I don't ever remember being so into the Olympics as I was during these past Summer Games. I would watch anything that was a race or had a score. Any of the events that are judged I think are unwatchable. This guy will do what looks to like an impressive super flip off a platform and the color commentator will say "oh that wasn't very good". I don;t know it looked pretty fucking good to me. That's why I can't watch the judged events I have no idea what I'm looking for, not to mention it's all bullshit. The Chinese Gymnast would keep falling and still win the gold even though the American broads would be perfect. I guess the judges knew if the 12 year old china girl didn't win the gold she'd get the beating of her life, so they gave her the gold to keep her teeth in one place.
I thought it was very cool to see the NBA Superstars watching the other events such as the volleyball and swimming. But then again Michael Phelps was a must see. What a performance. I just wish he was more hated across the globe. I didn't see nearly the angst towards Namor that Lance Armstrong got.
One of the coolest things I seen during the games was the crowd at a pre-season Baltimore Ravens game stay after the to watch Phelps swim. That has to be the first time in history a stadium packed with 50,00 plus went ape-shit over a swimming event.
How about that Usain "Lighting" Bolt, breaking records, but not a sweat. I heard he now owns the title "Worlds Fastest Man". That's funny my wife's been calling me that for years.
While watching the diving I seen that the divers were rewarded for having little splash and the end of the dive. Fuck that. The real diving competition should have people doing flips and shit but then ending with a monster cannonball and getting rewarded for a big splash.
Are Americans the only people that Bowl? I would love to see Olympic Bowling.
The story of the games was of course Phelps. 8 gold metals, 7 world records, just unreal. The question now is he the greatest American Olympian ever? That's tough there have been so many great ones. Jesse Owens, Carl Lewis, Mark Spitz, Mary Lou Renton, Michael Johnson. But the greatest ever really has to be Brian Meeker. Just watch his vault performance in the 84 games.
I'm a little surprised that the Olympic Committee would award a country like China with the games. The place is pretty controversial. If there not slapping monks around there driving over college kids with tanks(but who could blame them for that). Did you know that anyone in Beijing that was mentally challenged was forced to leave the city, so at first glance Beijing would appear to be retard free. That's fucked up.
I've come to the conclusion that Liberals love bumper stickers. Next time you see a car with way too many bumper stickers I bet there all Liberal propaganda stickers.
If Obuma is right and cars is Boston are causing droughts in Kenya, then why has it rained everyday this summer in Boston?
I hear so many people say "Obuma's the shit, he's going to tax the rich" That's very true he will tax the rich, but he'll also tax the poor, the handsome, the ugly, the gay, the straight, those with big cock, those with little penis', the bald, the the fat, the skinny, the smelly, the clean, the blacks, the whites, the pussies, the tuff guys, the whores, the prudes, the vegans, the drunks, the junkies, the cunts, the twats, the dickheads, the great guys, the old, the young, the pricks and everyone else.
To further prove this point I had Brother of The Gootch interview Robert D. Jenkins, Vice President - Investments, Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor for Wachovia Securities, LLC, to have someone in the know break down the tax plans for both McCain and Obuma. Here's how Mr. Jenkins broke it down.
Proposed changes in taxes after the 2008 General election:
0% on home sales up to $500,000
per home (couples). McCain does not
propose any change in existing
home sales capital gain taxes.
28% on profit from ALL home sales
How does this affect you?
If you sell your home and make a profit, you
will pay 28% of your gain on taxes.
If you are heading20toward retirement
and would like to down-size your
home or move into a retirement
community, 28% of the money you
make from your home will go to Federal taxes. This would adversely
affect the elderly who are counting on the income
from their home sales as part of their retirement income.
McCAIN 15% (no change)
OBAMA 39.6%
How will this affect you?
If you have any money invested in the stock
market, IRAs, mutual funds,
college funds, life insura nce, retirement
accounts, or anything that pays
or re-invests dividends, you would have to
pay taxes of nearly 40% on the money
earned if Obama becomes President.
The experts predict that higher
tax rates on dividends and capital gains
would crash the stock market, yet
do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.
McCAIN (no changes)
Single making 30K - tax $4,500
Single making 50K - tax $12,500
Single making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 60K- tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 125K - tax $31,250
(revert to pre-Bush tax cuts)
Single making 30K - tax $8,400
Single making 50K - tax $14,000
Single making 75K - tax $23,250
Married making 60K - tax $16,800
Married making 75K - tax $21,000
Married making 125K - tax $38,750
Under Obama your taxes will
more than double!
How does this affect you? No explanation
needed. This is pretty
straight forward.
McCAIN 0% (No change, President Bush repealed this tax)
OBAMA will Restore the inheritance tax
How does this affect you? Before inheritance taxes were
repealed under President Bush, many families lost businesses,
farms and ranches, and their homes that have been in their families
for generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax.
Those who inherit their family assets under an Obama administration will lose them as they won't be able to pay inheritance taxes that
Obama wants them to pay.
* New government taxes proposed on
homes that are more than
2400 square feet
* New gasoline taxes (as if
gas prices aren't high enough already)
* New taxes on natural resource consumption
(heating, gas, water, electricity, etc.)
* New taxes on retirement accounts
and last but not least....
* New taxes to pay for socialized medicine
so we can receive the same
level of medical care as other
third-world countries!!!
My thanks to Brother of The Gootch and Mr. Jenkins
I got a kick out of Obuma trying to get on McCain about how many houses Mac owns. Who cares!? What's more important? Knowing how many houses you own or knowing how many states there are in the country in which your running for president.
I thought it was very cool to see the NBA Superstars watching the other events such as the volleyball and swimming. But then again Michael Phelps was a must see. What a performance. I just wish he was more hated across the globe. I didn't see nearly the angst towards Namor that Lance Armstrong got.
One of the coolest things I seen during the games was the crowd at a pre-season Baltimore Ravens game stay after the to watch Phelps swim. That has to be the first time in history a stadium packed with 50,00 plus went ape-shit over a swimming event.
How about that Usain "Lighting" Bolt, breaking records, but not a sweat. I heard he now owns the title "Worlds Fastest Man". That's funny my wife's been calling me that for years.
While watching the diving I seen that the divers were rewarded for having little splash and the end of the dive. Fuck that. The real diving competition should have people doing flips and shit but then ending with a monster cannonball and getting rewarded for a big splash.
Are Americans the only people that Bowl? I would love to see Olympic Bowling.
The story of the games was of course Phelps. 8 gold metals, 7 world records, just unreal. The question now is he the greatest American Olympian ever? That's tough there have been so many great ones. Jesse Owens, Carl Lewis, Mark Spitz, Mary Lou Renton, Michael Johnson. But the greatest ever really has to be Brian Meeker. Just watch his vault performance in the 84 games.
I'm a little surprised that the Olympic Committee would award a country like China with the games. The place is pretty controversial. If there not slapping monks around there driving over college kids with tanks(but who could blame them for that). Did you know that anyone in Beijing that was mentally challenged was forced to leave the city, so at first glance Beijing would appear to be retard free. That's fucked up.
I've come to the conclusion that Liberals love bumper stickers. Next time you see a car with way too many bumper stickers I bet there all Liberal propaganda stickers.
If Obuma is right and cars is Boston are causing droughts in Kenya, then why has it rained everyday this summer in Boston?
I hear so many people say "Obuma's the shit, he's going to tax the rich" That's very true he will tax the rich, but he'll also tax the poor, the handsome, the ugly, the gay, the straight, those with big cock, those with little penis', the bald, the the fat, the skinny, the smelly, the clean, the blacks, the whites, the pussies, the tuff guys, the whores, the prudes, the vegans, the drunks, the junkies, the cunts, the twats, the dickheads, the great guys, the old, the young, the pricks and everyone else.
To further prove this point I had Brother of The Gootch interview Robert D. Jenkins, Vice President - Investments, Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor for Wachovia Securities, LLC, to have someone in the know break down the tax plans for both McCain and Obuma. Here's how Mr. Jenkins broke it down.
Proposed changes in taxes after the 2008 General election:
0% on home sales up to $500,000
per home (couples). McCain does not
propose any change in existing
home sales capital gain taxes.
28% on profit from ALL home sales
How does this affect you?
If you sell your home and make a profit, you
will pay 28% of your gain on taxes.
If you are heading20toward retirement
and would like to down-size your
home or move into a retirement
community, 28% of the money you
make from your home will go to Federal taxes. This would adversely
affect the elderly who are counting on the income
from their home sales as part of their retirement income.
McCAIN 15% (no change)
OBAMA 39.6%
How will this affect you?
If you have any money invested in the stock
market, IRAs, mutual funds,
college funds, life insura nce, retirement
accounts, or anything that pays
or re-invests dividends, you would have to
pay taxes of nearly 40% on the money
earned if Obama becomes President.
The experts predict that higher
tax rates on dividends and capital gains
would crash the stock market, yet
do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.
McCAIN (no changes)
Single making 30K - tax $4,500
Single making 50K - tax $12,500
Single making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 60K- tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 125K - tax $31,250
(revert to pre-Bush tax cuts)
Single making 30K - tax $8,400
Single making 50K - tax $14,000
Single making 75K - tax $23,250
Married making 60K - tax $16,800
Married making 75K - tax $21,000
Married making 125K - tax $38,750
Under Obama your taxes will
more than double!
How does this affect you? No explanation
needed. This is pretty
straight forward.
McCAIN 0% (No change, President Bush repealed this tax)
OBAMA will Restore the inheritance tax
How does this affect you? Before inheritance taxes were
repealed under President Bush, many families lost businesses,
farms and ranches, and their homes that have been in their families
for generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax.
Those who inherit their family assets under an Obama administration will lose them as they won't be able to pay inheritance taxes that
Obama wants them to pay.
* New government taxes proposed on
homes that are more than
2400 square feet
* New gasoline taxes (as if
gas prices aren't high enough already)
* New taxes on natural resource consumption
(heating, gas, water, electricity, etc.)
* New taxes on retirement accounts
and last but not least....
* New taxes to pay for socialized medicine
so we can receive the same
level of medical care as other
third-world countries!!!
My thanks to Brother of The Gootch and Mr. Jenkins
I got a kick out of Obuma trying to get on McCain about how many houses Mac owns. Who cares!? What's more important? Knowing how many houses you own or knowing how many states there are in the country in which your running for president.
Everyone that runs for president is rich, that includes the high and mighty Barraks. Piece of shit Michelle Barrak gets $300,000 a year for a job she doesn't even have to show up for. Every weak minded fool in America has bought his Inane books.
Your probably waiting for me to bash Obuma's choice for Running Mate , Joe Biden. I don't have to, I'll let Obuma do that himself.
I couldn't agree more, Obuma. Thanks for the help.
I wonder how Biden, feels about both candidates.
Ok, Ok, your right Biden attack was in the heat of a debate, I'm sure that's the only time Biden blasted Obuma, right? No? What else has Biden Said?
Biden: "If the Democrats think we're going to be able to nominate someone who can win without that person being able to table unimpeachable credentials on national security and foreign policy, I think we're making a tragic mistake..." (Sen. Joe Biden, "The Diane Rehm Show," 8/2/07)
Biden: "Having Talking Points On Foreign Policy Doesn't Get You There." ("Biden Lashes Out At Obama," ABC News' "Political Radar" Blog, blogs.abcnews.com, 8/2/07)
Biden Attacked Obama For Voting Against Funding U.S. Troops In Iraq And Afghanistan, Accusing Him Of "Cutting Off Support That Will Save The Lives Of Thousands Of American Troops." Biden: "And, look, Tim, if you tell me I've got to take away this protection for these kids in order to win the election, some things aren't worth it. Some things are worth losing over. That would be worth losing over. Hundreds of lives are being saved and will be saved by us sending these vehicles over which we are funding with this supplemental legislation. And I want to ask any of my other colleagues, would they, in fact, vote to cut off the money for those troops to protect them? That's the right question. This isn't cutting off the war. This is cutting off support that will save the lives of thousands of American troops." (NBC's "Meet The Press," 9/9/07)
Biden On Obama's Leadership On Iraq: "I Don't Recall Hearing A Word From Barack About A Plan Or A Tactic." (Jason Horowitz, "Biden Unbound: Lays Into Clinton, Obama, Edwards," The New York Observer, 2/4/07)
Biden On Whether He Would Meet Unconditionally With The Leaders Of Rogue States As Obama Said He Would: "Absolutely Positively No." Biden: "Would I make a blanket commitment to meet unconditionally with the leaders of each of those countries within the first year I was elected president? Absolutely positively no." (Sen. Joe Biden, Remarks At The National Press Club, Washington, DC, 8/1/07)
Biden Attacked Obama's Public Pronouncement That He Would Unilaterally Attack Pakistan, Saying "The Last Thing You Want To Do Is Telegraph To The Folks In Pakistan That We're About To Violate Quote 'Their Sovereignty.'" Biden: "[A]nd I'm told, Senator Obama announced today. Senator Lantos (sic) and I wrote into law, the requirement that the aid to Pakistan be conditioned upon their support of us going after Al Qaeda in their Western province. It already is a law. The question, the way to deal with it is not to announce it, is to do it. The last thing you want to do is telegraph to the folks in Pakistan that we're about to violate quote 'their sovereignty,' putting Musharraf in a position that makes it virtually impossible for him to do anything other than what he's done. Basically cut a deal with the warlords along that border to our great detriment. So it's not something you talk about." (Sen. Joe Biden, Remarks At The National Press Club, Washington, DC, 8/1/07)
Biden Criticized Obama's "Johnny-Come-Lately Position" On Afghanistan. "The Biden for President Campaign today congratulated Sen. Barack Obama for arriving at a number of Sen. Biden's long-held views on combating al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Much of what Senator Obama has proposed Senator Biden has already initiated or accomplished." (Sen. Joe Biden, "Biden Campaign Congratulates Sen. Obama For Johnny-Come-Lately Position," Press Release, 8/1/07)
Just in case your sick of hearing me call Obuma a flip flop, fraud that has no real convictions but to get elected. You now can hear it from ultra lefty, Obuma supporter Seamus.
Out of nowhere I have a new favorite song on My Morning Jackets Evil Urges Album. I'm out walking the dog and the song "Remnants" comes on and it just comes over me. I got so fired up, yelling and pumping my fist. What a song. I'm seeing MMJ in a couple weeks, if they play that song live, my head just might explode. It's the perfect concert song. A beer in the left hand, while pumping your right fist, while stomping a foot and screaming the lyrics song.
Your probably waiting for me to bash Obuma's choice for Running Mate , Joe Biden. I don't have to, I'll let Obuma do that himself.
I couldn't agree more, Obuma. Thanks for the help.
I wonder how Biden, feels about both candidates.
Ok, Ok, your right Biden attack was in the heat of a debate, I'm sure that's the only time Biden blasted Obuma, right? No? What else has Biden Said?
Biden: "If the Democrats think we're going to be able to nominate someone who can win without that person being able to table unimpeachable credentials on national security and foreign policy, I think we're making a tragic mistake..." (Sen. Joe Biden, "The Diane Rehm Show," 8/2/07)
Biden: "Having Talking Points On Foreign Policy Doesn't Get You There." ("Biden Lashes Out At Obama," ABC News' "Political Radar" Blog, blogs.abcnews.com, 8/2/07)
Biden Attacked Obama For Voting Against Funding U.S. Troops In Iraq And Afghanistan, Accusing Him Of "Cutting Off Support That Will Save The Lives Of Thousands Of American Troops." Biden: "And, look, Tim, if you tell me I've got to take away this protection for these kids in order to win the election, some things aren't worth it. Some things are worth losing over. That would be worth losing over. Hundreds of lives are being saved and will be saved by us sending these vehicles over which we are funding with this supplemental legislation. And I want to ask any of my other colleagues, would they, in fact, vote to cut off the money for those troops to protect them? That's the right question. This isn't cutting off the war. This is cutting off support that will save the lives of thousands of American troops." (NBC's "Meet The Press," 9/9/07)
Biden On Obama's Leadership On Iraq: "I Don't Recall Hearing A Word From Barack About A Plan Or A Tactic." (Jason Horowitz, "Biden Unbound: Lays Into Clinton, Obama, Edwards," The New York Observer, 2/4/07)
Biden On Whether He Would Meet Unconditionally With The Leaders Of Rogue States As Obama Said He Would: "Absolutely Positively No." Biden: "Would I make a blanket commitment to meet unconditionally with the leaders of each of those countries within the first year I was elected president? Absolutely positively no." (Sen. Joe Biden, Remarks At The National Press Club, Washington, DC, 8/1/07)
Biden Attacked Obama's Public Pronouncement That He Would Unilaterally Attack Pakistan, Saying "The Last Thing You Want To Do Is Telegraph To The Folks In Pakistan That We're About To Violate Quote 'Their Sovereignty.'" Biden: "[A]nd I'm told, Senator Obama announced today. Senator Lantos (sic) and I wrote into law, the requirement that the aid to Pakistan be conditioned upon their support of us going after Al Qaeda in their Western province. It already is a law. The question, the way to deal with it is not to announce it, is to do it. The last thing you want to do is telegraph to the folks in Pakistan that we're about to violate quote 'their sovereignty,' putting Musharraf in a position that makes it virtually impossible for him to do anything other than what he's done. Basically cut a deal with the warlords along that border to our great detriment. So it's not something you talk about." (Sen. Joe Biden, Remarks At The National Press Club, Washington, DC, 8/1/07)
Biden Criticized Obama's "Johnny-Come-Lately Position" On Afghanistan. "The Biden for President Campaign today congratulated Sen. Barack Obama for arriving at a number of Sen. Biden's long-held views on combating al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Much of what Senator Obama has proposed Senator Biden has already initiated or accomplished." (Sen. Joe Biden, "Biden Campaign Congratulates Sen. Obama For Johnny-Come-Lately Position," Press Release, 8/1/07)
Just in case your sick of hearing me call Obuma a flip flop, fraud that has no real convictions but to get elected. You now can hear it from ultra lefty, Obuma supporter Seamus.
Out of nowhere I have a new favorite song on My Morning Jackets Evil Urges Album. I'm out walking the dog and the song "Remnants" comes on and it just comes over me. I got so fired up, yelling and pumping my fist. What a song. I'm seeing MMJ in a couple weeks, if they play that song live, my head just might explode. It's the perfect concert song. A beer in the left hand, while pumping your right fist, while stomping a foot and screaming the lyrics song.

See that twerp. I eye witnessed him get to the bus stop, open up his Globe, riffle through all 37 sections to find the sports. Only to take it out and throw it directly in the trash. All the capricious crap in that paper and he singles out the sports section just to get rid of it as soon as possible. To me that man is a Cunt.
I found it interesting that when Yaz went into the hospital for triple bypass surgery, the media kept calling him "The greatest living Red Sock" Rubbish. Pedro Martinez is still very much alive and he's the greatest living Red Sock. He might not of played 33 years for the Sox like Yaz. But for the time he was here there were few better, maybe no better Red Sock.
August 13th-Former Minor League Baseball Player, Fidel Castro
August 13th-Former Minor League Baseball Player, Fidel Castro

August 14th-AIDS Survivor, Magic Johnson; Comedy Legend Steve Martin; Hot Chicks Mila Kunis; Catherine Bell; & Halle Berry & Hall of Fame MLB Manager Earl Weaver
August 15th-French asshole, Napoleon; Hot Chick Natasha Henstridge; and the world's biggest piece of shit Ben Affleck. Ben will tel lyou how the world's supposed to work and that someday he'll run for office and set things straight. But this twat of a human has voted only once in 13 years. Even when he stumped for Gore and Kerry he didn't bother to go vote for either of them. Fucking Jerk.
August 16th-Probably the funniest guy in show biz right now, Steve Carrell; and the one and only mother of Tallent, Marlene Sullivan.
Now a video tribute to my mother.
August 17th-Rocky & Bullwinkle star, Robert Diniro, Cougar Belinda Carlise(seen here with The Gootch and Liam) and Hot Chick Giulana DePandi
August 15th-French asshole, Napoleon; Hot Chick Natasha Henstridge; and the world's biggest piece of shit Ben Affleck. Ben will tel lyou how the world's supposed to work and that someday he'll run for office and set things straight. But this twat of a human has voted only once in 13 years. Even when he stumped for Gore and Kerry he didn't bother to go vote for either of them. Fucking Jerk.
August 16th-Probably the funniest guy in show biz right now, Steve Carrell; and the one and only mother of Tallent, Marlene Sullivan.
Now a video tribute to my mother.
August 17th-Rocky & Bullwinkle star, Robert Diniro, Cougar Belinda Carlise(seen here with The Gootch and Liam) and Hot Chick Giulana DePandi

August 18th-MLB Great Roberto Clemente and Christian Slater(remember him).
August 19th-The NL Leader in saves Krya Sedwick, and 44th President of the USA and blow job recepient Bill Clinton
August 20th-Rock Legend Robert Plant
August 21st-Gambler Kenny Rodgers; Hot Fire Bush Alicia Witt & Hot Chick Hayden Panettiere
August 22nd-The aforementioned Yaz
August 23rd-Brother Dan Sullivan; Gold Medalist Kobe Bryant & The Genius behind the worlds greatest band, Julian Casablancas, lead vocalist and songwriter for "The Strokes"
August 24th-Comedy Great Dave Chappelle, MLB Great Cal Ripken Jr. and actor Steve Guttenburg, who won the best actor Oscar for his work in Police Academy 3
Also on August 24th 1992: Hurricane Andrew devastates southern Florida, causing $20 billion of property damage and killing 41 people. Southern Florida blames George Bush for the floods, loots the cities and shoots at the National Guard when they come to help. Oh that wasn't Southern Florida?
August 25th-MLB & Moustache Hall of Famer Rollie Fingers; NFL star Marvin Harrison, TV Mogul Regis Philbin and actor Sean Connery
August 26th-Hot Chick Thalia
August 27th-Cougar Shania Twain; The 36th President of the U.S.A Lyndon Johnson and MLB star Jim Thome
August 28th-Showoff, Mother Theresa & Brandon Walsh, After Brandon's initial difficulties with Beverly Hills, he became loved by many and liked by all. He has had small problems with drinking which lead to the demise of his first cherished car, he named Mondale and a night in jail. He also had a gambling problem which Nat bailed him out of. Brandon has always been interested in journalism, from sports editor and co-chief of the Beverly Blaze to co-editor of the CU Condor, a brief stint as news director at CUtv and a year as student body president (junior year). He and Steve spent a year cultivating the Beverly Beat, a small paper given to Steve by Rush. He finally accepted a position on the Washington DC branch of the New York Chronicle. He has been the person all turn to when the chips are down and he always comes through. From Donna's expulsion from H.S. graduation, to Brenda's many problems, to Kelly's drug problem, to Andrea's getting to Yale, to Val's suicide attempt, to Ray's lawsuit against Joe, to Steve's current stupid stunt, even to Dylan's battle with drugs and alcohol and the death of his wife. Brando was a lot of things, but most of all he was a ladies man. Let's take a quick look into Brandon's love life. Among the most notable of Brando's girls were the troubled Emily Valentine, who tried to burn down the West Beverly High Homecoming float; the bigoted Brooke Alexander who assumed Andrea Zuckerman was rich just because she was Jewish; and sophomore Nikki Witt a persistent girl who comically wore down Brandon's defenses. Brandon even had a brief relationship with a married university professor, Lucinda Nicholson Ultimately, his deepest love was for Kelly Taylor.
In between relationships with Kelly, Brandon got involved with two of his co-workers. As a junior, he had a passionate relationship with his editor at the California University newspaper, Susan Keats. Brandon and Susan pledge to take a cross-country trip in the summer of 1996, but Susan ultimately accepts a position with the Clinton-Gore re-election campaign, leaving Brandon to instead take the trip with Steve.
During his senior year, Brandon slowly fell for the anchor at the CU television station, Tracy Gaylian. Tracy one day finds the engagement ring Brandon tried to give to Kelly in a dresser drawer, and assumes it's for her. When Brandon explains it's not for Tracy, she becomes distrusting of Brandon. The two patch things up, and Brandon agrees to sell back his ring at the jewelry store and exchanges it for a bracelet. Once Brandon leaves, Kelly returns to the store and buys the ring for herself. Brandon takes Tracy to Hong Kong to meet his father, but upon their return to the United States, Brandon realizes his true feelings for Kelly and breaks up with Tracy. Tracy and Brandon reunite in Hawaii leaving Kelly perturbed, but her doubts are erased when she meets Tracy's fiancé.
August 29th-MLB Star Roy Oswalt & The next President of the USA, Sen. John McCain!! Since it's McCains birthday I'm going to do something I rarely do and tell you why John McCain NEEDS to be our next President.
John McCain is an experienced moderate leader in the tradition of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan. He is a common sense moderate who believes in a strong national defense, a smaller, more accountable government, economic growth and opportunity, the dignity of life and traditional values.
We face an enemy that has repeatedly attacked us and remains committed to killing Americans and the destruction of our values. This election is about who is best prepared to lead and defend our nation and its global allies as Commander-in-Chief from day one. This election is about making sure we have the experienced leadership to guide us to victory in this war, protect the nation against future terrorist attacks, and support our troops and first responders who are on the frontlines of the war. This election will decide whether we choose to fight or announce surrender. It will decide whether we have a president who dangerously weakens U.S. security or strengthens it; whether we will flinch and retreat or fully engage the enemy on multiple fronts. We need decisive leadership with the vision and experience to guide our country and the world through this challenge. Having a courageous Commander-in-Chief who is willing to lead us in this war, rally our democratic allies and defeat our enemy to secure a broader peace is what's at stake in this election.
Government spending is out of control. A Democrat elected President will join hands with a tax-and-spend Democratic Congress and subject Americans to enormous tax increases. Even now, the tax code is too complex and too burdensome. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid - the government's promises to seniors and those in need - must be modernized. Too many American workers are unprepared by non-performing schools and shackled by outdated government employment assistance programs. America needs experienced leadership to guide the U.S. economy to greater prosperity, control government spending, keep taxes low, save Social Security and protect the American worker. Americans want a leader willing to offer straight talk and make the hard calls necessary to ensure a brighter future for our children and grandchildren. The long-term strength of our economy and financial stability of American households are what's at stake in this election.
Americans have lost trust that their government and its elected officials will serve the Nation's interest and not their own. Special interests have too much influence in Washington. Americans want a courageous leader who will stand up to the trial lawyers and labor bosses and other special interests, govern by principle rather than political expedience, keep their promises, and solve problems instead of leaving them for our children. Restoring Americans' confidence in their government is what's at stake in this election.
The next president will appoint many federal judges and perhaps even a Supreme Court justice. The recent victory on partial birth abortion is an example of how important the Supreme Court is in protecting our values and interpreting the law as it is written. America needs a president who will provide strong moral leadership. A Democrat president will appoint judges who make law with disregard for the will of the people, but to the cheers of those advancing a liberal social agenda. America needs a leader who recognizes that that the people and states should decide what's best, not the courts. The future of the U.S. Supreme Court is what's at stake in this.
What are these bold solutions, you ask? We'll let me tell you.
August 19th-The NL Leader in saves Krya Sedwick, and 44th President of the USA and blow job recepient Bill Clinton
August 20th-Rock Legend Robert Plant
August 21st-Gambler Kenny Rodgers; Hot Fire Bush Alicia Witt & Hot Chick Hayden Panettiere
August 22nd-The aforementioned Yaz
August 23rd-Brother Dan Sullivan; Gold Medalist Kobe Bryant & The Genius behind the worlds greatest band, Julian Casablancas, lead vocalist and songwriter for "The Strokes"
August 24th-Comedy Great Dave Chappelle, MLB Great Cal Ripken Jr. and actor Steve Guttenburg, who won the best actor Oscar for his work in Police Academy 3
Also on August 24th 1992: Hurricane Andrew devastates southern Florida, causing $20 billion of property damage and killing 41 people. Southern Florida blames George Bush for the floods, loots the cities and shoots at the National Guard when they come to help. Oh that wasn't Southern Florida?
August 25th-MLB & Moustache Hall of Famer Rollie Fingers; NFL star Marvin Harrison, TV Mogul Regis Philbin and actor Sean Connery
August 26th-Hot Chick Thalia
August 27th-Cougar Shania Twain; The 36th President of the U.S.A Lyndon Johnson and MLB star Jim Thome
August 28th-Showoff, Mother Theresa & Brandon Walsh, After Brandon's initial difficulties with Beverly Hills, he became loved by many and liked by all. He has had small problems with drinking which lead to the demise of his first cherished car, he named Mondale and a night in jail. He also had a gambling problem which Nat bailed him out of. Brandon has always been interested in journalism, from sports editor and co-chief of the Beverly Blaze to co-editor of the CU Condor, a brief stint as news director at CUtv and a year as student body president (junior year). He and Steve spent a year cultivating the Beverly Beat, a small paper given to Steve by Rush. He finally accepted a position on the Washington DC branch of the New York Chronicle. He has been the person all turn to when the chips are down and he always comes through. From Donna's expulsion from H.S. graduation, to Brenda's many problems, to Kelly's drug problem, to Andrea's getting to Yale, to Val's suicide attempt, to Ray's lawsuit against Joe, to Steve's current stupid stunt, even to Dylan's battle with drugs and alcohol and the death of his wife. Brando was a lot of things, but most of all he was a ladies man. Let's take a quick look into Brandon's love life. Among the most notable of Brando's girls were the troubled Emily Valentine, who tried to burn down the West Beverly High Homecoming float; the bigoted Brooke Alexander who assumed Andrea Zuckerman was rich just because she was Jewish; and sophomore Nikki Witt a persistent girl who comically wore down Brandon's defenses. Brandon even had a brief relationship with a married university professor, Lucinda Nicholson Ultimately, his deepest love was for Kelly Taylor.
In between relationships with Kelly, Brandon got involved with two of his co-workers. As a junior, he had a passionate relationship with his editor at the California University newspaper, Susan Keats. Brandon and Susan pledge to take a cross-country trip in the summer of 1996, but Susan ultimately accepts a position with the Clinton-Gore re-election campaign, leaving Brandon to instead take the trip with Steve.
During his senior year, Brandon slowly fell for the anchor at the CU television station, Tracy Gaylian. Tracy one day finds the engagement ring Brandon tried to give to Kelly in a dresser drawer, and assumes it's for her. When Brandon explains it's not for Tracy, she becomes distrusting of Brandon. The two patch things up, and Brandon agrees to sell back his ring at the jewelry store and exchanges it for a bracelet. Once Brandon leaves, Kelly returns to the store and buys the ring for herself. Brandon takes Tracy to Hong Kong to meet his father, but upon their return to the United States, Brandon realizes his true feelings for Kelly and breaks up with Tracy. Tracy and Brandon reunite in Hawaii leaving Kelly perturbed, but her doubts are erased when she meets Tracy's fiancé.
August 29th-MLB Star Roy Oswalt & The next President of the USA, Sen. John McCain!! Since it's McCains birthday I'm going to do something I rarely do and tell you why John McCain NEEDS to be our next President.
John McCain is an experienced moderate leader in the tradition of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan. He is a common sense moderate who believes in a strong national defense, a smaller, more accountable government, economic growth and opportunity, the dignity of life and traditional values.
We face an enemy that has repeatedly attacked us and remains committed to killing Americans and the destruction of our values. This election is about who is best prepared to lead and defend our nation and its global allies as Commander-in-Chief from day one. This election is about making sure we have the experienced leadership to guide us to victory in this war, protect the nation against future terrorist attacks, and support our troops and first responders who are on the frontlines of the war. This election will decide whether we choose to fight or announce surrender. It will decide whether we have a president who dangerously weakens U.S. security or strengthens it; whether we will flinch and retreat or fully engage the enemy on multiple fronts. We need decisive leadership with the vision and experience to guide our country and the world through this challenge. Having a courageous Commander-in-Chief who is willing to lead us in this war, rally our democratic allies and defeat our enemy to secure a broader peace is what's at stake in this election.
Government spending is out of control. A Democrat elected President will join hands with a tax-and-spend Democratic Congress and subject Americans to enormous tax increases. Even now, the tax code is too complex and too burdensome. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid - the government's promises to seniors and those in need - must be modernized. Too many American workers are unprepared by non-performing schools and shackled by outdated government employment assistance programs. America needs experienced leadership to guide the U.S. economy to greater prosperity, control government spending, keep taxes low, save Social Security and protect the American worker. Americans want a leader willing to offer straight talk and make the hard calls necessary to ensure a brighter future for our children and grandchildren. The long-term strength of our economy and financial stability of American households are what's at stake in this election.
Americans have lost trust that their government and its elected officials will serve the Nation's interest and not their own. Special interests have too much influence in Washington. Americans want a courageous leader who will stand up to the trial lawyers and labor bosses and other special interests, govern by principle rather than political expedience, keep their promises, and solve problems instead of leaving them for our children. Restoring Americans' confidence in their government is what's at stake in this election.
The next president will appoint many federal judges and perhaps even a Supreme Court justice. The recent victory on partial birth abortion is an example of how important the Supreme Court is in protecting our values and interpreting the law as it is written. America needs a president who will provide strong moral leadership. A Democrat president will appoint judges who make law with disregard for the will of the people, but to the cheers of those advancing a liberal social agenda. America needs a leader who recognizes that that the people and states should decide what's best, not the courts. The future of the U.S. Supreme Court is what's at stake in this.
What are these bold solutions, you ask? We'll let me tell you.
Radical Islamic extremists are a relentless threat to America, its citizens, and the values we share. In the words of the al Qaeda leadership, Iraq is the central battleground of this war. We face a fork in the road. John McCain will pursue our opportunity for victory in Iraq, strengthen our hand in the larger war against Islamic extremists, and make our nation more secure. Obuma will fold our tents, embolden our enemies, throw the region into instability, and increase the risks faced on our home soil. To concede defeat now would strengthen al Qaeda, empower Iran and other hostile powers in the Middle East, unleash a full scale civil war in Iraq that could lead to genocide, and destabilize the entire region as neighboring powers come to the aid of their favored factions. John McCain is best prepared to lead and defend our nation and its global allies as Commander-in-Chief from day one. He has the experience and leadership to defeat our enemy and secure a broader peace.
Real reform will put families in the driver's seat of our health care system. The road to reform does not lead through Washington and a hugely expensive, bureaucratic, government-controlled system. John McCain will harness competition to offer more affordable insurance options for as many Americans as possible, leveraging the innovation and cost-effectiveness of our nation's firms to put an end to existing rigid, unfriendly bureaucracies. He will build a national market where insurance is more available, portable, and accessible across state lines; in which patients' rights are respected and their information is under their control; and one in which people may save more in tax-exempt Health Savings Accounts. He will assist those who need help in getting private insurance.
John McCain will provide incentives for a national market - including the reimportation of pharmaceuticals - that offer greater transparency about effective patient care, options for preventative care and therapies, and prices so that competition makes it easier for families to navigate toward quality and low cost. He will demand reform to medical malpractice laws to curb abusive lawsuits that squeeze doctors, prevent innovation, and drive up the cost of health care. We need more transparency of prices and quality measures so that patients can make informed choices.
Americans have lost trust that their government and its elected officials will serve the Nation's interest and not their own. Special interests have too much influence in Washington. John McCain will bring spending under control, veto wasteful, pork-barrel spending bills every time, and keep taxes low. He will reform a tax code that is too complex and too burdensome. John McCain will modernize Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. He will bring accountability, choice and competition to underperforming schools, so our children are equipped to take the best jobs of the 21st century. John McCain is the only leader willing to make the hard calls necessary to restore faith in our government and build a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.
Real reform will put families in the driver's seat of our health care system. The road to reform does not lead through Washington and a hugely expensive, bureaucratic, government-controlled system. John McCain will harness competition to offer more affordable insurance options for as many Americans as possible, leveraging the innovation and cost-effectiveness of our nation's firms to put an end to existing rigid, unfriendly bureaucracies. He will build a national market where insurance is more available, portable, and accessible across state lines; in which patients' rights are respected and their information is under their control; and one in which people may save more in tax-exempt Health Savings Accounts. He will assist those who need help in getting private insurance.
John McCain will provide incentives for a national market - including the reimportation of pharmaceuticals - that offer greater transparency about effective patient care, options for preventative care and therapies, and prices so that competition makes it easier for families to navigate toward quality and low cost. He will demand reform to medical malpractice laws to curb abusive lawsuits that squeeze doctors, prevent innovation, and drive up the cost of health care. We need more transparency of prices and quality measures so that patients can make informed choices.
Americans have lost trust that their government and its elected officials will serve the Nation's interest and not their own. Special interests have too much influence in Washington. John McCain will bring spending under control, veto wasteful, pork-barrel spending bills every time, and keep taxes low. He will reform a tax code that is too complex and too burdensome. John McCain will modernize Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. He will bring accountability, choice and competition to underperforming schools, so our children are equipped to take the best jobs of the 21st century. John McCain is the only leader willing to make the hard calls necessary to restore faith in our government and build a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.
Thanks For Reading
"I'm Tallent, I approve of this message and of bold solutions"
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