Kate Hudson and frigin Dane Cook are staring in a Romantic Comedy. Holy shit, how could anyone actually go and see that movie!? I cant fathom anyone even watching that movie for free, never mind actually paying to see it. Anyone that goes to the movies to see that should be punched in the genitals. Right after the previews, the ushers at every movie theater should go around socking people in there genitals with there flashlights.
What huge piece of dog shit Karl Rove is. He said that both presidential candidates have gone too far this election when it comes to rumors and mud slinging. WHAT!?!?! This from the very guy who started the rumor in 2000 that McCain's adopted Indonesian daughter was actually a black lust child. That's all the red states needed to elect Bush over McCain in 2000 and they rest as they say is history.
Forget the economy, forget the war on Terror, gas prices, health care, jobs, energy, education and the environment. Forgot all that. The biggest issue facing the candidates in this election are the surging beer prices at Miller's Market. $18.99 is too much for a 12 pack of domestic beer! Almost $30 for a 30 pack of Coors Light is outrageous. Relief is needed.

Ever since the state of Colorado failed to elect the great Peter Coors to Senate I've been down on that state. "Oh look at us ski and breathe thin air but not elect one of the greatest Americans in history to Senate" We'll on November 4th Colorado has chance to redeem it self. With the election being tighter than sewed up asshole, Colorado and it's 9 electoral votes could come in huge, the polls have Obuma with a slight lead in Colorado at this point. Do the right thing Colorado, you already fucked up once, it's time to make amends and help elect John McCain as our next president.
The Financial mess that this country is in came to head in these last couple weeks. All this is due to unfathomable greed from these companies and politics on both side of the isle. I'll tell ya, the good thing about not having any money, is that you can't lose money when shit like this happens.
The facts are Obuma talks a tough game on the financial crisis, but the facts tell a different story. Senator Obama took more money from Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac than anyone but the chairman of the committee they answer to, and he put Fannie Mae's CEO, who helped create this problem in charge of finding his Vice President. That's not change, that's what's broken in Washington.
Does Obuma even realize the lies he spews, does he realize that there are facts to prove him as a liar? He inflates his record like a Lewinsky blow up doll and I feel like I'm the only one paying attention
“In January, I outlined a plan to help revive our faltering economy, which formed the basis for a bipartisan stimulus package that passed the Congress,” Obama said in Golden, Colo.
OUTLINED THE PLAN!?!?!?!?!?!?! He didn't even show up for the fucking vote! On final passage of the bill Feb. 7. Obuma was a no show, McCain voted for the legislation, which passed the Senate 81-16. President Bush signed the relief on Feb. 13.
A New York Times report from Jan. 12 noted that Hillary Cliton was actually the first candidate to offer a short-term stimulus proposal, including $70 billion for housing and other aid and $40 billion in potential tax rebates.
I had the honor to talk to Sen McCain over the weekend and of course this financial mess was the subject. Here's what Sen. McCain had to say:
"As Senator Obama's leader in Congress memorably put it the other day -- and I quote -- "no one knows what to do." Perhaps given that reaction, it shouldn't surprise us that the Congressional leaders of this do-nothing Congress also said that they weren't going to take action until after the election, claiming that it wasn't their fault. I am hopeful that last night's discussions are a sign they have changed their mind and will take action soon. But any action should be designed to keep people in their homes and safe guard the life savings of all Americans by protecting our financial system.There are certainly plenty of places to point fingers, and it may be hard to pinpoint the original event that set it all in motion. But let me give you an educated guess. The financial crisis we're living through today started with the corruption and manipulation of our home mortgage system. At the center of the problem were the lobbyists, politicians, and bureaucrats who succeeded in persuading Congress and the administration to ignore the festering problems at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.These quasi-public corporations lead our housing system down a path where quick profit was placed before sound finance. They institutionalized a system that rewarded forcing mortgages on people who couldn't afford them, while turning around and selling those bad mortgages to the banks that are now going bankrupt. Using money and influence, they prevented reforms that would have curbed their power and limited their ability to damage our economy. And now, as ever, the American taxpayers are left to pay the price for Washington's failure.Two years ago, I called for reform of this corruption at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Congress did nothing. The Administration did nothing. Senator Obama did nothing, and actually profited from this system of abuse and scandal. While Fannie and Freddie were working to keep Congress away from their house of cards, Senator Obama was taking their money. He got more, in fact, than any other member of Congress, except for the Democratic chairmen of the committee that oversees them. And while Fannie Mae was betraying the public trust, somehow its former CEO had managed to gain my opponent's trust to the point that Senator Obama actually put him in charge of his vice presidential search.This CEO, Mr. Johnson, walked off with tens of millions of dollars in salary and bonuses for services rendered to Fannie Mae, even after authorities discovered accounting improprieties that padded his compensation. Another CEO for Fannie Mae, Mr. Raines, has been advising Senator Obama on housing policy. This even after Fannie Mae was found to have committed quote "extensive financial fraud" under his leadership. Like Mr. Johnson, Mr. Raines walked away with tens of millions of dollars.Senator Obama may be taking their advice and he may be taking their money, but in a McCain-Palin administration, there will be no seat for these people at the policy-making table. They won't even get past the front gate at the White House.Tallent, this is the problem with Washington. People like Senator Obama have been too busy gaming the system and haven't ever done a thing to actually challenge the system.We've heard a lot of words from Senator Obama over the course of this campaign. But maybe just this once he could spare us the lectures, and admit to his own poor judgment in contributing to these problems. The crisis on Wall Street started in the Washington culture of lobbying and influence peddling, and he was square in the middle of it."
Obama has only been in the senate for three years but he is the second highest receivers or donation from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. See below.
Grand Total
Total fromPACs
Total fromIndividuals
Dodd, Christopher J
Obama, Barack
Kerry, John
Bennett, Robert F
Bachus, Spencer
Blunt, Roy
Kanjorski, Paul E
Bond, Christopher S ‘Kit’
Shelby, Richard C
Reed, Jack
Reid, Harry
Clinton, Hillary
Davis, Tom
Boehner, John
Conrad, Kent
Reynolds, Tom
Johnson, Tim
Pelosi, Nancy
It does prove that both parties were responsible for this mess with their crony capitalism. However, Obama is solely blaming McCain. That's the height of hypocrisy.
In yet another case of Obuma not practicing what he preaches:
"Now is the time to keep the promise of equal pay for an equal day's work," Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama said Aug. 28 in his convention acceptance speech. He told the crowd in Denver: "I want my daughters to have exactly the same opportunities as your sons."Obama's campaign website is even more specific. Under the heading "Fighting for Pay Equity," the women's issues page laments that, "Despite decades of progress, women still make only 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. A recent study estimates it will take another 47 years for women to close the wage gap with men at Fortune 500 corporate offices. Barack Obama believes the government needs to take steps to better enforce the Equal Pay Act..."
Obama's commitment to federally mandated pay equity stretches from the Rockies to Wall Street and beyond. And yet it seems to have eluded his Senate office. Compensation figures for his legislative staff reveal that Obama pays women just 83 cents for every dollar his men make.
Based on these calculations, Obama's 28 male staffers divided among themselves total payroll expenditures of $1,523,120. Thus, Obama's average male employee earned $54,397. Obama's 30 female employees split $1,354,580 among themselves, or $45,152, on average.
Why this disparity? One reason may be the under-representation of women in Obama's highest-compensated ranks. Among Obama's five best-paid advisors, only one was a woman. Among his top 20, seven were women.
Again, on average, Obama's female staffers earn just 83 cents for every dollar his male staffers make. This figure certainly exceeds the 77-cent threshold that Obama's campaign website condemns. However, 83 cents do not equal $1. In spite of this 17-cent gap between Obama's rhetoric and reality, he chose to chide GOP presidential contender John McCain on this issue.
Obama responded Aug. 31 to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's Republican vice-presidential nomination. Palin "seems like a very engaging person," Obama told voters in Toledo, Ohio. "But I've got to say, she's opposed -- like John McCain is -- to equal pay for equal work. That doesn't make much sense to me."
Obama's criticism notwithstanding, McCain's payment patterns are the stuff of feminist dreams.
McCain's 17 male staffers split $916,914, thus averaging $53,936. His 25 female employees divided $1,396,958 and averaged $55,878.
Conversations with Baz: Myself and Baz cannot figure out why we'd leave the house without a belt. Even though shorts/pants that come out of the dryer are usually snug, we should know better than not to wear a belt, we know those slacks are going to loosen up during the day. But from time to time, we're arrogant and leave the house without a belt.
The best name in Baseball has to be White Socks reliever Lance Broadway. C'mon who wouldn't want the name Lance Broadway, that's so cool. The worst name might be Tampa Outfielder Gabe Gross. Sounds like a garbage pail kid.
It's now time for The Gootch's first B's report of the season:
Hey Tallent its that time of year again and on the Eve of Training camp I thought there was no better time to give you my thoughts on the up-coming Bruins season. The key to camp this year is health, this offseason they were handcuffed in terms of making additions to the team and only able to add Michael Ryder from the Canadians. This move has tons of potential but he is coming off a bad season, I think he is a very good player and should fit in well here and is still young, the only thing I didn't like was he was the last guy to show up for camp, coming to a new team I always think you should be one of the first to arrive but that's me but as long as he deposits at least 30 goals than I wont complain. We lost a key player in Glen Murray , which I think was a mistake. We bought out his contract which was about the same as Manny Fernandez contract who I would rather have let go since we have a lot of goalie depth and don't really need him, we need goal scorers the most, that move makes me think that maybe Murray asked out of the contract and the B's and Murray left on good terms and they kept it quiet. Although we were not able to land any prize players, keep in mind we got Ryder but also we get Bergeron back and apparently 100% ( which is like signing a superstar player) and the biggest signing too me I think is Blake Wheeler who was the 5th overall pick in the 2004 draft which produced Sidney Crosby the #1 pick, Wheeler was suppose to be the number 2 pick but his decision to stay in college at the U of Minnesota shyed teams away a little but Phoenix was unable to come to terms with him and the B's pounced, this guy is a future star. He may start the year in Providence to get his pro legs but will be here for good before the year is out. The future is so bright with the amount of talent this team has and should be good for years to come. I predict a second place finish in the east division and a 5th seed in the playoffs. Lastly Congrats to too Southie kids in B's Camp this year Kevin Regan after a great college career will be a backup in providence this year and eventually in Boston and also Arthur Fritch a defenseman, had 2 assists yesterday in the rookie game v.s the Islanders, hopefully he makes the cut in Providence. See you at the rink!
Congratulations to the United States Ryder Cup team! The U.S. beat the heavily favored Euro Trash even without Tiger Woods. I love that shit, Europe takes it so seriously, it feels so good to beat the shit out of them, without the best player on the planet. But I was troubled by an article I read about the first day of the Ryder Cup. The writer wrote "The pattern was near identical in each session with Europe setting the pace early and the Americans battling back bravely." Bravely? There frigin playing golf! As great as the Americans played there was s nothing brave about it. Brave is putting your ass on the line in Iraq or Afghanistan, brave is running into a burning building, while everyone is running out, brave is being on iron worker on a sky scraper, playing golf is not brave.
Saves, have to be the worst stat in sports. New single season saves king Francisco Rodriguez came into a game this weekend where his team was up by 5 runs and the bases were loaded. K-Rod let all inherited runners score but still got a "save". K-Rod's record means shit to me, he should just give Baz the $55 he owes him.
Good info from Disco, check out all the huge stars that appeared on Tales From the Crypt:
Adam Ant, Hank Azaria, Steve Buscemi, Daniel Craig, Tim Curry, Timothy Dalton, Roger Daltrey, Benicio del Toro, Kirk Douglas, Brad Dourif, Whoopi Goldberg, Bobcat Goldthwait, Marg Helgenberger, Mariel Hemingway, Eddie Izzard, John Lithgow, Dylan McDermott, Meat Loaf, Demi Moore, Malcolm McDowell, Donald O'Connor, Joe Pantoliano, Bill Paxton, Joe Pesci, Brad Pitt, Iggy Pop, Christopher Reeve, Don Rickles, Mimi Rogers, Tim Roth, Martin Sheen, Brooke Shields, Slash, Ben Stein, John Stamos, Mary Ellen Trainor, Jeffrey Tambor, Lea Thompson, Vanity, Sam Waterston, George Wendt, Adam West, and Treat Williams, among others.A list of famous directors includes Michael J. Fox, Tom Hanks, Kyle MacLachlan and Arnold Schwarzenegger Robert Zemeckis
What's the big fucking deal about this Hero's show? Tonight there is an hour long Red Carpet Special for the première. Do people really suck at life so bad that there going to tune into an hour of shitty actors walking into a building? IF NBC wanted to make a good shows about super hero's, why didn't they make a deal with Marvel? There's hundreds of great super powered characters to choose from. Instead NBC makes there own pussy hero's whom, from what I can tell from the commercials, spent most of there time whining about there powers.
Before I hit the Birthdays, I have to apologize for missing a huge birthday on my last post. Sharing a birthday with me on September 10th was actor Philip Baker Hall, Philip is best known for his one time roll on Seinfeld as Mr.Bookman, the library cop.
Sept 11th-Scarface Director, Brian Depalma; Hot Chick Cameron Richardson; NFL Star, Ed Reed; and Cousin Nikki
Sept 12th-NBA Star Yao Ming; Pats Star Dan Koppen & Hollywood cutey Emmy Rossum
(hahaha, I just said "cutey" what a fag"
Sept 13th-The Coors Light Twins & Screen Legend Joe E. Tata
Sept 14th-No birthdays but on Sept. 14th 1814, Inspired by the defense of Baltimore's Fort McHenry during a British attack in the War of 1812, lawyer Francis Scott Key writes the lyrics to "The Star-Spangled Banner."
Sept 15th-Actor Tommy Lee Jones & NFL Great Dan Marino
Sept 16th-MLB Great Orel Hershisher & hot chicks Alexis Bledel & Jennifer Tilly
Sept 17th-Boston MA, that's right on Sept 17th 1630 English Puritans led by John Winthrop establish a settlement on the Shawmut peninsula in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The settlement is later named Boston, after the town of Boston in Lincolnshire, England.
Sept 18th-Lance Armstrong, the French hate this guy so much, I frigin love it. Also Tony Soprano actor James Gandolfini; Super Duper Hot Chick Keeley Hazel
Sept 19th-Hot Chicks Sanaa Lathan, Victoria Silvstedt & Matthew McConaughey's babys momma Michelle Alves. If McConaughey's girl had her shirt off half as much as him, this would be a much better world
Sept-20th-Old School hot Chick Sophia Loren, and Red Sox star Jason Bay
Sept21st-Comedy great Bill Murray, who has stared in Tallent Choice Movie's; Creepy author Stephen King; LOST hot chick Maggie Grace; Curb Your Enthusiasm star and cougar Cheryl Hines & Tom Brady's baby momma Bridget Moynihan
Thanks for Reading
"I'm Tallent, I approve of this message and Tom & Jerry, not these wuss cartoons on TV now"
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