I'm so glad I pay state taxes so Patrick Duval and his good time buddies can go get shit faced in China. I still can't believe this crook is the Governor, and if Obama is elected president there's a better than good chance he'll be named Attorney General. God help us.
In the "no fucking shit buddy" portion of today's post, Obama says he will never question someone else's patriotism. No fucking shit buddy, that would be like me walking around my office questioning everyone's work ethic. I'm not bring it up because I don't want my own coming into question.
More evidence that the media loves to suck Obama's balls:
Men's Fitness named Obama one of America's 25 most fit men. Here's a guy that smokes 2 frigin packs a day and there trying to tell me he's one of the most 25 most fit men in the country. Then Us Weekly lauds Michelle Barrak for going to her daughters recitals. WHOA never mind first lady, she's mother of the fucking year, she has a no show job and still has the time to attand. her daughter's recitals, WOOPDEDOOOO!
What a piece of cockroach shit, that Gen. Wesley Clark is. His way of supporting Obama was to say "(McCain) hasn't held executive responsibility. That large squadron in the Navy that he commanded -- that wasn't a wartime squadron. I don't think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become President."
Hasn't held executive responsibility? Let's see, Obama's executive responsibilities have included what? Right. The answer is: nothing. And thank you, Gen. Clark, for pointing out that John McCain commanded the largest fighter squadron in the U.S. Navy. He didn't just command it; he turned it around.
"Although plagued by fatal accidents in the past, the squadron had no fatalities under his command . . . and won its first meritorious unit citation. Mr. McCain's success attracted notice among the admirals in Washington," The New York Times reported in 2000.
McCain's qualifications do not come from being shot down. They come from a career in military and foreign affairs in which McCain displayed an uncommon strength of character and developed a sound judgment in those fields, which are so critical to the United States in this dangerous world.
His opponent, a career lawyer and politician, has shown that his own judgment in those areas is naive and ill-considered. Clark highlights those differences every time he seeks to denigrate McCain's service.
A Palestinian man plowed an enormous construction vehicle into cars, buses and pedestrians on a busy street Wednesday, killing at least three people and wounding at least 45 before he was shot dead by security officers. Now of course I'm totally against terrorist, and I'm glad this guy was shot dead. But I give this guy an A+ in creativeness, usually those pussies just blow them selves up. This guy had some fun with heavy machinery in his quest to kill Jews.
Tom Brokaw is taking over for Tim Russert on Meet the Press, at least until the end of the election. I watched him interview the Governor of California on Sunday and while Russert was a tough interview, Brokaw seems to be just negative. He blasted the California governor on all the issues, but never once mentioned all the good things the Governor has done. For instance he never once mentioned how in 1985 the Governor rescued his daughter from an exiled dictator or the time in 1987 when the governor was sent by the CIA to a Central American Jungle, to rescue capture airmen from Guerillas, only to find himself hunted by an extra-terrestrial warrior. Not once did Brokaw mention the time in 1990 when the Governor went undercover as a a kindergarten teacher in order to find a drug dealer. You would think Brokaw would at least mention the fact that the Governor battled an unstoppable cyborg from the future(TWICE!) to save the world.

Check out this ad I seen on Yahoo.com

For only $20 this guy can turn you into a big fat disgrace like Oprah. Oh wow, where do I sign up!
Another Amber alert was issued for a young girl who went missing after meeting up with someone she met on MySpace. How many kids have to disappear before they shut down this My Space. It's nothing more a hunting ground for deviants who prey on young kids. And anyone that's on My Space that's not looking for kiddy sex is just a loser who can't find friends in real life so there on My Space pretending to be cool.
June 28th-Show Biz Genius, Icon, Legend Mel Brooks, History of the World Part 1,Robin Hood Men in Tights, Young Frankenstein, Spaceballs were written by, directed and produced by Brooks, Mel also wrote and directed several episodes for the TV classic Get Smart, and created one of the most popular plays in history, The Producers; SNL great Gilda Radner, NFL Great, John Elway, The before mentioned duche bag John Cusack, and airplane pilot Rodger Murdock
June 29th-Underrated MLB great, Harmon Kilabew; crazy person, Garry Busey, hot chick, Nicole Scherzinger, and Curb Your Enthusiasm star, Richard Lewis

June-30th-once great, but now Crazy Person, Mike Tyson
July 1st-The Great, Dan Aykrod; fast prick, Carl Lewis,hot chicks, Clare Forlani, Carmella Decesare, and Liv Tyler who stars in The Incredible Hulk, in theaters now.
July 2nd- One of the greatest wrestlers of all time, Bret "the Hitman" Hart, NHL Superstar who the fucking bruins traded away like assholes, Joe Thorton, click here to see Celebrity Reactions to the Joe Thorton trade & Larry Daivd, Creator of the 2 greatest sitcoms of all time Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm, that's pretty good, pretty, pretty, pretty good
July 3rd-Nobody was born but Jim Morrison of the Doors died in 1971
July 4th-The Greatest Country in the World, The United States of America. Too many, people take this country for granted, they can't stop bitching and moaning for a second to think how good they have it and why no one ever leaves and billions risk there lives to get here.
And now a word from are President, regarding Independence Day.
Thanks for reading
"I'm Tallent I approve of this message and of dragging Walton and Lanier up and down the court everynight"
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