As I'm writing this draft there still is no bailout plain for our financial system. The one thing that I don't understand is all these politicians are talking about looking out for the people on "Main Street". Who cares about them?What about the people on Emerson street and East Seventh Street, doesn't anyone care for them, I don't even know where Main Street is.
I see that lots of Americans have taken the "when all else fails blame bush" route with this crisis. While I'm no huge fan of Bush and he certainly piled on to the problem, he cannot be solely blamed for this crisis. This all actually started in 1977 when President Carter signed the Community Reinvestment Act, which required banks and thrifts to offer credit throughout their entire market area. It gave incentives to help low-income borrowers get a home.
The CRA actually helped a little until 1995 when the Clinton Administration gave new subprime authorization to lenders with massive additional provisions in the CRA. Home loans skyrocketed.
Part of the increase in home loans was due to lenders, like Countrywide, which did not mitigate loan risk…using the new subprime authorization the revisions allowed the securitization of CRA loans containing subprime mortgages which forced banks to issue $1 trillion in new subprime loans and created subprime mortgage securities.
Bear Stearns was the first to do it. Fannie Mae added fuel to the fire when on Oct. 30, 2000, it announced plans to purchase $2 billion of “My Community Mortgage” loans.
Soon subprime mortgages started to grow and home prices started to rise.
A little background on Fannie Mae…It is a government sponsored enterprise that guarantees mortgages, then sells them to banks and investors…the more mortgages…the more money Fannie Mae makes.
The way Fannie May increased the mortgages was to move down the income ladder, and as it tried to increase its business, it gave risks short shrift with “affordable mortgages.” The banks were required by the CRA to issue sub-prime mortgages or pay big penalties.
Now, how were these sub-prime mortgages kept “affordable”? NO money down, interest only, low variable rates, no income verification, no attention was paid to credit or bad credit risks.
In 2004, 92% of Fannie Mae’s subprime mortgages were of the variable rate variety; and in 2005, 91% were variable rate. Fannie told the banks..go ahead , make the loans..we will guarantee them. Home ownership kept rising, as did the prices of homes. All was well, as long as interest rates did not rise and home prices did not fall. But then a huge fucking problem developed.
Interest rates rose–banks raised the variable rate. Gas prices shot up, Paychecks got squeezed, especially low-income paychecks. Some borrowers stopped paying, so banks stopped lending. The subprime market was collapsing. Foreclosures started piling up. Buyers were in short supply, so sellers had to lowered home prices. More borrowers stopped paying.
So then the Fannie Mae “guarantees” became worthless because they kept overstating their assets. Banks collapsed due to worthless government sponsored securities issued by Fannie Mae. Jobs disappeared and here we are today in this financial crisis.
So why was the expansion of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) to blame?
Well, before the CRA expansion authorization under President Clinton, home prices increased with inflation, but after the CRA expansion authorization, home prices became unhinged from inflation.
The CRA caused home prices to rise too fast as economic fundamentals did not support the “wedge” or spread between the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the price of homes. What supported the high home prices was regulation motivated credit. The housing bubble was bursting.
So, in 2003, the Bush Administration proposed a new agency to oversee and regulate Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, (the government sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry) This would have been the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the S and L crisis a decade ago.
But the Democrats stopped it…supporters of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae said efforts to regulate the lenders tightly under the proposed agency might diminish their ability to finance loans for lower-income families. Here are some direct quotes:
Barney Frank (D-MA)
“The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies (Freddie and Fannie), the less we will see in terms of “affordable housing.”
Melvin Watt (D-NC)
“…and in the process weakening the bargaining power of poorer families and their ability to get “affordable housing.”
But now to my main point(you had to know were I was was going with this).
Someone else tried to stop the economic time-bomb before it went off…that's right none other than Sen. John McCain.
In 2005, McCain warned of the pending mortgage collapse. He co-sponsored a bill…The Housing Enterprise Regulatory Act of 2005.
The bill would have regulated Fannie May and Freddie Mac, but again the Democrats blocked it and it never became law.It came back in 2007…but again, no luck because Fannie Mae had friends in the Senate…
Chris Dodd (D-CT) Sweetheart loan recipient; Guess who else also covered Fannie’s ass? You guessed it…Barack Obama. And you know who Obama chose to select his VP?(With Michelle having veto power of course).......
It was James A. “Jim” Johnson who had also received a sweetheart loan from Countrywide Mortgage.
1985-1990, He was the managing director of the now bankrupt Lehman Brothers.
1991-1998, He was CEO of Fannie Mae when CRA was expanded.
Johnson is now a wealthy private banker and on the Board of Goldman Sachs which gave $700,000 to Barack Obama and raised another $500,000 through “Bundling.”
Barack Obama gets advice on housing issues from Franklin Raines, who lives in a 7.6 million house.
Background on Raines:
1977-1979 In the Carter Administration when CRA was first enacted.
1980-1996 Vice-Chairman Fannie Mae when CRA was expanded
1996-1998 Clinton Administration OMB Director
1999-2004 CEO Fannie Mae
Raines received a $25 million golden parachute from Fannie Mae
He also got sweetheart loans from Countrywide:
Amount Date Interest Rate Fixed Market Ave.
$982,253 4/29/2003 5.125% 10 yr 5.5%
$986,340 7/31/2003 4.125% 10 yr 5.1%
By the way, he resigned from Fannie Mae due to what were called “accounting irregularities.”
And from my last post we know who got more money from Fannie Mae than anyone. But just incase you forgot her it is again:
Christopher Dodd D-CT $165,400
Barack Obama D-IL $126,349
John Kerry D-MA $111,000
In just 3 years, Barack Obama collected more than John Kerry did in 20 years. In fact, Obama has received FOUR TIMES more money from Fannie Mae per year than any other Senator over the last 20 years.
Obama received FORTY NINE times more money from Fannie Mae than did John McCain.
Did you know that Barack Obama worked for a law firm Miner, Barnhill and Galland that sued banks for not issuing enough subprime mortgage loans?
Obama was on the legal team that represented Calvin Roberson in a 1994 lawsuit against Citibank, charging the bank systematically denied mortgages to African-American applicants and others from minority neighborhoods.
So now America wants Obuma to be it's next president, because he brings "hope" and "change". I just hope on November 4th the good people of Ohio, Virginia, Colorado and New Hampshire wake up and realize hope is not a Strategy or even a tactic. Our economic crisis started growing in 1995, but it can end after election day because there is change on the ballot and that change lies with John McCain.
BUT!! Sen. McCain, you need to get your old ass in gear. Your losing to a flawed maggot. Who not only has ties to Fanny Mae, but also to racist, Rev. Wright, scandal-stained businessman Tony Rezko and Domestic Terrorist William Ayers. Apparently Americans are too stupid to realize who the best candidate is so, you have to beat them over the head with this information, over and over again. If I can slam Obuma on these issues in this piece of shit blog, why can't you do it on the campaign. Mr. McCain. please no more Mr.Nice Guy, you need to expose Obuma for the fraud he is. Please.
Conversations with The Gootch: Myself and The Gootch can't understand why everyone hates the Jews. All they do is make people laugh and as they try not to get wiped off the Earth, jeez give them a break.
Having said that. Shame on you kikes! Polls show Obuma has a sizable lead with the Jewish vote. How could any self respecting gentile vote for a Muslim that wants to sit down with Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who tells anyone that's listening that he wants to whipe Israel of the map. Not to mention Obuma a man who walked with anti-semite Louis Farakhan and spent 20 years in the church of the Jew hating Rev. Wright. Come on Jews your better than this.
I thought it was extremely bush league for the Yankees not to include Joe Torre in there video tribute to all the Yankee greats after the last game at Yankee Stadium. The decided to show Jason Giambi but not Torre, fuck that.
Last post I said Lance Broadway was the best name in baseball. I might have spoke to soon now that the Yankees have called up pitcher Phil Coke.
Yet another ridiculous deadly stampede in India. At least 168 fucking people were killed after thousands of pilgrims panicked by false rumors of a bomb stampeded at a Hindu temple in western India who's neck and neck with Saudi Arabia when it comes to these senseless stampedes. If I'm at one of these over crowed temples in Either Saudi Arabia or India, I'd take my chances with a bomb, these stampedes are sure to get ya.
More Big music Ups to Seamus. This time it's for turning me on to Built to Spill, pretty dam good group. I've been listening to there latest cd "You in Reverse" the songs "Liar", "Conventional Wisdom" & "Going Against Your Mind" are all awesome and the cd is strong overall.
Sept 22nd-Nana; & hot chick Fernanda Taveres
Sept 23rd-Presidential candidate Jimmy Skorner; Hot Chick Jamie Bergman & the actor that played the classic character George Costanza, Jason Alexander
Sept 24th-Muppets creator Jim Henson; comedy legend Phil Hartman, NFL Great "Mean" Joe Green; one of my all time favorites, the Spainsh TV Weather Girl Jackie Guerrido
Sept 25th-Cougar Pill Head Heather Locklear; NBA Great Scottie Pippen; hot chick Catherine Zeta Jones and Luke Skywalker, actor Mark Hamill
Sept 26th-Hot moron Jillian Barberie
Sept 27th-Hot Chick Avril Lavigne(yeah I think she's h0; old scholl hot chick Bridget Bardot; & MLB great Mike Schmidt
Sept 28th-Hot Chicks Naomi Watts, Dita Von Teese & Hilary Duff
Sept 29th-Deadwood star Ian McShane, who play's the best character on TV, Al Swearengen
Sept 30th-What a day for chicks. Fran Dresher; Monica Bellucci; Candice Michelle; Martina Hingis; Lacey Chabert; Michelle Marsh and Megan Ewing
Oct 1-The and probably the worst president of the 39th United States Jimmy Carter; A-Team leader George Peppard, worlds biggest criminal Vladimir Putin & Hot Chick Cindy Margolis
Oct 2nd-Hot Chicks, Kelly Ripa & Camilla Belle
Oct 3rd-Hot Chick Gwen Stefani & Ashlee Simpson(did you know about these tits)
Thanks for Reading
"I'm Tallent I approve of this message and letting America know what kind of bastard they want to be the next President."
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Obama is a Long Legged Freddie Mac Daddy!

Kate Hudson and frigin Dane Cook are staring in a Romantic Comedy. Holy shit, how could anyone actually go and see that movie!? I cant fathom anyone even watching that movie for free, never mind actually paying to see it. Anyone that goes to the movies to see that should be punched in the genitals. Right after the previews, the ushers at every movie theater should go around socking people in there genitals with there flashlights.
What huge piece of dog shit Karl Rove is. He said that both presidential candidates have gone too far this election when it comes to rumors and mud slinging. WHAT!?!?! This from the very guy who started the rumor in 2000 that McCain's adopted Indonesian daughter was actually a black lust child. That's all the red states needed to elect Bush over McCain in 2000 and they rest as they say is history.
Forget the economy, forget the war on Terror, gas prices, health care, jobs, energy, education and the environment. Forgot all that. The biggest issue facing the candidates in this election are the surging beer prices at Miller's Market. $18.99 is too much for a 12 pack of domestic beer! Almost $30 for a 30 pack of Coors Light is outrageous. Relief is needed.

Ever since the state of Colorado failed to elect the great Peter Coors to Senate I've been down on that state. "Oh look at us ski and breathe thin air but not elect one of the greatest Americans in history to Senate" We'll on November 4th Colorado has chance to redeem it self. With the election being tighter than sewed up asshole, Colorado and it's 9 electoral votes could come in huge, the polls have Obuma with a slight lead in Colorado at this point. Do the right thing Colorado, you already fucked up once, it's time to make amends and help elect John McCain as our next president.
The Financial mess that this country is in came to head in these last couple weeks. All this is due to unfathomable greed from these companies and politics on both side of the isle. I'll tell ya, the good thing about not having any money, is that you can't lose money when shit like this happens.
The facts are Obuma talks a tough game on the financial crisis, but the facts tell a different story. Senator Obama took more money from Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac than anyone but the chairman of the committee they answer to, and he put Fannie Mae's CEO, who helped create this problem in charge of finding his Vice President. That's not change, that's what's broken in Washington.
Does Obuma even realize the lies he spews, does he realize that there are facts to prove him as a liar? He inflates his record like a Lewinsky blow up doll and I feel like I'm the only one paying attention
“In January, I outlined a plan to help revive our faltering economy, which formed the basis for a bipartisan stimulus package that passed the Congress,” Obama said in Golden, Colo.
OUTLINED THE PLAN!?!?!?!?!?!?! He didn't even show up for the fucking vote! On final passage of the bill Feb. 7. Obuma was a no show, McCain voted for the legislation, which passed the Senate 81-16. President Bush signed the relief on Feb. 13.
A New York Times report from Jan. 12 noted that Hillary Cliton was actually the first candidate to offer a short-term stimulus proposal, including $70 billion for housing and other aid and $40 billion in potential tax rebates.
I had the honor to talk to Sen McCain over the weekend and of course this financial mess was the subject. Here's what Sen. McCain had to say:
"As Senator Obama's leader in Congress memorably put it the other day -- and I quote -- "no one knows what to do." Perhaps given that reaction, it shouldn't surprise us that the Congressional leaders of this do-nothing Congress also said that they weren't going to take action until after the election, claiming that it wasn't their fault. I am hopeful that last night's discussions are a sign they have changed their mind and will take action soon. But any action should be designed to keep people in their homes and safe guard the life savings of all Americans by protecting our financial system.There are certainly plenty of places to point fingers, and it may be hard to pinpoint the original event that set it all in motion. But let me give you an educated guess. The financial crisis we're living through today started with the corruption and manipulation of our home mortgage system. At the center of the problem were the lobbyists, politicians, and bureaucrats who succeeded in persuading Congress and the administration to ignore the festering problems at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.These quasi-public corporations lead our housing system down a path where quick profit was placed before sound finance. They institutionalized a system that rewarded forcing mortgages on people who couldn't afford them, while turning around and selling those bad mortgages to the banks that are now going bankrupt. Using money and influence, they prevented reforms that would have curbed their power and limited their ability to damage our economy. And now, as ever, the American taxpayers are left to pay the price for Washington's failure.Two years ago, I called for reform of this corruption at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Congress did nothing. The Administration did nothing. Senator Obama did nothing, and actually profited from this system of abuse and scandal. While Fannie and Freddie were working to keep Congress away from their house of cards, Senator Obama was taking their money. He got more, in fact, than any other member of Congress, except for the Democratic chairmen of the committee that oversees them. And while Fannie Mae was betraying the public trust, somehow its former CEO had managed to gain my opponent's trust to the point that Senator Obama actually put him in charge of his vice presidential search.This CEO, Mr. Johnson, walked off with tens of millions of dollars in salary and bonuses for services rendered to Fannie Mae, even after authorities discovered accounting improprieties that padded his compensation. Another CEO for Fannie Mae, Mr. Raines, has been advising Senator Obama on housing policy. This even after Fannie Mae was found to have committed quote "extensive financial fraud" under his leadership. Like Mr. Johnson, Mr. Raines walked away with tens of millions of dollars.Senator Obama may be taking their advice and he may be taking their money, but in a McCain-Palin administration, there will be no seat for these people at the policy-making table. They won't even get past the front gate at the White House.Tallent, this is the problem with Washington. People like Senator Obama have been too busy gaming the system and haven't ever done a thing to actually challenge the system.We've heard a lot of words from Senator Obama over the course of this campaign. But maybe just this once he could spare us the lectures, and admit to his own poor judgment in contributing to these problems. The crisis on Wall Street started in the Washington culture of lobbying and influence peddling, and he was square in the middle of it."
Obama has only been in the senate for three years but he is the second highest receivers or donation from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. See below.
Grand Total
Total fromPACs
Total fromIndividuals
Dodd, Christopher J
Obama, Barack
Kerry, John
Bennett, Robert F
Bachus, Spencer
Blunt, Roy
Kanjorski, Paul E
Bond, Christopher S ‘Kit’
Shelby, Richard C
Reed, Jack
Reid, Harry
Clinton, Hillary
Davis, Tom
Boehner, John
Conrad, Kent
Reynolds, Tom
Johnson, Tim
Pelosi, Nancy
It does prove that both parties were responsible for this mess with their crony capitalism. However, Obama is solely blaming McCain. That's the height of hypocrisy.
In yet another case of Obuma not practicing what he preaches:
"Now is the time to keep the promise of equal pay for an equal day's work," Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama said Aug. 28 in his convention acceptance speech. He told the crowd in Denver: "I want my daughters to have exactly the same opportunities as your sons."Obama's campaign website is even more specific. Under the heading "Fighting for Pay Equity," the women's issues page laments that, "Despite decades of progress, women still make only 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. A recent study estimates it will take another 47 years for women to close the wage gap with men at Fortune 500 corporate offices. Barack Obama believes the government needs to take steps to better enforce the Equal Pay Act..."
Obama's commitment to federally mandated pay equity stretches from the Rockies to Wall Street and beyond. And yet it seems to have eluded his Senate office. Compensation figures for his legislative staff reveal that Obama pays women just 83 cents for every dollar his men make.
Based on these calculations, Obama's 28 male staffers divided among themselves total payroll expenditures of $1,523,120. Thus, Obama's average male employee earned $54,397. Obama's 30 female employees split $1,354,580 among themselves, or $45,152, on average.
Why this disparity? One reason may be the under-representation of women in Obama's highest-compensated ranks. Among Obama's five best-paid advisors, only one was a woman. Among his top 20, seven were women.
Again, on average, Obama's female staffers earn just 83 cents for every dollar his male staffers make. This figure certainly exceeds the 77-cent threshold that Obama's campaign website condemns. However, 83 cents do not equal $1. In spite of this 17-cent gap between Obama's rhetoric and reality, he chose to chide GOP presidential contender John McCain on this issue.
Obama responded Aug. 31 to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's Republican vice-presidential nomination. Palin "seems like a very engaging person," Obama told voters in Toledo, Ohio. "But I've got to say, she's opposed -- like John McCain is -- to equal pay for equal work. That doesn't make much sense to me."
Obama's criticism notwithstanding, McCain's payment patterns are the stuff of feminist dreams.
McCain's 17 male staffers split $916,914, thus averaging $53,936. His 25 female employees divided $1,396,958 and averaged $55,878.
Conversations with Baz: Myself and Baz cannot figure out why we'd leave the house without a belt. Even though shorts/pants that come out of the dryer are usually snug, we should know better than not to wear a belt, we know those slacks are going to loosen up during the day. But from time to time, we're arrogant and leave the house without a belt.
The best name in Baseball has to be White Socks reliever Lance Broadway. C'mon who wouldn't want the name Lance Broadway, that's so cool. The worst name might be Tampa Outfielder Gabe Gross. Sounds like a garbage pail kid.
It's now time for The Gootch's first B's report of the season:
Hey Tallent its that time of year again and on the Eve of Training camp I thought there was no better time to give you my thoughts on the up-coming Bruins season. The key to camp this year is health, this offseason they were handcuffed in terms of making additions to the team and only able to add Michael Ryder from the Canadians. This move has tons of potential but he is coming off a bad season, I think he is a very good player and should fit in well here and is still young, the only thing I didn't like was he was the last guy to show up for camp, coming to a new team I always think you should be one of the first to arrive but that's me but as long as he deposits at least 30 goals than I wont complain. We lost a key player in Glen Murray , which I think was a mistake. We bought out his contract which was about the same as Manny Fernandez contract who I would rather have let go since we have a lot of goalie depth and don't really need him, we need goal scorers the most, that move makes me think that maybe Murray asked out of the contract and the B's and Murray left on good terms and they kept it quiet. Although we were not able to land any prize players, keep in mind we got Ryder but also we get Bergeron back and apparently 100% ( which is like signing a superstar player) and the biggest signing too me I think is Blake Wheeler who was the 5th overall pick in the 2004 draft which produced Sidney Crosby the #1 pick, Wheeler was suppose to be the number 2 pick but his decision to stay in college at the U of Minnesota shyed teams away a little but Phoenix was unable to come to terms with him and the B's pounced, this guy is a future star. He may start the year in Providence to get his pro legs but will be here for good before the year is out. The future is so bright with the amount of talent this team has and should be good for years to come. I predict a second place finish in the east division and a 5th seed in the playoffs. Lastly Congrats to too Southie kids in B's Camp this year Kevin Regan after a great college career will be a backup in providence this year and eventually in Boston and also Arthur Fritch a defenseman, had 2 assists yesterday in the rookie game v.s the Islanders, hopefully he makes the cut in Providence. See you at the rink!
Congratulations to the United States Ryder Cup team! The U.S. beat the heavily favored Euro Trash even without Tiger Woods. I love that shit, Europe takes it so seriously, it feels so good to beat the shit out of them, without the best player on the planet. But I was troubled by an article I read about the first day of the Ryder Cup. The writer wrote "The pattern was near identical in each session with Europe setting the pace early and the Americans battling back bravely." Bravely? There frigin playing golf! As great as the Americans played there was s nothing brave about it. Brave is putting your ass on the line in Iraq or Afghanistan, brave is running into a burning building, while everyone is running out, brave is being on iron worker on a sky scraper, playing golf is not brave.
Saves, have to be the worst stat in sports. New single season saves king Francisco Rodriguez came into a game this weekend where his team was up by 5 runs and the bases were loaded. K-Rod let all inherited runners score but still got a "save". K-Rod's record means shit to me, he should just give Baz the $55 he owes him.
Good info from Disco, check out all the huge stars that appeared on Tales From the Crypt:
Adam Ant, Hank Azaria, Steve Buscemi, Daniel Craig, Tim Curry, Timothy Dalton, Roger Daltrey, Benicio del Toro, Kirk Douglas, Brad Dourif, Whoopi Goldberg, Bobcat Goldthwait, Marg Helgenberger, Mariel Hemingway, Eddie Izzard, John Lithgow, Dylan McDermott, Meat Loaf, Demi Moore, Malcolm McDowell, Donald O'Connor, Joe Pantoliano, Bill Paxton, Joe Pesci, Brad Pitt, Iggy Pop, Christopher Reeve, Don Rickles, Mimi Rogers, Tim Roth, Martin Sheen, Brooke Shields, Slash, Ben Stein, John Stamos, Mary Ellen Trainor, Jeffrey Tambor, Lea Thompson, Vanity, Sam Waterston, George Wendt, Adam West, and Treat Williams, among others.A list of famous directors includes Michael J. Fox, Tom Hanks, Kyle MacLachlan and Arnold Schwarzenegger Robert Zemeckis
What's the big fucking deal about this Hero's show? Tonight there is an hour long Red Carpet Special for the première. Do people really suck at life so bad that there going to tune into an hour of shitty actors walking into a building? IF NBC wanted to make a good shows about super hero's, why didn't they make a deal with Marvel? There's hundreds of great super powered characters to choose from. Instead NBC makes there own pussy hero's whom, from what I can tell from the commercials, spent most of there time whining about there powers.
Before I hit the Birthdays, I have to apologize for missing a huge birthday on my last post. Sharing a birthday with me on September 10th was actor Philip Baker Hall, Philip is best known for his one time roll on Seinfeld as Mr.Bookman, the library cop.
Sept 11th-Scarface Director, Brian Depalma; Hot Chick Cameron Richardson; NFL Star, Ed Reed; and Cousin Nikki
Sept 12th-NBA Star Yao Ming; Pats Star Dan Koppen & Hollywood cutey Emmy Rossum
(hahaha, I just said "cutey" what a fag"
Sept 13th-The Coors Light Twins & Screen Legend Joe E. Tata
Sept 14th-No birthdays but on Sept. 14th 1814, Inspired by the defense of Baltimore's Fort McHenry during a British attack in the War of 1812, lawyer Francis Scott Key writes the lyrics to "The Star-Spangled Banner."
Sept 15th-Actor Tommy Lee Jones & NFL Great Dan Marino
Sept 16th-MLB Great Orel Hershisher & hot chicks Alexis Bledel & Jennifer Tilly
Sept 17th-Boston MA, that's right on Sept 17th 1630 English Puritans led by John Winthrop establish a settlement on the Shawmut peninsula in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The settlement is later named Boston, after the town of Boston in Lincolnshire, England.
Sept 18th-Lance Armstrong, the French hate this guy so much, I frigin love it. Also Tony Soprano actor James Gandolfini; Super Duper Hot Chick Keeley Hazel
Sept 19th-Hot Chicks Sanaa Lathan, Victoria Silvstedt & Matthew McConaughey's babys momma Michelle Alves. If McConaughey's girl had her shirt off half as much as him, this would be a much better world
Sept-20th-Old School hot Chick Sophia Loren, and Red Sox star Jason Bay
Sept21st-Comedy great Bill Murray, who has stared in Tallent Choice Movie's; Creepy author Stephen King; LOST hot chick Maggie Grace; Curb Your Enthusiasm star and cougar Cheryl Hines & Tom Brady's baby momma Bridget Moynihan
Thanks for Reading
"I'm Tallent, I approve of this message and Tom & Jerry, not these wuss cartoons on TV now"
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Black Captain America, Hurricanes and Presidents!?
Tom Brady hurt his knee and is out of the season. You heard it here first!
I'm wondering why I'm not all broken up about this injury. Maybe since it happened in the first week of the season and I didn't get a chance to get overly excited about the season. But truth be told I'm very interested if not excited to see what the Pats can do without Brady. I still think they win the AFC East, maybe even win a playoff game. Cassell needs to do like Brady when he replaced Bledsoe back in the day. Manage the game, makes plays when needed. The Pats need to get back to smash mouth football, they have 4 effective running backs to use and they should use them.
What a joke these NFL Suspensions are. Marshawn Lynch runs some poor prick over and leaves him for dead and he doesn't get suspended. But Kevin Faulk gets caught with a little weed at a Lil' Wayne concert and he gets a game suspension. You should be suspended for not having weed at a rap concert.
I'm so fucking sick of these songs before the start of football games.Whether it's Hank Williams Jr., Faith Hill or Pink, Enough is Enough!
Now that the VP picks have been made and the Party Conventions are over, Presidential Election is in full swing.
Obuma's speech was as expected, moving and inspiring to those that thinks he's the 2nd coming of Christ, just more flamboyant loud mouth nonsense to those of us who know better. Obuma is a terrific giver of speeches, truly charismatic. So if you want to vote for the guy that gives the big speech then by all means Obuma is your guy. But if you want to vote for the Guy that actually is better for the country, well then McCain is your man. I've listened to the Obuma speech a couple times now and I didn't find it inspiring, I found it misleading. Americans witnessed a misleading speech that was so fundamentally at odds with the meager record of Barack Obama. When the temple comes down, the fireworks end, and the words are over, the facts remain: Senator Obama still has no record of bipartisanship, still opposes offshore drilling, still voted to raise taxes on those making just $42,000 per year, and still voted against funds for American troops in harm’s way. The fact remains: Barack Obama is still not ready to be President.
MISLEADING CLAIM #1: Barack Obama Can Bring Democrats And Republicans Together. OBAMA: “America, our work will not be easy. The challenges we face require tough choices, and Democrats as well as Republicans will need to cast off the worn-out ideas and politics of the past.” (Barack Obama, Remarks, Denver, CO, 8/28/08)
NPR’s Juan Williams: Barack Obama “Doesn’t Have The Record” Of Bipartisanship That John McCain Has. NPR’S JUAN WILLIAMS: “You think about everything from campaign finance to immigration and on, and there’s John McCain working across party lines. Senator Obama doesn’t have a record. Now, he can make the claim and he can hold himself up as pure and trying to reach to a new generation of post partisan politics, but he has to do so largely based on rhetoric and wishful thinking because he doesn’t have the record.” (Fox News’ “Special Report With Brit Hume,” 5/7/08)
The Washington Post’s Richard Cohen: “There Is Scant Evidence The Illinois Senator Takes Positions That Challenge His Base Or Otherwise Threaten Him Politically.” “Obama might have a similar bottom line, core principles for which, in some sense, he is willing to die. If so, we don’t know what they are. Nothing so far in his life approaches McCain’s decision to refuse repatriation as a POW so as to deny his jailors a propaganda coup. In fact, there is scant evidence the Illinois senator takes positions that challenge his base or otherwise threaten him politically. That’s why his reversal on campaign financing and his transparently false justification of it matter more than similar acts by McCain.” (Richard Cohen, Op-Ed, “McCain’s Core Advantage,” The Washington Post, 6/24/08)
Politico’s Jonathan Martin: “He’s pretty much a conventional liberal on the issues and has few examples of breaking with his own party, so how does Obama try to pull off being ‘post-partisan?’” (Jonathan Martin, “Obama’s Third Way: It’s All In The Tone,” Politico, 6/30/08)
Rep. Dan Boren (D-OK): “His Record Does Not Reflect Working In A Bipartisan Fashion.” “Boren, the lone Democrat in Oklahoma’s congressional delegate, said that while Obama has talked about working with Republicans, ‘unfortunately, his record does not reflect working in a bipartisan fashion.’” (Tim Talley, “Okla. Dem Calls Obama Liberal, Declines To Endorse,” The Associated Press, 6/10/08)
“The Record Shows Obama To Be A Fairly Doctrinaire Liberal Democrat …” (Editorial, “Obama’s Rhetoric Soars, But What Does His Record Suggest?” USA Today, 1/28/08)
In 2007, Obama Voted With The Democrat Party 97 Percent Of The Time. (Congressional Quarterly Website,, Accessed 3/3/08)
In 2006, Obama Voted With The Democrat Party 96 Percent Of The Time. (Congressional Quarterly Website,, Accessed 1/27/08)
In 2005, Obama Voted With The Democrat Party 97 Percent Of The Time. (Congressional Quarterly Website,, Accessed 1/27/08)
MISLEADING CLAIM #2: Barack Obama Will Ensure That Our Troops On The Ground Have “The Equipment They Need In Battle.” OBAMA: “As Commander-in-Chief, I will never hesitate to defend this nation, but I will only send our troops into harm’s way with a clear mission and a sacred commitment to give them the equipment they need in battle and the care and benefits they deserve when they come home.” (Barack Obama, Remarks, Denver, CO, 8/28/08)
Barack Obama Voted Against Providing $94.4 Billion In Critical Funding For The Troops In Iraq And Afghanistan. (H.R. 2206, CQ Vote #181: Passed 80-14: R 42-3; D 37-10; I 1-1, 5/24/07, Obama Voted Nay)
MISLEADING CLAIM #3: Barack Obama Has Not Supported The President. OBAMA: “These challenges are not all of government’s making. But the failure to respond is a direct result of a broken politics in Washington and the failed policies of George W. Bush. … But the record’s clear: John McCain has voted with George Bush ninety percent of the time. Senator McCain likes to talk about judgment, but really, what does it say about your judgment when you think George Bush has been right more than ninety percent of the time? I don’t know about you, but I’m not ready to take a ten percent chance on change.” (Barack Obama, Remarks, Denver, CO, 8/28/08)
Barack Obama Says He Voted With President Bush “For The Most Part.” REPORTER: “For a couple of days, they’ve been saying you voted to raise taxes something like 94 times. That seems to be the drumbeat that’s going to happen during this campaign. Are you going to raise taxes in a big way for average Americans?” OBAMA: “I mean this is the standard fare of politics. And the truth of the matter is that the only bills that I voted for, for the most part, since I’ve been in the Senate were introduced by Republicans with George Bush. You know, they were the majority for a big chunk of the time I was there.” (KMOV [St. Louis, MO], 6/10/08)
Watch Barack Obama’s KMOV Interview
The New York Times’ David Brooks: Democrats Saying McCain Represents The Third Bush Term Are “Just Factually Inaccurate.” “Finally, the Obama people are too convinced that they can define McCain as Bush III. The case is just factually inaccurate. McCain will be able to pull out dozens of instances, from torture to global warming to spending, in which he broke with his party, as Rush Limbaugh will tell you.” (David Brooks, Op-Ed, “Calling Dr. Doom,” The New York Times, 6/3/08)
Newsweek’s Michael Hirsh: “As We Now Know Nearly Four Years Later, McCain Was Dead On In His Analysis Of What Went Wrong In Iraq.” “In early November 2003, at a time when Fred Dalton Thompson was playing a tough D.A. on ‘Law and Order,’ John McCain was cross-examining Donald Rumsfeld for real on Capitol Hill. It was still very early into the U.S. occupation of Iraq, but the as-yet-unacknowledged (by Rummy, that is) insurgency was already out of control. Alone among his fellow GOP senators, McCain blasted Rumsfeld for not putting enough U.S. troops on the ground, and for resorting too soon to ‘Iraqification’ — that is, transferring security to ill-prepared Iraqi forces. In an extraordinarily blunt speech at the Council on Foreign Relations that grim autumn, McCain warned that ultimately Iraq could become another Vietnam ‘if we lose popular support in the United States.’ The next day, the secretary of Defense asked McCain to breakfast. ‘I read y our speech,’ harrumphed Rumsfeld (that ‘must have been an enjoyable experience for him,’ McCain later joked to me). Then Rummy patiently explained to his fellow Republican why he and his top civilian brass (Paul Wolfowitz, Doug Feith and the usual crowd of incompetents) would continue to do things the same way. They ‘believed there was no need for additional troops,’ McCain later related. McCain had already realized that Rumsfeld was a lost cause. The real question, the senator suggested to me back then, was whether George W. Bush himself would push Rummy to make changes. ‘I’d like to see the president fully engaged,’ McCain said. Bush needed to be on top of ‘more details of what’s going on.’ As we now know nearly four years later, McCain was dead on in his analysis of what went wrong in Iraq. Right down to the need for Bush to get engaged and fire Rumsfeld. McCain was so right that, among military experts today, the emerging conventional wisdom about Bush’s current ’surg e’ is that if it had occurred back then — when McCain wanted it and the political will existed in this country to support it for the necessary number of years — it might well have succeeded.” (Michael Hirsh, “Why McCain’s Collapse Matters,” Newsweek, 7/26/07)
John McCain Voted Against The 2005 Bush-Cheney Energy Bill. (H.R. 6, CQ Vote #152: Motion Agreed To 92-4: R 53-1; D 38-3; I 1-0, 6/23/05, McCain Voted Nay; H.R. 6, CQ Vote #158: Passed 85-12: R 49-5; D 35-7; I 1-0, 6/28/05, McCain Voted Nay; H.R. 6, CQ Vote #213: Adopted 74-26: R 49-6; D 25-19; I 0-1, 7/29/05, McCain Voted Nay)
John McCain Is “Widely Acknowledged To Have Charted A Course Independent Of Bush” On Climate Change. “On global warming, McCain is widely acknowledged to have charted a course independent of Bush. Immediately after the 2004 election, in which he stumped for Bush’s re-election, he sharply distanced himself from Bush on climate change, calling the administration’s stance ‘terribly disappointing.’ McCain had co-sponsored a bill with Sen. Joe Lieberman to curb greenhouse gases in 2003. Bush had opposed any such move, citing possible harm to the economy and doubts over global warming.” (William March, “McCain Bucks Ties To Bush,” The Tampa Tribune, 6/11/08)
MISLEADING CLAIM #4: John McCain Believes We’ve Made “Great Progress” And Families Aren’t Hurting. OBAMA: “He said that our economy has made ‘great progress’ under this President. He said that the fundamentals of the economy are strong.” (Barack Obama, Remarks, Denver, CO, 8/28/08) Obama Use Of Quote Is “Misleading” And “Distorts” John McCain’s Words. “The second and third quotes the Obama campaign uses from McCain are more misleading. The ad shows McCain saying: ‘[T]here’s been great progress economically.’ The quote comes from an interview McCain did with Peter Cook at Bloomberg Television in April. … McCain was making a case for what he believed were positive economic developments during Bush’s time in office. However, the fuller quote shows McCain was saying that whatever progress had been made, it wouldn’t be enough to comfort families ‘facing these tremendous economic challenges.’ His comments overall are pessimistic; he cites ‘challenging times’ and ‘enormous difficulties.’ The Obama campaign distorts his views by using just a snippet of his remarks.” (D’Angelo Gore, “Distorting McCain’s Remarks,”, 8/19/08)
In The Full Question And Answer Cited By Barack Obama, John McCain Clearly Said That We Are In “Tough Times” And Families Are Facing “Tremendous Economic Challenges.” Bloomberg’s Peter Cook: “I’m going to ask you a version of the Ronald Reagan question. You think if Americans were asked, are you better off today than you were before George Bush took office more than seven years ago, what answer would they give?” McCain: “Certainly, in this time, we are in very challenging times. We all recognize that. Families are sitting around the kitchen table this evening and figuring out whether they’re going to be able to keep their home or not. They’re figuring out whether they’re — why it is that suddenly and recently someone in their family or their neighbor has lost their job. There’s no doubt that we are in enormous difficulties. “I think if you look at the overall record and millions of jobs have been created, et cetera, et cetera, yo u could make an argument that there’s been great progress economically over that period of time. But that’s no comfort. That’s no comfort to families now that are facing these tremendous economic challenges. But let me just add, Peter, the fundamentals of America’s economy are strong. We’re the greatest exporter, the greatest importer, the greatest innovator, the greatest producer, still the greatest economic engine in the world. And, by the way, exports and free trade are a key element in economic recovery. But these are tough times, tough times, and nobody knows that more than American families including in small towns of Pennsylvania. They haven’t lost their fundamental religious beliefs, their respect for the Constitution, their right to bear arms. They are still — keep America as a beacon of hope and freedom throughout the world.” (John McCain, Interview With Bloomberg TV, 4/17/08)
Watch Video Of Obama Economic Attack Compared To John McCain’s Full Response:
ABC News: Barack Obama Proved “He Knows How To Twist With The Best Of Them” When He Cited The McCain Quote. “Although Obama gets substantial mileage out of running against politics as usual, he provided a reminder on Friday that he knows how to twist with the best of them. Speaking in Erie, Pa., Obama charged: ‘John McCain went on television and said that there has “been great progress economically” over the last seven and a half years.’ Obama did not tell his audience, however, that McCain’s Thursday reference to economic progress was quickly followed by him adding that such progress is ‘no comfort’ to struggling families.” (Teddy Davis And Talal Al-Khatib, “Obama Twists McCain On Economy,” ABC News, 4/18/08)
MISLEADING CLAIM #5: Barack Obama Will Pay For His Massive Spending Increase. OBAMA: “Now, many of these plans will cost money, which is why I’ve laid out how I’ll pay for every dime — by closing corporate loopholes and tax havens that don’t help America grow. But I will also go through the federal budget, line by line, eliminating programs that no longer work and making the ones we do need work better and cost less — because we cannot meet twenty-first century challenges with a twentieth century bureaucracy.” (Barack Obama, Remarks, Denver, CO, 8/28/08)
Barack Obama: “I Do Not Make A Promise That We Can Reduce [The Budget Deficit] By 2013.” “‘I do not make a promise that we can reduce it by 2013 because I think it is important for us to make some critical investments right now in America’s families,’ Obama told reporters this week when asked if he’d match McCain’s pledge.” (Nedra Pickler, “Analysis: Obama Won’t Try For McCain’s Budget Goal,” The Associated Press, 7/8/08)
Chicago Tribune: Barack Obama Has “No Interest In Eliminating Deficit Spending.” “Since winning the nomination, Obama reportedly has been moving toward the middle of the political spectrum. But on the budget, he still sounds left of center, with no interest in eliminating deficit spending.” (Editorial, “Failure Of Nerve,” Chicago Tribune, 7/8/08)
The Associated Press: Barack Obama Not “Even Trying” To Balance The Budget And “Frankly Says He’s Not Sure He’d Bring It Down At All In Four Years.” “Barack Obama says John McCain’s plan to balance the budget doesn’t add up. Easy for him to say: It’s not a goal he’s even trying to reach. Not only does Obama say he won’t eliminate the deficit in his first term, as McCain aims to do, he frankly says he’s not sure he’d bring it down at all in four years, considering his own spending plans.” (Nedra Pickler, “Analysis: Obama Won’t Try For McCain’s Budget Goal,” The Associated Press, 7/8/08)
The National Journal’s John Maggs: “[Obama] Has Rhetorically Committed To A ‘Pay-As-You-Go’ Approach By Offsetting New Spending And Tax Cuts With New Taxes Or Spending Cuts, But His Proposals Do Not Come Close To Meeting This Standard.” (John Maggs, “Obama On The Economy,” The National Journal, 5/31/08)
Los Angeles Times: Barack Obama “Has Not Identified New Revenue Sources Or Spending Cuts To Pay For Some Of” His Proposals. “The Obama campaign responds that tax cuts, once enacted, are usually renewed and do not expire. Therefore, they say, Obama can legitimately claim to be recouping money for other purposes by scaling back the tax cuts. Obama has not identified new revenue sources or spending cuts to pay for some of what he wants to do.” (Peter Nicholas, “Adding Up The Cost Of Obama’s Agenda,” Los Angeles Times, 7/8/08)
The New York Times’ David Brooks Said For Barack Obama To Fund His Domestic Programs, He Will Have To Break His Pledge Not To Tax The Middle Class. “Both [Obama and Clinton] promised to not raise taxes on those making less than $200,000 or $250,000 a year. They both just emasculated their domestic programs. Returning the rich to their Clinton-era tax rates will yield, at best, $40 billion a year in revenue. It’s impossible to fund a health care plan, let alone anything else, with that kind of money. The consequences are clear: if elected they will have to break their pledge, and thus destroy their credibility, or run a minimalist administration.” (David Brooks, Op-Ed, “No Whining About The Media,” The New York Times, 4/16/08)
MISLEADING CLAIM #6: Under Barack Obama, We Will Achieve Energy Independence. OBAMA: “And for the sake of our economy, our security, and the future of our planet, I will set a clear goal as President: in ten years, we will finally end our dependence on oil from the Middle East.” (Barack Obama, Remarks, Denver, CO, 8/28/08)
The Detroit News: Barack Obama’s Energy Plan Will “Do Nothing To Answer The Nation’s Long-Term Needs.” “The latest additions to Sen. Barack Obama’s energy plan, outlined during an appearance in Lansing Monday, may win the Democratic presidential candidate some votes from disgruntled consumers in November, but they’ll do nothing to answer the nation’s long-term needs.” (Editorial, “Obama’s Energy Plan Is Fueled By Populism,” The Detroit News, 8/5/08)
The Washington Post Editorial: Barack Obama Offering Gimmicks On Energy. “When his presumptive Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), proposed a gas tax holiday as a way to reduce the high cost of driving, Mr. Obama showed political courage and intellectual honesty by refusing to sign on to that obvious gimmick. ‘It’s an idea to get them through an election,’ Mr. Obama said. Now he has two such gimmicks of his own.” (Editorial, “Tapping Tired Wells,” The Washington Post, 8/6/08)
Barack Obama Opposes Allowing States To Decide If They Want To Drill Offshore To Increase American Energy Independence. Obama: “The politics may have changed, but the facts haven’t. The accuracy of Sen. McCain’s original position has not changed: Offshore drilling would not lower gas prices today, it would not lower gas prices next year and it would not lower gas prices five years from now.” (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At Press Availability, Jacksonville, FL, 6/20/08)
Barack Obama Opposes Immediate Gas Tax Relief For American Families. Obama: “I think John McCain’s proposal for a three month tax holiday is a bad idea.” (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At Campaign Event, Blue Bell, PA, 4/21/08)
Barack Obama Called John McCain’s $300 Million Prize For A Better Battery A “Gimmick.” Obama: “In this campaign, John McCain is offering the same old gimmicks that will provide almost no short-term relief to folks who are struggling with high gas prices. Gimmicks that will only increase our addiction for another four years.” (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At Campaign Event, Las Vegas, NV, 6/24/08)
Barack Obama Criticized Expanding Nuclear Power. Obama: “That might make sense in Washington, but it doesn’t make sense for America. In fact, it makes about as much sense as his proposal to build 45 new nuclear reactors without a plan to store the waste some place other than, guess where? Right here in Nevada at Yucca Mountain.” (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At Campaign Event, Las Vegas, NV, 6/24/08)
Barack Obama Is Proposing A Tax On Oil That Will Only Lead To Higher Prices At The Pump. “Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s proposal for a windfall profits tax on oil companies could cost $15 billion a year at last year’s profit levels, a campaign adviser said.” (Daniel Whitten, “Obama May Levy $15 Billion Tax On Oil Company Profit,” Bloomberg News, 5/1/08)
The Washington Post: Barack Obama’s Tax On Oil Will Only Lead To “Higher Prices At The Pump.” “But to add a five-year tax increase on top of that to pay for a one-year gift to voters would, indeed, increase the cost of doing business. That cost would be passed along in forgone investment in new production, lower dividends for pension funds and other shareholders, and higher prices at the pump — thus socking it to the consumers whom the plan is supposed to help. If oil prices fall, there might be no windfall profits to tax. Then the Obama rebate would have to be paid for through spending cuts, taxes on something else or borrowing.” (Editorial, “Tapping Tired Wells,” The Washington Post, 8/6/08)
MISLEADING CLAIM #7: Barack Obama Will Cut Taxes. OBAMA: “I will eliminate capital gains taxes for the small businesses and the start-ups that will create the high-wage, high-tech jobs of tomorrow. I will cut taxes — cut taxes — for 95% of all working families.” (Barack Obama, Remarks, Denver, CO, 8/28/08)
Barack Obama Voted Twice In Favor Of The Democrats’ FY 2009 Budget Resolution. (S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #85: Adopted 51-44: R 2-43; D 47-1; I 2-0, 3/14/08, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #142: Adopted 48- 45: R 2- 44; D 44- 1; I 2-0, 6/4/08, Obama Voted Yea) The Budget Resolution Would Have Allowed Most Of The Provisions Of The 2001 And 2003 Tax Cuts To Expire, Effectively Raising Taxes On Those Making $41,500 In Total Income. “What Obama voted for was a budget resolution that would have allowed most of the provisions of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts to expire. In particular, the resolution would allow the 25 percent tax bracket to return to its pre-2001 level of 28 percent. That bracket kicks in at $32,550 for an individual or $65,100 for a married couple. … But as those of you who have filled out a 1040 know, that’s not actually how income taxes work. We don’t pay taxes on our total earnings; we pay them based on our ‘taxable income.’ The Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center’s Eric Toder told that ‘people with taxable income of $32,000 would have a total income greater than that.’ In 2008, anyone filing taxes with single status would be entitled to a standar d deduction of $5,450, as well as a personal exemption of $3,500. So to have a taxable income high enough to reach the 25 percent bracket, an individual would need to earn at least $41,500 in total income, while a married couple would need a combined income of at least $83,000.” (”The $32,000 Question,”,, 7/8/08) “Obama’s Votes Indicate A Willingness To Raise Taxes.” “Certainly Obama’s votes indicate a willingness to raise taxes, and Obama has not been shy about saying explicitly that he will raise some taxes.” (”The $32,000 Question,”,, 7/8/08)
Obama Campaign: Barack Obama Voted For A Budget Resolution That Wouldn’t Have Increased Taxes For Any Taxpayers Making Less Than $41,500. ROSEN: “Campaign aides to Senator Obama today, called the charge that he voted for tax hikes on people making only $32,000 a year, quote, ‘bogus.’ They circulated an analysis stating that the resolution that Obama had voted for would not have increase taxes on single taxpayer making less than $41,500 a year in total income.” (Fox News’ “America’s Election Headquarters,” 7/30/08)
The New York Times: Barack Obama’s “Vote Was On A Budget Resolution To Raise Taxes On People Making $41,500 A Year.” “, a nonpartisan Web site, said the vote was on a budget resolution to raise taxes on people making $41,500 a year; the $32,000 figure, it said, was the amount of taxable income those people had.” (Michael Cooper, “McCain Goes Negative, Worrying Some In GOP,” The New York Times, (7/30/08)
So while Obuma did the boring predictable thing when it came to picking a VP, McCain remained the Marvick and selected Cougar Sarah Palin as his running mate.
I'll be the first to admit after a few days I was beginning to 2nd guess the pick. Sure I want to give her a good offshore drilling, but was it wise to pick someone I had to google to find out who she was?
All my reservations faded after hearing her speak at the GOP Convention. The Maverick mom gave a great speech, especially since her teleprompter was broke and she just and to (right)wing it. I'm so glad America was watching and America loves her. Palin exceeded expectations in her highly anticipated acceptance speech, skewering Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, slamming the news media, painting herself as the ultimate Washington outsider, and touting the military service and reformer record of her ticket-mate GOP presidential candidate John McCain. In her primetime national political debut, Palin touted her small-town Alaska roots and took the fight directly to Obama.
I'm not going to go out and say that she has more political experience as Obuma, but it's damn close. When it comes to Foreign Relations she has it all over Obuma, she's a hands on command and chief of the Alaskan National Guard.
-Iraq/Kuwait/Afghanistan/Kosovo (her troops get sent there, she gets briefed constantly on their mission, well being, and what is going on in that country that could affect her Alaskan troops)
-Canada (gas pipeline; immigration/customs crack down at the border)
-Russia (few miles off AK’s coast)
-Mongolia (her troops train in Mongolian troops EVERY YEAR)
-International Waters (Alaska has the biggest coast line and the best fishing waters on this side of the planet…foreign boats cruise around her waters all the time which can turn into an international situation if an emergency arises…she has to know what is going on not only in her state but around it)
-N. Korea (her Ground Missile Defense system that her troops run protect the West from N. Korean nuclear attack…she is briefed on this by generals and briefs the President as well)
***Anti-terrorism. She has to keep the oil pipeline safe from terrorism. When they found pics of the Valdez oil pipeline and the port in a cave in Afghanistan they sent us AK Army Guard troops to guard it, train on anti-terrorism measures, etc. She is our Commander and Chief and is ultimately responsible for anti-terrorism measures in AK.
While I continue to compare the 2 please keep in mind that Palin is seeking to become the Vice President and Obuma is seeking to become the President of the USA thus the leader of the free world.

Tom Brady hurt his knee and is out of the season. You heard it here first!
I'm wondering why I'm not all broken up about this injury. Maybe since it happened in the first week of the season and I didn't get a chance to get overly excited about the season. But truth be told I'm very interested if not excited to see what the Pats can do without Brady. I still think they win the AFC East, maybe even win a playoff game. Cassell needs to do like Brady when he replaced Bledsoe back in the day. Manage the game, makes plays when needed. The Pats need to get back to smash mouth football, they have 4 effective running backs to use and they should use them.
What a joke these NFL Suspensions are. Marshawn Lynch runs some poor prick over and leaves him for dead and he doesn't get suspended. But Kevin Faulk gets caught with a little weed at a Lil' Wayne concert and he gets a game suspension. You should be suspended for not having weed at a rap concert.
I'm so fucking sick of these songs before the start of football games.Whether it's Hank Williams Jr., Faith Hill or Pink, Enough is Enough!
Now that the VP picks have been made and the Party Conventions are over, Presidential Election is in full swing.
Obuma's speech was as expected, moving and inspiring to those that thinks he's the 2nd coming of Christ, just more flamboyant loud mouth nonsense to those of us who know better. Obuma is a terrific giver of speeches, truly charismatic. So if you want to vote for the guy that gives the big speech then by all means Obuma is your guy. But if you want to vote for the Guy that actually is better for the country, well then McCain is your man. I've listened to the Obuma speech a couple times now and I didn't find it inspiring, I found it misleading. Americans witnessed a misleading speech that was so fundamentally at odds with the meager record of Barack Obama. When the temple comes down, the fireworks end, and the words are over, the facts remain: Senator Obama still has no record of bipartisanship, still opposes offshore drilling, still voted to raise taxes on those making just $42,000 per year, and still voted against funds for American troops in harm’s way. The fact remains: Barack Obama is still not ready to be President.
MISLEADING CLAIM #1: Barack Obama Can Bring Democrats And Republicans Together. OBAMA: “America, our work will not be easy. The challenges we face require tough choices, and Democrats as well as Republicans will need to cast off the worn-out ideas and politics of the past.” (Barack Obama, Remarks, Denver, CO, 8/28/08)
NPR’s Juan Williams: Barack Obama “Doesn’t Have The Record” Of Bipartisanship That John McCain Has. NPR’S JUAN WILLIAMS: “You think about everything from campaign finance to immigration and on, and there’s John McCain working across party lines. Senator Obama doesn’t have a record. Now, he can make the claim and he can hold himself up as pure and trying to reach to a new generation of post partisan politics, but he has to do so largely based on rhetoric and wishful thinking because he doesn’t have the record.” (Fox News’ “Special Report With Brit Hume,” 5/7/08)
The Washington Post’s Richard Cohen: “There Is Scant Evidence The Illinois Senator Takes Positions That Challenge His Base Or Otherwise Threaten Him Politically.” “Obama might have a similar bottom line, core principles for which, in some sense, he is willing to die. If so, we don’t know what they are. Nothing so far in his life approaches McCain’s decision to refuse repatriation as a POW so as to deny his jailors a propaganda coup. In fact, there is scant evidence the Illinois senator takes positions that challenge his base or otherwise threaten him politically. That’s why his reversal on campaign financing and his transparently false justification of it matter more than similar acts by McCain.” (Richard Cohen, Op-Ed, “McCain’s Core Advantage,” The Washington Post, 6/24/08)
Politico’s Jonathan Martin: “He’s pretty much a conventional liberal on the issues and has few examples of breaking with his own party, so how does Obama try to pull off being ‘post-partisan?’” (Jonathan Martin, “Obama’s Third Way: It’s All In The Tone,” Politico, 6/30/08)
Rep. Dan Boren (D-OK): “His Record Does Not Reflect Working In A Bipartisan Fashion.” “Boren, the lone Democrat in Oklahoma’s congressional delegate, said that while Obama has talked about working with Republicans, ‘unfortunately, his record does not reflect working in a bipartisan fashion.’” (Tim Talley, “Okla. Dem Calls Obama Liberal, Declines To Endorse,” The Associated Press, 6/10/08)
“The Record Shows Obama To Be A Fairly Doctrinaire Liberal Democrat …” (Editorial, “Obama’s Rhetoric Soars, But What Does His Record Suggest?” USA Today, 1/28/08)
In 2007, Obama Voted With The Democrat Party 97 Percent Of The Time. (Congressional Quarterly Website,, Accessed 3/3/08)
In 2006, Obama Voted With The Democrat Party 96 Percent Of The Time. (Congressional Quarterly Website,, Accessed 1/27/08)
In 2005, Obama Voted With The Democrat Party 97 Percent Of The Time. (Congressional Quarterly Website,, Accessed 1/27/08)
MISLEADING CLAIM #2: Barack Obama Will Ensure That Our Troops On The Ground Have “The Equipment They Need In Battle.” OBAMA: “As Commander-in-Chief, I will never hesitate to defend this nation, but I will only send our troops into harm’s way with a clear mission and a sacred commitment to give them the equipment they need in battle and the care and benefits they deserve when they come home.” (Barack Obama, Remarks, Denver, CO, 8/28/08)
Barack Obama Voted Against Providing $94.4 Billion In Critical Funding For The Troops In Iraq And Afghanistan. (H.R. 2206, CQ Vote #181: Passed 80-14: R 42-3; D 37-10; I 1-1, 5/24/07, Obama Voted Nay)
MISLEADING CLAIM #3: Barack Obama Has Not Supported The President. OBAMA: “These challenges are not all of government’s making. But the failure to respond is a direct result of a broken politics in Washington and the failed policies of George W. Bush. … But the record’s clear: John McCain has voted with George Bush ninety percent of the time. Senator McCain likes to talk about judgment, but really, what does it say about your judgment when you think George Bush has been right more than ninety percent of the time? I don’t know about you, but I’m not ready to take a ten percent chance on change.” (Barack Obama, Remarks, Denver, CO, 8/28/08)
Barack Obama Says He Voted With President Bush “For The Most Part.” REPORTER: “For a couple of days, they’ve been saying you voted to raise taxes something like 94 times. That seems to be the drumbeat that’s going to happen during this campaign. Are you going to raise taxes in a big way for average Americans?” OBAMA: “I mean this is the standard fare of politics. And the truth of the matter is that the only bills that I voted for, for the most part, since I’ve been in the Senate were introduced by Republicans with George Bush. You know, they were the majority for a big chunk of the time I was there.” (KMOV [St. Louis, MO], 6/10/08)
Watch Barack Obama’s KMOV Interview
The New York Times’ David Brooks: Democrats Saying McCain Represents The Third Bush Term Are “Just Factually Inaccurate.” “Finally, the Obama people are too convinced that they can define McCain as Bush III. The case is just factually inaccurate. McCain will be able to pull out dozens of instances, from torture to global warming to spending, in which he broke with his party, as Rush Limbaugh will tell you.” (David Brooks, Op-Ed, “Calling Dr. Doom,” The New York Times, 6/3/08)
Newsweek’s Michael Hirsh: “As We Now Know Nearly Four Years Later, McCain Was Dead On In His Analysis Of What Went Wrong In Iraq.” “In early November 2003, at a time when Fred Dalton Thompson was playing a tough D.A. on ‘Law and Order,’ John McCain was cross-examining Donald Rumsfeld for real on Capitol Hill. It was still very early into the U.S. occupation of Iraq, but the as-yet-unacknowledged (by Rummy, that is) insurgency was already out of control. Alone among his fellow GOP senators, McCain blasted Rumsfeld for not putting enough U.S. troops on the ground, and for resorting too soon to ‘Iraqification’ — that is, transferring security to ill-prepared Iraqi forces. In an extraordinarily blunt speech at the Council on Foreign Relations that grim autumn, McCain warned that ultimately Iraq could become another Vietnam ‘if we lose popular support in the United States.’ The next day, the secretary of Defense asked McCain to breakfast. ‘I read y our speech,’ harrumphed Rumsfeld (that ‘must have been an enjoyable experience for him,’ McCain later joked to me). Then Rummy patiently explained to his fellow Republican why he and his top civilian brass (Paul Wolfowitz, Doug Feith and the usual crowd of incompetents) would continue to do things the same way. They ‘believed there was no need for additional troops,’ McCain later related. McCain had already realized that Rumsfeld was a lost cause. The real question, the senator suggested to me back then, was whether George W. Bush himself would push Rummy to make changes. ‘I’d like to see the president fully engaged,’ McCain said. Bush needed to be on top of ‘more details of what’s going on.’ As we now know nearly four years later, McCain was dead on in his analysis of what went wrong in Iraq. Right down to the need for Bush to get engaged and fire Rumsfeld. McCain was so right that, among military experts today, the emerging conventional wisdom about Bush’s current ’surg e’ is that if it had occurred back then — when McCain wanted it and the political will existed in this country to support it for the necessary number of years — it might well have succeeded.” (Michael Hirsh, “Why McCain’s Collapse Matters,” Newsweek, 7/26/07)
John McCain Voted Against The 2005 Bush-Cheney Energy Bill. (H.R. 6, CQ Vote #152: Motion Agreed To 92-4: R 53-1; D 38-3; I 1-0, 6/23/05, McCain Voted Nay; H.R. 6, CQ Vote #158: Passed 85-12: R 49-5; D 35-7; I 1-0, 6/28/05, McCain Voted Nay; H.R. 6, CQ Vote #213: Adopted 74-26: R 49-6; D 25-19; I 0-1, 7/29/05, McCain Voted Nay)
John McCain Is “Widely Acknowledged To Have Charted A Course Independent Of Bush” On Climate Change. “On global warming, McCain is widely acknowledged to have charted a course independent of Bush. Immediately after the 2004 election, in which he stumped for Bush’s re-election, he sharply distanced himself from Bush on climate change, calling the administration’s stance ‘terribly disappointing.’ McCain had co-sponsored a bill with Sen. Joe Lieberman to curb greenhouse gases in 2003. Bush had opposed any such move, citing possible harm to the economy and doubts over global warming.” (William March, “McCain Bucks Ties To Bush,” The Tampa Tribune, 6/11/08)
MISLEADING CLAIM #4: John McCain Believes We’ve Made “Great Progress” And Families Aren’t Hurting. OBAMA: “He said that our economy has made ‘great progress’ under this President. He said that the fundamentals of the economy are strong.” (Barack Obama, Remarks, Denver, CO, 8/28/08) Obama Use Of Quote Is “Misleading” And “Distorts” John McCain’s Words. “The second and third quotes the Obama campaign uses from McCain are more misleading. The ad shows McCain saying: ‘[T]here’s been great progress economically.’ The quote comes from an interview McCain did with Peter Cook at Bloomberg Television in April. … McCain was making a case for what he believed were positive economic developments during Bush’s time in office. However, the fuller quote shows McCain was saying that whatever progress had been made, it wouldn’t be enough to comfort families ‘facing these tremendous economic challenges.’ His comments overall are pessimistic; he cites ‘challenging times’ and ‘enormous difficulties.’ The Obama campaign distorts his views by using just a snippet of his remarks.” (D’Angelo Gore, “Distorting McCain’s Remarks,”, 8/19/08)
In The Full Question And Answer Cited By Barack Obama, John McCain Clearly Said That We Are In “Tough Times” And Families Are Facing “Tremendous Economic Challenges.” Bloomberg’s Peter Cook: “I’m going to ask you a version of the Ronald Reagan question. You think if Americans were asked, are you better off today than you were before George Bush took office more than seven years ago, what answer would they give?” McCain: “Certainly, in this time, we are in very challenging times. We all recognize that. Families are sitting around the kitchen table this evening and figuring out whether they’re going to be able to keep their home or not. They’re figuring out whether they’re — why it is that suddenly and recently someone in their family or their neighbor has lost their job. There’s no doubt that we are in enormous difficulties. “I think if you look at the overall record and millions of jobs have been created, et cetera, et cetera, yo u could make an argument that there’s been great progress economically over that period of time. But that’s no comfort. That’s no comfort to families now that are facing these tremendous economic challenges. But let me just add, Peter, the fundamentals of America’s economy are strong. We’re the greatest exporter, the greatest importer, the greatest innovator, the greatest producer, still the greatest economic engine in the world. And, by the way, exports and free trade are a key element in economic recovery. But these are tough times, tough times, and nobody knows that more than American families including in small towns of Pennsylvania. They haven’t lost their fundamental religious beliefs, their respect for the Constitution, their right to bear arms. They are still — keep America as a beacon of hope and freedom throughout the world.” (John McCain, Interview With Bloomberg TV, 4/17/08)
Watch Video Of Obama Economic Attack Compared To John McCain’s Full Response:
ABC News: Barack Obama Proved “He Knows How To Twist With The Best Of Them” When He Cited The McCain Quote. “Although Obama gets substantial mileage out of running against politics as usual, he provided a reminder on Friday that he knows how to twist with the best of them. Speaking in Erie, Pa., Obama charged: ‘John McCain went on television and said that there has “been great progress economically” over the last seven and a half years.’ Obama did not tell his audience, however, that McCain’s Thursday reference to economic progress was quickly followed by him adding that such progress is ‘no comfort’ to struggling families.” (Teddy Davis And Talal Al-Khatib, “Obama Twists McCain On Economy,” ABC News, 4/18/08)
MISLEADING CLAIM #5: Barack Obama Will Pay For His Massive Spending Increase. OBAMA: “Now, many of these plans will cost money, which is why I’ve laid out how I’ll pay for every dime — by closing corporate loopholes and tax havens that don’t help America grow. But I will also go through the federal budget, line by line, eliminating programs that no longer work and making the ones we do need work better and cost less — because we cannot meet twenty-first century challenges with a twentieth century bureaucracy.” (Barack Obama, Remarks, Denver, CO, 8/28/08)
Barack Obama: “I Do Not Make A Promise That We Can Reduce [The Budget Deficit] By 2013.” “‘I do not make a promise that we can reduce it by 2013 because I think it is important for us to make some critical investments right now in America’s families,’ Obama told reporters this week when asked if he’d match McCain’s pledge.” (Nedra Pickler, “Analysis: Obama Won’t Try For McCain’s Budget Goal,” The Associated Press, 7/8/08)
Chicago Tribune: Barack Obama Has “No Interest In Eliminating Deficit Spending.” “Since winning the nomination, Obama reportedly has been moving toward the middle of the political spectrum. But on the budget, he still sounds left of center, with no interest in eliminating deficit spending.” (Editorial, “Failure Of Nerve,” Chicago Tribune, 7/8/08)
The Associated Press: Barack Obama Not “Even Trying” To Balance The Budget And “Frankly Says He’s Not Sure He’d Bring It Down At All In Four Years.” “Barack Obama says John McCain’s plan to balance the budget doesn’t add up. Easy for him to say: It’s not a goal he’s even trying to reach. Not only does Obama say he won’t eliminate the deficit in his first term, as McCain aims to do, he frankly says he’s not sure he’d bring it down at all in four years, considering his own spending plans.” (Nedra Pickler, “Analysis: Obama Won’t Try For McCain’s Budget Goal,” The Associated Press, 7/8/08)
The National Journal’s John Maggs: “[Obama] Has Rhetorically Committed To A ‘Pay-As-You-Go’ Approach By Offsetting New Spending And Tax Cuts With New Taxes Or Spending Cuts, But His Proposals Do Not Come Close To Meeting This Standard.” (John Maggs, “Obama On The Economy,” The National Journal, 5/31/08)
Los Angeles Times: Barack Obama “Has Not Identified New Revenue Sources Or Spending Cuts To Pay For Some Of” His Proposals. “The Obama campaign responds that tax cuts, once enacted, are usually renewed and do not expire. Therefore, they say, Obama can legitimately claim to be recouping money for other purposes by scaling back the tax cuts. Obama has not identified new revenue sources or spending cuts to pay for some of what he wants to do.” (Peter Nicholas, “Adding Up The Cost Of Obama’s Agenda,” Los Angeles Times, 7/8/08)
The New York Times’ David Brooks Said For Barack Obama To Fund His Domestic Programs, He Will Have To Break His Pledge Not To Tax The Middle Class. “Both [Obama and Clinton] promised to not raise taxes on those making less than $200,000 or $250,000 a year. They both just emasculated their domestic programs. Returning the rich to their Clinton-era tax rates will yield, at best, $40 billion a year in revenue. It’s impossible to fund a health care plan, let alone anything else, with that kind of money. The consequences are clear: if elected they will have to break their pledge, and thus destroy their credibility, or run a minimalist administration.” (David Brooks, Op-Ed, “No Whining About The Media,” The New York Times, 4/16/08)
MISLEADING CLAIM #6: Under Barack Obama, We Will Achieve Energy Independence. OBAMA: “And for the sake of our economy, our security, and the future of our planet, I will set a clear goal as President: in ten years, we will finally end our dependence on oil from the Middle East.” (Barack Obama, Remarks, Denver, CO, 8/28/08)
The Detroit News: Barack Obama’s Energy Plan Will “Do Nothing To Answer The Nation’s Long-Term Needs.” “The latest additions to Sen. Barack Obama’s energy plan, outlined during an appearance in Lansing Monday, may win the Democratic presidential candidate some votes from disgruntled consumers in November, but they’ll do nothing to answer the nation’s long-term needs.” (Editorial, “Obama’s Energy Plan Is Fueled By Populism,” The Detroit News, 8/5/08)
The Washington Post Editorial: Barack Obama Offering Gimmicks On Energy. “When his presumptive Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), proposed a gas tax holiday as a way to reduce the high cost of driving, Mr. Obama showed political courage and intellectual honesty by refusing to sign on to that obvious gimmick. ‘It’s an idea to get them through an election,’ Mr. Obama said. Now he has two such gimmicks of his own.” (Editorial, “Tapping Tired Wells,” The Washington Post, 8/6/08)
Barack Obama Opposes Allowing States To Decide If They Want To Drill Offshore To Increase American Energy Independence. Obama: “The politics may have changed, but the facts haven’t. The accuracy of Sen. McCain’s original position has not changed: Offshore drilling would not lower gas prices today, it would not lower gas prices next year and it would not lower gas prices five years from now.” (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At Press Availability, Jacksonville, FL, 6/20/08)
Barack Obama Opposes Immediate Gas Tax Relief For American Families. Obama: “I think John McCain’s proposal for a three month tax holiday is a bad idea.” (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At Campaign Event, Blue Bell, PA, 4/21/08)
Barack Obama Called John McCain’s $300 Million Prize For A Better Battery A “Gimmick.” Obama: “In this campaign, John McCain is offering the same old gimmicks that will provide almost no short-term relief to folks who are struggling with high gas prices. Gimmicks that will only increase our addiction for another four years.” (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At Campaign Event, Las Vegas, NV, 6/24/08)
Barack Obama Criticized Expanding Nuclear Power. Obama: “That might make sense in Washington, but it doesn’t make sense for America. In fact, it makes about as much sense as his proposal to build 45 new nuclear reactors without a plan to store the waste some place other than, guess where? Right here in Nevada at Yucca Mountain.” (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At Campaign Event, Las Vegas, NV, 6/24/08)
Barack Obama Is Proposing A Tax On Oil That Will Only Lead To Higher Prices At The Pump. “Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s proposal for a windfall profits tax on oil companies could cost $15 billion a year at last year’s profit levels, a campaign adviser said.” (Daniel Whitten, “Obama May Levy $15 Billion Tax On Oil Company Profit,” Bloomberg News, 5/1/08)
The Washington Post: Barack Obama’s Tax On Oil Will Only Lead To “Higher Prices At The Pump.” “But to add a five-year tax increase on top of that to pay for a one-year gift to voters would, indeed, increase the cost of doing business. That cost would be passed along in forgone investment in new production, lower dividends for pension funds and other shareholders, and higher prices at the pump — thus socking it to the consumers whom the plan is supposed to help. If oil prices fall, there might be no windfall profits to tax. Then the Obama rebate would have to be paid for through spending cuts, taxes on something else or borrowing.” (Editorial, “Tapping Tired Wells,” The Washington Post, 8/6/08)
MISLEADING CLAIM #7: Barack Obama Will Cut Taxes. OBAMA: “I will eliminate capital gains taxes for the small businesses and the start-ups that will create the high-wage, high-tech jobs of tomorrow. I will cut taxes — cut taxes — for 95% of all working families.” (Barack Obama, Remarks, Denver, CO, 8/28/08)
Barack Obama Voted Twice In Favor Of The Democrats’ FY 2009 Budget Resolution. (S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #85: Adopted 51-44: R 2-43; D 47-1; I 2-0, 3/14/08, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #142: Adopted 48- 45: R 2- 44; D 44- 1; I 2-0, 6/4/08, Obama Voted Yea) The Budget Resolution Would Have Allowed Most Of The Provisions Of The 2001 And 2003 Tax Cuts To Expire, Effectively Raising Taxes On Those Making $41,500 In Total Income. “What Obama voted for was a budget resolution that would have allowed most of the provisions of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts to expire. In particular, the resolution would allow the 25 percent tax bracket to return to its pre-2001 level of 28 percent. That bracket kicks in at $32,550 for an individual or $65,100 for a married couple. … But as those of you who have filled out a 1040 know, that’s not actually how income taxes work. We don’t pay taxes on our total earnings; we pay them based on our ‘taxable income.’ The Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center’s Eric Toder told that ‘people with taxable income of $32,000 would have a total income greater than that.’ In 2008, anyone filing taxes with single status would be entitled to a standar d deduction of $5,450, as well as a personal exemption of $3,500. So to have a taxable income high enough to reach the 25 percent bracket, an individual would need to earn at least $41,500 in total income, while a married couple would need a combined income of at least $83,000.” (”The $32,000 Question,”,, 7/8/08) “Obama’s Votes Indicate A Willingness To Raise Taxes.” “Certainly Obama’s votes indicate a willingness to raise taxes, and Obama has not been shy about saying explicitly that he will raise some taxes.” (”The $32,000 Question,”,, 7/8/08)
Obama Campaign: Barack Obama Voted For A Budget Resolution That Wouldn’t Have Increased Taxes For Any Taxpayers Making Less Than $41,500. ROSEN: “Campaign aides to Senator Obama today, called the charge that he voted for tax hikes on people making only $32,000 a year, quote, ‘bogus.’ They circulated an analysis stating that the resolution that Obama had voted for would not have increase taxes on single taxpayer making less than $41,500 a year in total income.” (Fox News’ “America’s Election Headquarters,” 7/30/08)
The New York Times: Barack Obama’s “Vote Was On A Budget Resolution To Raise Taxes On People Making $41,500 A Year.” “, a nonpartisan Web site, said the vote was on a budget resolution to raise taxes on people making $41,500 a year; the $32,000 figure, it said, was the amount of taxable income those people had.” (Michael Cooper, “McCain Goes Negative, Worrying Some In GOP,” The New York Times, (7/30/08)
So while Obuma did the boring predictable thing when it came to picking a VP, McCain remained the Marvick and selected Cougar Sarah Palin as his running mate.
I'll be the first to admit after a few days I was beginning to 2nd guess the pick. Sure I want to give her a good offshore drilling, but was it wise to pick someone I had to google to find out who she was?
All my reservations faded after hearing her speak at the GOP Convention. The Maverick mom gave a great speech, especially since her teleprompter was broke and she just and to (right)wing it. I'm so glad America was watching and America loves her. Palin exceeded expectations in her highly anticipated acceptance speech, skewering Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, slamming the news media, painting herself as the ultimate Washington outsider, and touting the military service and reformer record of her ticket-mate GOP presidential candidate John McCain. In her primetime national political debut, Palin touted her small-town Alaska roots and took the fight directly to Obama.
I'm not going to go out and say that she has more political experience as Obuma, but it's damn close. When it comes to Foreign Relations she has it all over Obuma, she's a hands on command and chief of the Alaskan National Guard.
-Iraq/Kuwait/Afghanistan/Kosovo (her troops get sent there, she gets briefed constantly on their mission, well being, and what is going on in that country that could affect her Alaskan troops)
-Canada (gas pipeline; immigration/customs crack down at the border)
-Russia (few miles off AK’s coast)
-Mongolia (her troops train in Mongolian troops EVERY YEAR)
-International Waters (Alaska has the biggest coast line and the best fishing waters on this side of the planet…foreign boats cruise around her waters all the time which can turn into an international situation if an emergency arises…she has to know what is going on not only in her state but around it)
-N. Korea (her Ground Missile Defense system that her troops run protect the West from N. Korean nuclear attack…she is briefed on this by generals and briefs the President as well)
***Anti-terrorism. She has to keep the oil pipeline safe from terrorism. When they found pics of the Valdez oil pipeline and the port in a cave in Afghanistan they sent us AK Army Guard troops to guard it, train on anti-terrorism measures, etc. She is our Commander and Chief and is ultimately responsible for anti-terrorism measures in AK.
While I continue to compare the 2 please keep in mind that Palin is seeking to become the Vice President and Obuma is seeking to become the President of the USA thus the leader of the free world.

Current Job: Palin is the governor of the the biggest state in the nation, while it might not be the most populated, the state of Alaska is extremely important when it comes to domestic energy and foreign affairs two of the biggest issues in the race. Obuma is the JUNIOR Senator from Illinois, even though he was born in Hawaii and spent most of his life in in places like Kenya and Indonesia. Previous Jobs: Palin has was Mayor of Wasilla, AK (1996-2002); President of Alaska Conference of Mayors; & City Council member (1992-1996) Obuma has been State Senator (1997-2004); & a Community Organizer.(Jack Hart for President?) Executive experience: Palin was a Mayor of 10 years and has been a Governor for 2, Obuma has no executive experience. Foreign Relations experience: Palin is Governor of state that borders two foreign countries (Canada and Russia), while Obuma Chaired Senate subcommittee on Europe but never called it into session; & once gave a speech to 200,000 screaming Germans. Military Affairs experience: Palin is Commander in Chief of Alaska National Guard while her Son is enlisted Infantryman in U.S. Army, Obuma again comes up empty in that column. Palin's theme is to Change and Clean Government, to prove she isn't full of shit when it comes to living that dream she Replaced entire Board of Agriculture and Conservation because of conflict of interest;Resigned from position of Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission in order to expose corruption among members of own party. Obuma's theme, Hope and Change;”Bringing Change from Outside Washington” ok I'm down with that, but what has Obuma done to live that dream? Selected 36-year incumbent Senator as running mate. Iraq & Troop Support: Palin was critical of apparent lack of long-term strategy for Iraq;Visited wounded U.S. soldiers in Germany;visited AK National Guard soldiers deployed to Kuwait; oh and her Son is deploying to Iraq on 9/11/08 as Army infantryman. Obuma on the other hand gave an anti-Iraq war speech to a crowd of anti-Iraq war demonstrators & almost visited wounded troops in Germany, but decided to go shopping in Berlin instead. Bipartisan credentials: Palin Married a non-Republican; Exposed corruption within own party;Campaigned for Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell against corrupt GOP congressman Don Young; Called out Sen Ted Stevens (R-AK) to “come clean” about financial dealings that are under fed investigation while Obuma talks about bipartisanship while having a voting record that voted with the Democrats 97% of the time. Legislative Record: Palin passed a landmark ethics reform bill;Used veto to cut budgetary spending;Prevented “bridge to nowhere” that would have cost taxpayers $400 million dollars. Obuma voted “present” over 100 times as IL state senator. How they dealt with corrupt individuals in home city/state: Palin exposed legal violations and conflicts of interest of Alaska Republican leaders;Campaigned against corrupt GOP Representative;Ran against and defeated corrupt incumbent governor in GOP primary. Obuma launched his political career in home of unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers (and still refers to him as a part of “mainstream Democratic Chicago”; & Purchased home with help of convicted felon Tony Rezko. Earmarks: Palin Opposed “Bridge to Nowhere” project;Said Alaska should avoid relying on federal money for projects;Campaigned against porker Don Young (R-AK) in 2008 primary, Obuma Secured federal earmarks for wife’s employer and......we'll just please click this link, I can't type all of Obuma's Earmarks. Energy: Believes energy independence is a matter of national security;& is for drilling in ANWR, which is in her state, Obuma says Americans should “get tune-ups” and “check tire pressure”;Says “we can’t expect the world to be okay with” our use of heating and air conditioning. Environment: Palin was Chair of Alaska Conservation Commission (2003-4);Announced plans to create sub-cabinet group of advisors to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in AK, Obuma talks about the environment I'll give him that, not sure what he has planned but he does mention the word "environment" from time to time.
So there you have it. Sarah Palin is more than qualified to stand behind McCain at the State of the Union and clap. The way the media, mostly ABC,NBC & CBS attacked her set woman's rights back 100 years. They should be ashamed of themselves. But when it was all said and done I have to thank the sexiest pigs in the media. There hate totally backfired on them. 37 million people tuned in to see what the fuss was all about and 37 million people found out that Sarah Palin is the shit.
Lost in all the excitement of Palin's speech was Joe Lieberman's speech. Big Joe hit the nail on the head. Speaking about bipartisan, which is exactly what this country needs. Too long has this country been stuck in the policital tug of war that is Republican vs. Democrat, Left vs.Right, Liberal vs.. Conservative. The issues that face this nation are way to broad for one side to be right about each issue. It's time for the USA to work together to get this country heading in the right direction.

Tam from Canton has let me in on a rumor that Will Smith is going to play Captain America in the upcoming Cap film. I pray to god this is just a rumor, movie studios already fuck with the facts of comic book movie enough.
So there you have it. Sarah Palin is more than qualified to stand behind McCain at the State of the Union and clap. The way the media, mostly ABC,NBC & CBS attacked her set woman's rights back 100 years. They should be ashamed of themselves. But when it was all said and done I have to thank the sexiest pigs in the media. There hate totally backfired on them. 37 million people tuned in to see what the fuss was all about and 37 million people found out that Sarah Palin is the shit.
Lost in all the excitement of Palin's speech was Joe Lieberman's speech. Big Joe hit the nail on the head. Speaking about bipartisan, which is exactly what this country needs. Too long has this country been stuck in the policital tug of war that is Republican vs. Democrat, Left vs.Right, Liberal vs.. Conservative. The issues that face this nation are way to broad for one side to be right about each issue. It's time for the USA to work together to get this country heading in the right direction.

Tam from Canton has let me in on a rumor that Will Smith is going to play Captain America in the upcoming Cap film. I pray to god this is just a rumor, movie studios already fuck with the facts of comic book movie enough.
DOES THIS LOOK LIKE FUCKING WILL SMITH TO YOU, MOTHER FUCKER!? DOES IT!? Has Affirmative action effected Super Hero Movies? Michael Clark Duncan as Kingpin, Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury and now Will Smith as Captain America. WHAT THE FUCK!

On Saturday, I had an even with My Morning Jacket. We'll it wasn't just me there were about 5,000 other people there, including fellow bloggers Tax, Seamus & Jimmy Skorner(much more on Jimmy latter) along with some other old friends and some new friends too. The show was tremendous, great seats, giant beers and MMJ rocked the house. They didn't play 2 songs I really wanted to hear, The Liberian and What a Wonderful Man, but you can't expect to hear everything when it comes to a band like MMJ with such a vast catalog. Overall the set was good, when they played"Anytime" it was amazing, I love that song and they totally rocked it, I was freaking out.
Big ups to my Australian cousin, Jared Tallent who won the bronze medal in Beijing for walking..........Wait What? Walking? Fuck that, I take my big ups back, fucking walking? That's not a sport it's how you get to the store.
I know I've been a big supporter of John McCain during this whole election, but suddenly there's a 3rd party candidate that has my serious attention. That's right No other than friend of B?IHKH! Jimmy Skorner has thrown his hat in the ring for the race for president. Please check out Jimmy at his blog and read he's bold solutions to all the issues.
I love chicken, but I'll never eat Tyson Chicken. Tyson is making there employees work on Labor day and replacing the holiday with some Muslim bullshit holiday. Labor Day for fucks sake! The day workers get rewarded for there "Labor"! If you want to to close shop for some Islamic nonsense go ahead(I'm still showing up for work), but don't take away Labor day from your workers.
Congress Woman Sheila Jackson Lee, of Houston apartnely has nothing better to do than bitch about the names of Hurricanes. She claims whoever is in charge of naming these storms is a racist, because the names aren't "black enough". WOW finally a politicain adressing the real issues! WHAT THE FUCK. Not only is this claim a waste of everyones time and frigin ridicoulus, it's not even true. What's the hurricane fucking everything up right now? Ike. I know of 2 Ike's Ike Turner(black) and Ike Hillard(black). If were lucky enough to get a few more storms, up to the letter O, the name would be Omar. Oh man if I had a dime for every white boy named Omar...........
I seen last week that a PA judge deemed a man who gunned down 13 people, including 5 of his own kids, too crazy to be exacuted. (before you anti-capital punishment peps go crazy, I'll give you my death penalty stance: not everyone that is charged with murder should be exacuted, just ones that are gulity without a shadow of a doubt and who's crimes are so heinous that the fucking jerk doesn't belong to breathe the same air as the rest of us.)
So here's a fucking guy who picked up a semiautomatic rifle on Sept. 25, 1982, and began shooting at two houses in Wilkes-Barre and nearby Jenkins Township. He killed a total of seven children; his three live-in girlfriends; an ex-girlfriend; her mother; and a bystander in the street.Banks, who is biracial, has maintained that he shot his children to spare them the racial prejudice he endured in Wilkes-Barre, a city 100 miles north of Philadelphia. Prosecutors noted his history of abusing women and said he had been involved in a nasty custody battle with one of the victims. But he can't be put to death because defense experts testified at a hearing last month that Banks believes his sentence has been vacated by God or Jesus, that he is no longer under the threat of death, and that he is being held in prison as part of a conspiracy to get him to renounce his religious beliefs. Who gives a shit, smoke this fool. Now he's continues to live on the tax payers dime while his vitcims are dead and there families forever fucked in the head.
Aug 30th- Hot Chick, Cameron Diaz
Aug 31st-MLB Great Frank Robinson
Sep 1st-NFL star and great dancer Jason Taylor & Greatest Boxer ever Rocky Marciano, don't think so? Tell me one person that beat him.
Sep 2nd-NFL great Terry Bradshaw, hot chick Salma Hayek & top black guy with an English Accent, boxing great Lennox Lewis
Sep 3rd-Hooker junkie Charlie Sheen, and hot hot Olympic Softball player Jennie Finch
Sep 4th-Hot Chicks Stacy Sanches & Beyonce
Sep 5th-Hot Chick Rose McGowen
Sep 6th-MLB star Derek Lee & Screen Legend Michael Winslow
Sep 7th-Boxing star Shane Mosley; hot chicks Shannon Elizabeth & Angie Everhart
Sep 8th-Hot chicks Brooke Burke & Abi Titmuss
Sep 9th-Comedy Star Adam Sandler & Cougar Rachel Hunter
Sep 10th-Golf Legend Arnold Palmer, MLB star Randy Johnson, single season home run champ Roger Maris & most importantly me
Big ups to my Australian cousin, Jared Tallent who won the bronze medal in Beijing for walking..........Wait What? Walking? Fuck that, I take my big ups back, fucking walking? That's not a sport it's how you get to the store.
I know I've been a big supporter of John McCain during this whole election, but suddenly there's a 3rd party candidate that has my serious attention. That's right No other than friend of B?IHKH! Jimmy Skorner has thrown his hat in the ring for the race for president. Please check out Jimmy at his blog and read he's bold solutions to all the issues.
I love chicken, but I'll never eat Tyson Chicken. Tyson is making there employees work on Labor day and replacing the holiday with some Muslim bullshit holiday. Labor Day for fucks sake! The day workers get rewarded for there "Labor"! If you want to to close shop for some Islamic nonsense go ahead(I'm still showing up for work), but don't take away Labor day from your workers.
Congress Woman Sheila Jackson Lee, of Houston apartnely has nothing better to do than bitch about the names of Hurricanes. She claims whoever is in charge of naming these storms is a racist, because the names aren't "black enough". WOW finally a politicain adressing the real issues! WHAT THE FUCK. Not only is this claim a waste of everyones time and frigin ridicoulus, it's not even true. What's the hurricane fucking everything up right now? Ike. I know of 2 Ike's Ike Turner(black) and Ike Hillard(black). If were lucky enough to get a few more storms, up to the letter O, the name would be Omar. Oh man if I had a dime for every white boy named Omar...........
I seen last week that a PA judge deemed a man who gunned down 13 people, including 5 of his own kids, too crazy to be exacuted. (before you anti-capital punishment peps go crazy, I'll give you my death penalty stance: not everyone that is charged with murder should be exacuted, just ones that are gulity without a shadow of a doubt and who's crimes are so heinous that the fucking jerk doesn't belong to breathe the same air as the rest of us.)
So here's a fucking guy who picked up a semiautomatic rifle on Sept. 25, 1982, and began shooting at two houses in Wilkes-Barre and nearby Jenkins Township. He killed a total of seven children; his three live-in girlfriends; an ex-girlfriend; her mother; and a bystander in the street.Banks, who is biracial, has maintained that he shot his children to spare them the racial prejudice he endured in Wilkes-Barre, a city 100 miles north of Philadelphia. Prosecutors noted his history of abusing women and said he had been involved in a nasty custody battle with one of the victims. But he can't be put to death because defense experts testified at a hearing last month that Banks believes his sentence has been vacated by God or Jesus, that he is no longer under the threat of death, and that he is being held in prison as part of a conspiracy to get him to renounce his religious beliefs. Who gives a shit, smoke this fool. Now he's continues to live on the tax payers dime while his vitcims are dead and there families forever fucked in the head.
Aug 30th- Hot Chick, Cameron Diaz
Aug 31st-MLB Great Frank Robinson
Sep 1st-NFL star and great dancer Jason Taylor & Greatest Boxer ever Rocky Marciano, don't think so? Tell me one person that beat him.
Sep 2nd-NFL great Terry Bradshaw, hot chick Salma Hayek & top black guy with an English Accent, boxing great Lennox Lewis
Sep 3rd-Hooker junkie Charlie Sheen, and hot hot Olympic Softball player Jennie Finch
Sep 4th-Hot Chicks Stacy Sanches & Beyonce
Sep 5th-Hot Chick Rose McGowen
Sep 6th-MLB star Derek Lee & Screen Legend Michael Winslow
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Sep 8th-Hot chicks Brooke Burke & Abi Titmuss
Sep 9th-Comedy Star Adam Sandler & Cougar Rachel Hunter
Sep 10th-Golf Legend Arnold Palmer, MLB star Randy Johnson, single season home run champ Roger Maris & most importantly me
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