical again, when they play tough they win and when they play like pussies they lose. It can be a simple game if you go out and do what your suppose to do. Next week my Olympic Men's hockey preview and predictions. See you at the rink
unless Wheeler or Thornton can play center come playoff time thornton would have to be an extra skater, we would have Thornton, Paille and Bitz not able to dress for games, all 4 lines are stacked.
See You At The Rink!
Comic Review for the week of January 27th:
Amazing Spider-Man #619 - Spidey caught in the middle of a war between Mysterio's Maggia and Mr.. Negative's Ninja's, all the while Aunt May is acting like an old cunt.
Avengers Initiative #32 - The Taskmaster soaking up the Siege of Asgard as a place to make his name and he works himself right up there for the take down of Thor.
Captain America Reborn #6- Steve Rodgers is alive(again), Red Skull is dead(again).
Daredevil #504 - Daredevil and The Hand go on the offensive against Osborn and H.A.M.M.E.R.
Fantastic Four #575- The big issue to set the tone for the year is a bunch of smart sub-terrains raising a city on Earth? I got to stop getting this comic.
Guardian's of the Galaxy #22- The Guardians got that shit that Universal Church of Truth was worshiping out of Moondragons womb, but a battle with The Magnus is on the horizon. I guess all these Realm of Kings stories just have to do with "The Fault" but will never really connect. If that's a fact then I don't get the Realm of Kings title.
Ms.Marvel #49- The 2nd last of this series was better than I thought it would be setting up a final brawl between Mystique and Ms.Marvel in the series finale.
February 3rd:
Siege #2 -Seriously this was one of the best comic books I've ever read. Action packed, I had butterfly's. Ares finally realizes that he's being used by Osborn and goes after him. Only to have The Sentry cut him off. Ares tries in Ernst to take down The Sentry, only to have the Sentry frign rip him in half. Powers on both sides were horrified to see the God or War being shred by the all powerful Sentry. With the help of Mari Hill and some dude Jason. Thor is able to escape to the town of Broxton, Oklahoma. Osborn sends Dakin to sniff him out so Thor shot a lighting bolt up Daken’s nose and toasted his crazy ass. Thor tells Osborn to "bring it Mother Fucker" so Osborn sends The Sentry to take down Thor and lay waste to Broxton, Oklahoma. Siege #2 ends with Osborn about to get Cap's Shield of his face.

Cable #23- More of the same Cable and Hope are trying to get back to 2010 as Bishop tries to kill Hope. There in the 30's now so there almost back to 2010.
Invincible Iron Man #23- More of the same, Dr.Strange is in Broxton, Oklahoma trying to help Tony Stark remember who he is.
Nova #34- Deep in Fault Old Sphinx's team including Nova and Darkhawk defeats Young Sphinx's team. Then the stupid ass Darkhawk gives Old Sphinx New Sphinx Ra Gem making Old Sphinx pretty much a cosmic god. Everyone knows The Sphinx is a real prick so now that's he's doubled his power you can bet on him being a huge pain in ass.
This week Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit edition hit stores with Smoking Hot Brooklyn Decker donning the cover. Decker? I hardly know her!! YES!

The games of the 2010 Olympiad started up this Friday in Vancouver a place I've always wanted to go, not that anyone gives a fuck. The winter games are pretty weak. Hockey is ok, crazy ski crashes are nice but there's not a lot going in the winter games.
By far the granddaddy of all events is the Curling. This year should be Olympic Curling's most exciting with perennial favorites and 2006 Gold Metal winner Canada still ruling the roost but 2010 should be Canada's toughest gold medal defense with countries such as Switzerland, who at least stop being neutral pansy's to play a game, and 2009 World Champion Great Brittan, looking to knock Canada off it's Olympic perch. The United States team led by Mark Johnson is the third seed this year. Johnson's dual citizen being from Edmonton brings the much experience to Team USA. Look also for Germany to be in the medal hunt on the Men's side.
Much like the Men's side the big favorite for the chicks is Canada. Unlike the men Canada is challenged by China & Denmark as well as Sweden. The Swiss aren't half bad either. I'm personally rooting for Austria, take a look at one of there players....

Tough to go against Canada at home on either side. For the rest of the Men's medals I got USA with the Silver and England with the Bronze. The Chinese woman will figure out some way to cheat at Curling and get the Silver Medal and the Swedes getting Bronzed.
History will be made in January 2011 when no mother fucking Kennedy will have there grubby hands on this countries Government. 60 years these filthy pricks have been around and now with Junky Representative Pat Kennedy saying he won't run for a 9th term. 8 frign terms this puke was elected to. They same amount of times he's entered the Betty Ford Clinic. Patches says his life is taking him in a new direction, which could only mean he's going to start injecting the cocaine. This just goes to show that the junky had nothing to stand on as a politician other than that he was Ted's son and once the big piece of shit went, the little piece of shit was out the door to.

I have to say I'm pretty proud of my blog. Since it started I've had a hand in knocking Dr.Phil down to size, forcing Oprah into retirement, kicking Leno out of Prime Time and now I've killed the Kennedy's.
Speaking of that twat Leno, did you see that an episode of Law & Order: SVU that has already aired TWICE got over 2 million more viewers than the average Leno show got, on the first night Leno was off at 10 P.M.

Thanks for Reading.
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