What did this country just do? What was everyone thinking? America decided on man with hardly no experience except for voting present. When he did vote, he voted to raise taxes and to kill babies that had already been born. Obama has no track record of accomplishments when it comes to the economy, but he does have a track record of talking about the economy. Remember NAFTA? He was against it, then he was for it, then he was against it but secretly for it, and now he's kind of for it, probably, but we're not sure. Remember his big tax hike on dividends and capital gains? He was adamant that we had to raise these taxes even if it resulted in less revenue. Then he got on TV with Bill O'Reilly and started backing down. Now his supporters are saying that Obama's tax policy all depends on economic conditions next year. Anyone want to bet that, somehow, next years "conditions" are going to inspire Sen. Obama to keep his promises to raise taxes but forget his pledges to cut them? The line for tax hikes has already moved from $250,000 to $200,000. By the time he takes office it will be back to the tax hikes for anyone making $42,000 that he's already vote for. That's his record plain and simple.
His background is filled with shady anti-American fuckfaces. He spent 20 years listening to Rev. Wright's anti-Semitic anti white, anti-America propaganda. 20 years and never once questioned Rev. Wrights words. He launched his political career in the house of a know domestic terrorist who bombed the capitol building, the pentagon, killed a Boston cop and said on September 11th 2001 that we wished he had bombed more. America chose a man who toast PLO leaders, and kicked off the general election by flying around the world telling everyone how lousy America is. America voted in a man who will raise taxes, turn our health care over to the federal government, weaken our national security and our standing in the world to the point Russia will invade the Ukraine, China will re-enter Taiwan and god knows what Iran has planned for Israel now that they have an ally in the President of the United States. A man who said himself that he'll bankrupt the coal industry. Why would he even want to do that? Doesn't he know half of Americas electricity comes from Coal. This same guy that promises lower energy cost, but won't drill off shore and won't use nuclear energy. All that and at the end of the day Obama uses the constitution as a cum rag. This is who America chose.
Who have we made happiest by voting in Obama. We already now that the new Castro and Hugo Chavez love Obama. Hugo Chavez! America agreed with Hugo Chavez when it was time to choose a leader. Who's else is happiest today. Farrakhan, the terrorist in the Gaza strip that ran a 24 hour phone bank for Obama. Shit Jesse Jackson hasn't been this happy since he sent up MLK to be murdered. Nice job America.
So now it's time for change. He's going to change it all. Did it ever occur to him that we want to keep some things the same, like I don't know..... THE FIRST AMENDMENT! Remember during the primary when he tried to use the Missouri State Police to silence his detractors, by threats and intimidation to the point that the Governor had to step in. Just the other day he threw 3 reporters off his plane, stating that there was not enough room. It's quite the coincidence that all Journalists that got the boot were from three major newspapers that endorsed John McCain -- the Washington Times, the New York Post and the Dallas Morning News. Reporters from Ebony, Jet and Glamour Magazines were allowed to stay on the plane, god forbid they didn't cover the final leg of the race.
Now that not only Obama is running the show and he has plenty of foot soldiers in both the Senate and Congress. The assault on freedom of speech will be amped up. They got a little thing in store called "The Fairness Doctrine".
The Fairness Doctrine was a policy of the FCC that required broadcasters to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was equitable and balanced. So pretty much if the Government doesn't like what your saying they can swoop in and shut you up.
The United States Supreme Court has upheld the Commission's general right to enforce such a policy where channels are limited, but the courts have generally not considered that the FCC is obliged to do so. The FCC has since withdrawn the Fairness Doctrine but once the worm turned it Barraks favor he and the Democrat big shots like John Kerry started beating the drum to bring back the Fairness Doctrine. They fully intend to bring it back and enforce it. Who do you think the Left Wing government will throw off the air? Just because Rush Limbaugh is a cunt, he shouldn't be throw off the air for disagreeing with the government. You think the new Liberal Government with stop Bill Mahr from spewing content that is nothing close to being equitable or balanced and never has. I actually think that last point might be moot soon anyway. Guys like Mahr & John Stewart are going to be out of a job soon, There whole shtick is bashing Bush and the Republican government and now that's gone for them. They'll have some fun slamming Conservatives on there way out, but soon they'll be gone and blindly praising Obuma and the government isn't funny. Also SNL's quick reemergence into society will be dried up soon. They were lucky enough to have a tallented Tina Fey that happened to look just like Sarah Palin. But she's going back to Alaska for now and SNL goes back to not having been funny in over a decade.
His background is filled with shady anti-American fuckfaces. He spent 20 years listening to Rev. Wright's anti-Semitic anti white, anti-America propaganda. 20 years and never once questioned Rev. Wrights words. He launched his political career in the house of a know domestic terrorist who bombed the capitol building, the pentagon, killed a Boston cop and said on September 11th 2001 that we wished he had bombed more. America chose a man who toast PLO leaders, and kicked off the general election by flying around the world telling everyone how lousy America is. America voted in a man who will raise taxes, turn our health care over to the federal government, weaken our national security and our standing in the world to the point Russia will invade the Ukraine, China will re-enter Taiwan and god knows what Iran has planned for Israel now that they have an ally in the President of the United States. A man who said himself that he'll bankrupt the coal industry. Why would he even want to do that? Doesn't he know half of Americas electricity comes from Coal. This same guy that promises lower energy cost, but won't drill off shore and won't use nuclear energy. All that and at the end of the day Obama uses the constitution as a cum rag. This is who America chose.
Who have we made happiest by voting in Obama. We already now that the new Castro and Hugo Chavez love Obama. Hugo Chavez! America agreed with Hugo Chavez when it was time to choose a leader. Who's else is happiest today. Farrakhan, the terrorist in the Gaza strip that ran a 24 hour phone bank for Obama. Shit Jesse Jackson hasn't been this happy since he sent up MLK to be murdered. Nice job America.
So now it's time for change. He's going to change it all. Did it ever occur to him that we want to keep some things the same, like I don't know..... THE FIRST AMENDMENT! Remember during the primary when he tried to use the Missouri State Police to silence his detractors, by threats and intimidation to the point that the Governor had to step in. Just the other day he threw 3 reporters off his plane, stating that there was not enough room. It's quite the coincidence that all Journalists that got the boot were from three major newspapers that endorsed John McCain -- the Washington Times, the New York Post and the Dallas Morning News. Reporters from Ebony, Jet and Glamour Magazines were allowed to stay on the plane, god forbid they didn't cover the final leg of the race.
Now that not only Obama is running the show and he has plenty of foot soldiers in both the Senate and Congress. The assault on freedom of speech will be amped up. They got a little thing in store called "The Fairness Doctrine".
The Fairness Doctrine was a policy of the FCC that required broadcasters to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was equitable and balanced. So pretty much if the Government doesn't like what your saying they can swoop in and shut you up.
The United States Supreme Court has upheld the Commission's general right to enforce such a policy where channels are limited, but the courts have generally not considered that the FCC is obliged to do so. The FCC has since withdrawn the Fairness Doctrine but once the worm turned it Barraks favor he and the Democrat big shots like John Kerry started beating the drum to bring back the Fairness Doctrine. They fully intend to bring it back and enforce it. Who do you think the Left Wing government will throw off the air? Just because Rush Limbaugh is a cunt, he shouldn't be throw off the air for disagreeing with the government. You think the new Liberal Government with stop Bill Mahr from spewing content that is nothing close to being equitable or balanced and never has. I actually think that last point might be moot soon anyway. Guys like Mahr & John Stewart are going to be out of a job soon, There whole shtick is bashing Bush and the Republican government and now that's gone for them. They'll have some fun slamming Conservatives on there way out, but soon they'll be gone and blindly praising Obuma and the government isn't funny. Also SNL's quick reemergence into society will be dried up soon. They were lucky enough to have a tallented Tina Fey that happened to look just like Sarah Palin. But she's going back to Alaska for now and SNL goes back to not having been funny in over a decade.
Another thing the left is about to let loose on is abortions. I've always been very pro-choice almost a fan of a good abortion. But there about to take all restrictions against all abortions off the books. I mean people will be aborting 13 year olds.
Heaven forbid someone actually stand up for what they believe and support John McCain. How dare Joe Lieberman speak ill of the savior Obama. Now Majority leader Harry Reid is going to remove Lieberman as chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee for no real reason except that Liberman supported his friend John McCain. This is your new America people get used to it.
I thought one of the silver linings to Obuma being elected was that he'd take John Kerry with him to Washington in some gay cabinet post. But I heard last night that Kerry is on the short list to become Sectary of State. Is Obama fucking kidding with this. John Kerry, the same asshole that came home from Nam and told everyone that our brave soldiers were just over there killing babies. Then pawned himself off as a war hero, which everyone bought into until the record was set straight in 2004. John Kerry the aloof, liberal, pushover as Sectary of State. How would we expect him to draw a hard line with Hugo whens too busy giving him a hand gallop. Kerry would shit his pants at the very sight of Vlad Putin, never mind negotiate across the table from him.
Now that Kerry is going to Washington his Massachusetts Senate seat will be vacant. The old law used to be that the Governor would select a new senator in cases like this, but when it seemed like Mitt Romney was going to be able to appoint a new senator if Kerry beat Bush in 2004 the state changed the law to have a special election because they didn't want Romney making the choice. Now that it's Patrick Duval's turn there going o let him decide on having a special election or he can just choice someone. Is that fair? This is your new America which is is starting to remind me of Great Britain in the movie V for Vendetta.
Heaven forbid someone actually stand up for what they believe and support John McCain. How dare Joe Lieberman speak ill of the savior Obama. Now Majority leader Harry Reid is going to remove Lieberman as chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee for no real reason except that Liberman supported his friend John McCain. This is your new America people get used to it.
I thought one of the silver linings to Obuma being elected was that he'd take John Kerry with him to Washington in some gay cabinet post. But I heard last night that Kerry is on the short list to become Sectary of State. Is Obama fucking kidding with this. John Kerry, the same asshole that came home from Nam and told everyone that our brave soldiers were just over there killing babies. Then pawned himself off as a war hero, which everyone bought into until the record was set straight in 2004. John Kerry the aloof, liberal, pushover as Sectary of State. How would we expect him to draw a hard line with Hugo whens too busy giving him a hand gallop. Kerry would shit his pants at the very sight of Vlad Putin, never mind negotiate across the table from him.
Now that Kerry is going to Washington his Massachusetts Senate seat will be vacant. The old law used to be that the Governor would select a new senator in cases like this, but when it seemed like Mitt Romney was going to be able to appoint a new senator if Kerry beat Bush in 2004 the state changed the law to have a special election because they didn't want Romney making the choice. Now that it's Patrick Duval's turn there going o let him decide on having a special election or he can just choice someone. Is that fair? This is your new America which is is starting to remind me of Great Britain in the movie V for Vendetta.
Anyway with the Presidential election over the focus will turn to the local flavor. Changes in Senate with Kerry going to Washington and Ted Kennedy going to hell sometime soon, Massachusetts could be looking at 2 brand new senators.
The only good thing about election night was NBC's political director saying "There's one reason republicans and John McCain are losing these races, BUSH, BUSH, BUSH!"
Who would of ever thought that it pays to be a black guy in an election. First you have blacks that never voted in their lives come out of the woodwork and vote because a blackman is running. I guess every other election in history wasn't important because it was always 2 white boys. On top of that you have the white people like my friend Fing Fang Foom that votes for you because he thinks it's racist not to, plus it's so trendy, why not. Throw that in with the people that would never go against there party no matter what and the others that by into the unrealistic promises and a phony smile and BAM your the president. The so called Bradley effect worked backwards in this election, people couldn't wait to vote for the guy because he was black.
What a fucking twat this Oprah is. Shows her fat face at the funeral for Jennifer Hudson's family. Does she even know Hudson? I know for a fact she has never met the deceased. She exploits this horrible tragedy to gain more publicity. Just disgusting really.
Whenever you see slaves or prisoners working in a movie, there always breaking rocks. What's the purpose of that? Why make a big rock into a bunch of little small ones?
Jimmy Skorner, he's broking some more national news. While Jimmy was in Vegas he had the chance to meet baseball great Pete Rose. Jimmy has a slight speech impediment just tried to say hi to Rose and tell him what a fan he was but all Rose wanted to do was make fun of Jimmy's speech impediment. Here's the story that was picked up in a Vegas paper:
Jim Scornerston of Talent, Ore., said he approached the former baseball great on Oct. 4 at Field of Dreams to "let him know I was a fan."
Rose, who signs his merchandise at the store during four appearances a week, showed no interest in talking, according to Scornerston, who said he hadn't purchased any merchandise.
"I told him how much I used to love to get up Saturday mornings with my sister to watch 'The Baseball Bunch,'" said Scornerston, referring to a syndicated TV baseball show hosted by Rose's former teammate, Johnny Bench.
According to Scornerston, Rose was "clearly annoyed" and responded by mocking Scornerston's lisp, saying, "Did ya thee me on Thaturdayth? With your thithter?' Then just looks away."
"I was humiliated. I'm embarrassed just to repeat the story now," said Scornerston, 33.
"At first, it'd happened so fast I almost thought he was trying to be funny, I forced an embarrassed little laugh. And said, 'OK, just wanted to say hi.' He just says (still looking away), 'Roger that.'"
When Scornerston left the store and began sharing the account with a buddy, they saw Rose "staring right at us." Rose made a wincing expression and then waved his hand behind him, suggesting he had passed gas, said Scornerston.
"Real class," he added.
Wow, and since Jimmy has become a hotbed of celebrity activiy the story was picked up on several websites:
ReviewJournal.com - News - NORM: Emeril stirring up new LV sports bar
Oct 13, 2008 ... They are both in the Hall of Fame- Except Pete Rose. ... I was walking through the mall 2 years ago and Pete Rose was just standing by a ...
www.lvrj.com/news/30882044.html - 91k - Cached - Similar pages
The Big Lead » Blog Archive » Pete Rose Mocks Somebody’s Speech ...
Cheater: According to Scornerston, [Pete] Rose was “clearly annoyed” and responded by mocking Scornerston’s lisp, saying, “Did ya thee me on Thaturdayth? ...
thebiglead.com/?p=8339 - 75k - Cached - Similar pages
Pete Rose is a class act. - Jinxworld Forums
Pete Rose is a class act. BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS. ... According to Scornerston, Rose was "clearly annoyed" and responded by mocking Scornerston's lisp, ...
www.606studios.com/bendisboard/showthread.php?t=163738 - 89k - Cached - Similar pages
Pete Rosth Ith Not a Fan of Lithpth - MLB FanHouse
Oct 13, 2008 ... Even though Pete Rose is persona non grata in MLB, that doesn't mean ... the fact he hadn't bought anything, but also made fun of his lisp. ...
mlb.fanhouse.com/2008/10/13/pete-rosth-ith-not-a-fan-of-lithpth/ - 68k - Cached - Similar pages
Lisp Tagroom :) Tagging The World
Oct 13, 2008 ... Posts tagged ‘Lisp’ ... Even though Pete Rose is persona non grata in MLB, that doesn’t mean fans from all over the country still don’t love ...
www.tagroom.com/tags/lisp/ - 15k - Cached - Similar pages
Morning Blogdome: Pete Rose Will Pick Apart Your Flaws If You Don ...
Oct 14, 2008 ... Morning Blogdome: Pete Rose Will Pick Apart Your Flaws If You Don't Buy an ... Scornerston's lisp, saying, "Did ya thee me on Thaturdayth? ...
deadspin.com/5063095/morning-blogdome-pete-rose-will-pick-apart-your-flaws-if-you-dont-buy-an-autograph - Similar pages
Pete Rose - Celebrities at Weblo.com
Morning Blogdome: Pete Rose... Oct 14, 2008 11:02:40. According to Scornerston, Rose was "clearly annoyed" and responded by mocking Scornerston's lisp, ...
www.weblo.com/celebrity/Legend/Pete_Rose/487262/ - 117k - Cached - Similar pages
Morning Blogdome: Pete Rose Will Pick Apart Your Flaws If You Don ...
Morning Blogdome: Pete Rose Will Pick Apart Your Flaws If You Don't Buy an ... Rose was "clearly annoyed" and responded by mocking Scornerston's lisp, ...
www.examiner.com/r-2846833~Morning_Blogdome__Pete_Rose_Will_Pick_Apart_Your_Flaws_If_You_Don_t_Buy_an_Aut... - 48k - Cached - Similar pages
Brooklyn Met Fan - Authentic Fansite for the New York Mets
Just in case there is anyone left who doesn’t think Pete Rose is a piece of dog ... Rose was “clearly annoyed” and responded by mocking Scornerston’s lisp, ...
brooklynmetfan.com/?p=1112 - 27k - Cached - Similar pages
Mo's Blog :: GENE WALTER
An Oregon man claims Pete Rose made fun of his speech impediment. ... Rose was " clearly annoyed" and responded by mocking Scornerston's lisp, saying, ...
thelotd.com/moegger/blog/2008/10/13/gene_walter - 33k - Cached - Similar pages
Scornerston - News, photos, topics, and quotes - Daylife
...his lisp. "I told him how much I used to love to get up Saturday mornings ... Even though Pete Rose is persona non grata in MLB, that doesn't mean fans ...
www.daylife.com/topic/Scornerston - 61k - Cached - Similar pages
Penguin Pete's Blog - Digital Religions - the Religions of the ...
Pete Rose should only be back in baseball if he'll fit in a baseball. ... used to have a page that went on at great length about Lisp (Emacs' mother ...
penguinpetes.com/b2evo/index.php?title=digital_religions_the_religions_of_the_g&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1. - 44k - Cached - Similar pages
FanHouse Mobile Widget on Plusmo
Even though Pete Rose is persona non grata in MLB, that doesn't mean fans from all ... by the fact he hadn't bought anything, but also made fun of his lisp. ...
plusmo.com/wap/site/article.shtml?pid=494965&iid=&aid=19&q= - 7k -
ReviewJournal.com - News - NORM: Emeril stirring up new LV sports bar
An Oregon man contends his speech impediment was ridiculed by Pete Rose at a ... Rose was "clearly annoyed" and responded by mocking Scornerston's lisp, ...
www.lvrj.com/news/30882044.html?numComments=14 - 94k - Cached - Similar pages
The Gootch's B's report:
Probably Chirelli's toughest year yet making decisions on the roster but I think he made all the right moves. With the surplus of great young talent he opted to place Peter Schafer on waivers along with Jeremy Reich and Nate Thompson. getting under the salary cap and also getting money back by letting Schaefer go and if he clears waivers can be sent to providence and could be a nice call up if someone goes down. Future star Blake Wheeler is breaking camp. So without further ado, here is your Boston Bruins:
Marc Savard
P.J. Axelsson
Michael Ryder
Patrice Bergeron
Phil Kessel
Marco Sturm
Dave Krecji
Milan Lucic
Blake Wheeler
Shawn Thornton
Stephane Yelle
Chuck Kobasew
Petteri Nokelainen
Vladimir Sobotka
Zedeno Chara
Aaron Ward
Andrew Ference
Andrew Alberts
Mark Stuart
Dennis Wideman
Shane Hnidy
Tim Thomas
Manny Fernandez
I think its a very good team with 3 very dangerous lines and a great checking defensive line, this will be a fun team to watch. Tough team to play against. Still with the youngsters that were sent to providence , it will be exciting for years to come with Hamill, Soderberg, Rask, Lashoff, Hunwick all in minors. Stanley Cup is not far away.
Have you ever really listened to the words to the lullaby Rock-a-bye, baby. It's kind of fucked up. Lets take a look, my comments in parentheses.
Rock-a-bye, baby
In the treetop (What the hell is the baby doing in a tree!? It's not a monkey)
When the wind blows
The cradle will rock (No shit, it's in a tree!)
When the bough breaks
The cradle will fall (Uh Oh)
And down will come baby
Cradle and all
Ya see, that's not a Lullaby, that's a fucking tragedy
Oct 4th- The 19th President of the USA, Rutherford Hayes, & hot chick Rachel Leigh Cook
Oct 5th-The 21st President of the USA, Chester A Arthur, the late Bernie Mac(why do they call it late, he's not late he'd dead, there's a big difference); Hockey greats Mario Lemuix & Patrick Roy, Wrestling skank Terri Runnels & hot chick Morgan Webb
Oct 6th-Hot Chick Elizabeth Shue; Pats great Richard Seymour; & famous chelist with the words greatest name Yo Yo Ma
Oct 7th-NFL Star Charles Woodson & Hot Chick Rachel McAdams
Oct 8th-Piece of shit racist, Obama ass kissing cunt Jesse Jackson; Comedic legend Chevy Chase & Hot Chick Kristanna Loken
Oct 9th- blah
Oct 10th-NFL great that i used to love but now is dead to me Brett Farve, & Hot Chicks Bai Ling & Jodi Lyn O'keefe
Oct 11th-NFL Great Steve Young, overhyped loser golfer Michelle Wie, Howard Stern sidekick and comedy great Artie Lang
...... and Dylan McKay-
The mistreated son of a morally bankrupt business tycoon (and senator) Jack McKay and hippie ex-wife Iris McKay, Dylan had a reputation for being a dangerous loner.But after he stands up to some bullies for freshman student Scott Scanlon, he is befriended by Brandon Walsh and through Brandon; Donna, Kelly, Steve, Brenda Walsh, Andrea and David. Dylan grows close to all of them, and they help soften his rebel attitude. Dylan eventually starts dating Brenda, and despite her father's (Eckhouse) protests, the two soon fall in love.
Dylan's relationship with Brenda helped him through several traumatic events, including his struggle with alcoholism and his father's arrest (and eventual conviction) for several white-collar crimes. However, when Dylan takes Brenda to Mexico against her father's wishes, her father forbids her to date him. Brenda refuses to obey and moves in with Dylan, who becomes increasingly unhappy in the relationship since his feud with Jim. Their new living arrangement annoys Dylan to the point of him nearly ending their relationship. At this point, Jim proposes to send Brenda to France for a French immersion program (in Kelly's place) for the duration of the summer.
With Brenda in Paris, Dylan starts spending a lot of time with Kelly by helping her babysit her little sister and entering a doubles beach volleyball tournament with her. The two have a strictly physical affair, but Kelly ends it out of loyalty to Brenda. Upon returning from Paris, Dylan and Brenda reunite. This doesn't last long though, as Brenda (who also has an affair) runs into the guy she was seeing in Paris at a video store and starts seeing him behind Dylan's back. Dylan and Brenda break up, and Dylan heads straight for Kelly. This doesn't last long either, because Brenda, upon seeing them on a date, gets mad at them, causing them to take a step back from their potential relationship. Dylan, frustrated with the situation, takes a road-trip to get away from them. When he returns, Kelly and Brenda tell him to make a choice. When Brenda is unable to show up when he invites both girls to see his father, he decides to choose Kelly.
When Dylan's father is prematurely released from prison, Kelly helps Dylan re-establish a healthy relationship with his father. However, this does not last long; Jack is killed by a car-bomb planted by the mob because he could not pay a debt.
Dylan spends the remainder of the year managing his relationship with Kelly, and graduates from West Beverly High School with the rest of his friends.
Shortly therafter Dylan meets a woman, naming herself Suzanne Steele, who claims to be the mother of Jack McKay's illegitimate child, a young girl named Erica . Dylan is initially skeptical, but eventually accepts them as family. This, coupled with Dylan's close friendship with Brenda, strains his relationship with Kelly. They repeatedly break up and get back together, but they ultimately call it quits after a bad fight. Dylan briefly reconciles with Brenda before she leaves for London.
After Suzanne begins dating an environmental chemist named Kevin Weaver, whom Suzanne soon marries, Dylan then agrees to help fund Erica's new stepfather's personal project, which promotes clean beaches (a cause Dylan is passionate about). It is revealed (but not to Dylan or anyone else) that they have been conning him this whole time, and uses his cause (and longing for family) to steal his large trust fund.
Several months later. Dylan, nearly bankrupt because of the previous events, has suffered a relapse and spent the summer in Mexico, mulling over issues with Brenda, Kelly and the betrayal of his "family". Alienated with his life and life in general, Dylan keeps his financial situation a secret from everyone. After Dylan returns to Beverly Hills, he finds out that Brandon and Kelly have started dating and makes a scene at Donna's Cotillion rehearsal dinner. He mocks Kelly, who in her anger tells him that "we are so over".
Dylan then starts taking drugs, and starts sleeping with Valerie Malone, who discovers his secret about his drug problem and of his true financial situation and informs the rest of Dylan's friends. Yet, he continues in his downward spiral, until his friends hold an intervention. He agrees to go to rehab, but checks out after only one day. He then loads up on drugs and gets into a life-threatening car wreck, where (while fighting for his life) he has a series of dream about his innocent half-sister Erica, and realizes that he must clean himself up in order to save her from her evil mother Suzanne and Suzanne's partner-in-crime Kevin. Afterwards, Dylan checks back into rehab, and beats his demons once more. After he is released from rehab with most of his confidence and self-esteem back, he redoubles his efforts to track down Erica and her mother and stepfather. With an investigator named "Jonesy" (and Valerie's help), they track down Kevin and Suzanne, whom are hiding out in Mexico, and after a caper, recover Erica and all of Dylan's money.
A short time after, he starts hypnotherapy in order to research a role for a screenwriter friend's (who was also in rehab) next movie. In the process of this, he discovers a past life which reveals Kelly to be his soulmate. This news, despite Kelly's ongoing relationship with Brandon, sends Dylan to confess his continued love for her. He offers her a trip around the world with him. Brandon is threatened by Dylan and proposes to Kelly, forcing her to make a choice between the two. Her answer, that "she chooses herself", is one of the most quoted and famous lines in history. Kelly chooses neither, as she loves and would always love them both. It is later said that she refuses to choose between them, not because she can't choose, but because it would destroy their friendship, similar to how it damaged hers with Brenda.
Dylan then finds out who the FBI believes killed his father, a mobster named Anthony Marchette, and decides to seek revenge. He uses the mobster's daughter, Toni Marchette to get close to him, but soon finds himself falling in love with her. Despite Dylan's feud with the mobster (to whom Toni is very close), the two eventually decide to get married and relocate to Hawaii, which results in Toni's father ordering a hit on Dylan to prevent it.
The hitmen end up accidentally killing Toni, who is driving Dylan's car in a bad rain storm at the time of the hit. Marchette distraught over his wife's death, is given a gun by and asks Dylan to kill him. Dylan refuses, harshly telling him that "My father is gone, your daughter is gone. We're even now. The killing is done." It is later revealed that Marchette kills himself shortly after that exchange. Immediately after, he leaves town on his motorcycle, taking the stray cat Toni had adopted with him.
Several months later, Donna sends an e-mail to Brenda looking for a video birthday message for Steve. She instead gets a letter from Dylan wishing Steve a happy birthday. Some time after his departure from Beverly Hills, Dylan had reconciled with Brenda and moved into her London apartment.
Shortly after his surprise return to Beverly Hills during Thanksgiving in 1998, he also sells his Porsche and burns all the money he receives from the sale since Toni died in it. He also reveals that he sold his house.
Brandon and Kelly run into Dylan's half-sister Erica on the street. They find out that she ran away from Dylan's mom in Hawaii and is prostituting herself. After helping her work through her issues, Kelly sends Erica to London to be with Dylan.
Dylan returns to Beverly Hills, apparently because he misses his home and friends, although he admits to Kelly that he misses her especially. He also relapses and is once again on heroin . After failing to win Kelly back, he starts dating the new bad girl Gina Kincaid, despite obviously still being in love with Kelly. Dylan and Kelly battle a mutual attraction, despite being in on-and-off relationships with Gina and Matt Durning respectively. This is especially noticeable when Kelly blames Gina and others for Dylan's drug problems (as with the case back in the day when Kelly blamed Valerie for Dylan's drug problems), and gets Steve to take the credit for a heroic act (in Dylan's stead) to avoid having anybody know that she and Dylan were out together.
later Dylan finds out that his father faked his death and is in the Witness Protection Program. After being furious that Jack has let Dylan think his father was dead for seven years, he later accepts that it was the right thing to do when news of Jack's survival quickly makes its way to unfriendly ears. Dylan's relationship with Gina also ends when, upon considering leaving Los Angeles with her, he finally admits that he's still in love with Kelly and can't leave.
Dylan and Kelly reunite at David Silver and Donna Martin's wedding with a kiss. Dylan later knocks Kelly up.
Oct 12th-Wrestling great Dusty Rhodes, MLB great Eddie Mathews; Hot Chick Neriah Davis and Wolverine Actor Hugh Jackman
Oct 13th-Greatest Wide Reciever ever Jerry Rice & Hot Chick Kate Walsh
Oct 14th-The 34th President of the USA and maybe even more important the leader of the Allied Armies in the ETO durning WWII, Dwight Eisenhower; James Bond Actor Roger Moore; the Dave Roberts of the Celtics PJ Brown; Porn Star Savanna Sampson & Super Super Dooper hot chick my favorite blonde Stacy Keibler
Who would of ever thought that it pays to be a black guy in an election. First you have blacks that never voted in their lives come out of the woodwork and vote because a blackman is running. I guess every other election in history wasn't important because it was always 2 white boys. On top of that you have the white people like my friend Fing Fang Foom that votes for you because he thinks it's racist not to, plus it's so trendy, why not. Throw that in with the people that would never go against there party no matter what and the others that by into the unrealistic promises and a phony smile and BAM your the president. The so called Bradley effect worked backwards in this election, people couldn't wait to vote for the guy because he was black.
What a fucking twat this Oprah is. Shows her fat face at the funeral for Jennifer Hudson's family. Does she even know Hudson? I know for a fact she has never met the deceased. She exploits this horrible tragedy to gain more publicity. Just disgusting really.
Whenever you see slaves or prisoners working in a movie, there always breaking rocks. What's the purpose of that? Why make a big rock into a bunch of little small ones?
Jimmy Skorner, he's broking some more national news. While Jimmy was in Vegas he had the chance to meet baseball great Pete Rose. Jimmy has a slight speech impediment just tried to say hi to Rose and tell him what a fan he was but all Rose wanted to do was make fun of Jimmy's speech impediment. Here's the story that was picked up in a Vegas paper:
Jim Scornerston of Talent, Ore., said he approached the former baseball great on Oct. 4 at Field of Dreams to "let him know I was a fan."
Rose, who signs his merchandise at the store during four appearances a week, showed no interest in talking, according to Scornerston, who said he hadn't purchased any merchandise.
"I told him how much I used to love to get up Saturday mornings with my sister to watch 'The Baseball Bunch,'" said Scornerston, referring to a syndicated TV baseball show hosted by Rose's former teammate, Johnny Bench.
According to Scornerston, Rose was "clearly annoyed" and responded by mocking Scornerston's lisp, saying, "Did ya thee me on Thaturdayth? With your thithter?' Then just looks away."
"I was humiliated. I'm embarrassed just to repeat the story now," said Scornerston, 33.
"At first, it'd happened so fast I almost thought he was trying to be funny, I forced an embarrassed little laugh. And said, 'OK, just wanted to say hi.' He just says (still looking away), 'Roger that.'"
When Scornerston left the store and began sharing the account with a buddy, they saw Rose "staring right at us." Rose made a wincing expression and then waved his hand behind him, suggesting he had passed gas, said Scornerston.
"Real class," he added.
Wow, and since Jimmy has become a hotbed of celebrity activiy the story was picked up on several websites:
ReviewJournal.com - News - NORM: Emeril stirring up new LV sports bar
Oct 13, 2008 ... They are both in the Hall of Fame- Except Pete Rose. ... I was walking through the mall 2 years ago and Pete Rose was just standing by a ...
www.lvrj.com/news/30882044.html - 91k - Cached - Similar pages
The Big Lead » Blog Archive » Pete Rose Mocks Somebody’s Speech ...
Cheater: According to Scornerston, [Pete] Rose was “clearly annoyed” and responded by mocking Scornerston’s lisp, saying, “Did ya thee me on Thaturdayth? ...
thebiglead.com/?p=8339 - 75k - Cached - Similar pages
Pete Rose is a class act. - Jinxworld Forums
Pete Rose is a class act. BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS. ... According to Scornerston, Rose was "clearly annoyed" and responded by mocking Scornerston's lisp, ...
www.606studios.com/bendisboard/showthread.php?t=163738 - 89k - Cached - Similar pages
Pete Rosth Ith Not a Fan of Lithpth - MLB FanHouse
Oct 13, 2008 ... Even though Pete Rose is persona non grata in MLB, that doesn't mean ... the fact he hadn't bought anything, but also made fun of his lisp. ...
mlb.fanhouse.com/2008/10/13/pete-rosth-ith-not-a-fan-of-lithpth/ - 68k - Cached - Similar pages
Lisp Tagroom :) Tagging The World
Oct 13, 2008 ... Posts tagged ‘Lisp’ ... Even though Pete Rose is persona non grata in MLB, that doesn’t mean fans from all over the country still don’t love ...
www.tagroom.com/tags/lisp/ - 15k - Cached - Similar pages
Morning Blogdome: Pete Rose Will Pick Apart Your Flaws If You Don ...
Oct 14, 2008 ... Morning Blogdome: Pete Rose Will Pick Apart Your Flaws If You Don't Buy an ... Scornerston's lisp, saying, "Did ya thee me on Thaturdayth? ...
deadspin.com/5063095/morning-blogdome-pete-rose-will-pick-apart-your-flaws-if-you-dont-buy-an-autograph - Similar pages
Pete Rose - Celebrities at Weblo.com
Morning Blogdome: Pete Rose... Oct 14, 2008 11:02:40. According to Scornerston, Rose was "clearly annoyed" and responded by mocking Scornerston's lisp, ...
www.weblo.com/celebrity/Legend/Pete_Rose/487262/ - 117k - Cached - Similar pages
Morning Blogdome: Pete Rose Will Pick Apart Your Flaws If You Don ...
Morning Blogdome: Pete Rose Will Pick Apart Your Flaws If You Don't Buy an ... Rose was "clearly annoyed" and responded by mocking Scornerston's lisp, ...
www.examiner.com/r-2846833~Morning_Blogdome__Pete_Rose_Will_Pick_Apart_Your_Flaws_If_You_Don_t_Buy_an_Aut... - 48k - Cached - Similar pages
Brooklyn Met Fan - Authentic Fansite for the New York Mets
Just in case there is anyone left who doesn’t think Pete Rose is a piece of dog ... Rose was “clearly annoyed” and responded by mocking Scornerston’s lisp, ...
brooklynmetfan.com/?p=1112 - 27k - Cached - Similar pages
Mo's Blog :: GENE WALTER
An Oregon man claims Pete Rose made fun of his speech impediment. ... Rose was " clearly annoyed" and responded by mocking Scornerston's lisp, saying, ...
thelotd.com/moegger/blog/2008/10/13/gene_walter - 33k - Cached - Similar pages
Scornerston - News, photos, topics, and quotes - Daylife
...his lisp. "I told him how much I used to love to get up Saturday mornings ... Even though Pete Rose is persona non grata in MLB, that doesn't mean fans ...
www.daylife.com/topic/Scornerston - 61k - Cached - Similar pages
Penguin Pete's Blog - Digital Religions - the Religions of the ...
Pete Rose should only be back in baseball if he'll fit in a baseball. ... used to have a page that went on at great length about Lisp (Emacs' mother ...
penguinpetes.com/b2evo/index.php?title=digital_religions_the_religions_of_the_g&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1. - 44k - Cached - Similar pages
FanHouse Mobile Widget on Plusmo
Even though Pete Rose is persona non grata in MLB, that doesn't mean fans from all ... by the fact he hadn't bought anything, but also made fun of his lisp. ...
plusmo.com/wap/site/article.shtml?pid=494965&iid=&aid=19&q= - 7k -
ReviewJournal.com - News - NORM: Emeril stirring up new LV sports bar
An Oregon man contends his speech impediment was ridiculed by Pete Rose at a ... Rose was "clearly annoyed" and responded by mocking Scornerston's lisp, ...
www.lvrj.com/news/30882044.html?numComments=14 - 94k - Cached - Similar pages
The Gootch's B's report:
Probably Chirelli's toughest year yet making decisions on the roster but I think he made all the right moves. With the surplus of great young talent he opted to place Peter Schafer on waivers along with Jeremy Reich and Nate Thompson. getting under the salary cap and also getting money back by letting Schaefer go and if he clears waivers can be sent to providence and could be a nice call up if someone goes down. Future star Blake Wheeler is breaking camp. So without further ado, here is your Boston Bruins:
Marc Savard
P.J. Axelsson
Michael Ryder
Patrice Bergeron
Phil Kessel
Marco Sturm
Dave Krecji
Milan Lucic
Blake Wheeler
Shawn Thornton
Stephane Yelle
Chuck Kobasew
Petteri Nokelainen
Vladimir Sobotka
Zedeno Chara
Aaron Ward
Andrew Ference
Andrew Alberts
Mark Stuart
Dennis Wideman
Shane Hnidy
Tim Thomas
Manny Fernandez
I think its a very good team with 3 very dangerous lines and a great checking defensive line, this will be a fun team to watch. Tough team to play against. Still with the youngsters that were sent to providence , it will be exciting for years to come with Hamill, Soderberg, Rask, Lashoff, Hunwick all in minors. Stanley Cup is not far away.
Have you ever really listened to the words to the lullaby Rock-a-bye, baby. It's kind of fucked up. Lets take a look, my comments in parentheses.
Rock-a-bye, baby
In the treetop (What the hell is the baby doing in a tree!? It's not a monkey)
When the wind blows
The cradle will rock (No shit, it's in a tree!)
When the bough breaks
The cradle will fall (Uh Oh)
And down will come baby
Cradle and all
Ya see, that's not a Lullaby, that's a fucking tragedy
Oct 4th- The 19th President of the USA, Rutherford Hayes, & hot chick Rachel Leigh Cook
Oct 5th-The 21st President of the USA, Chester A Arthur, the late Bernie Mac(why do they call it late, he's not late he'd dead, there's a big difference); Hockey greats Mario Lemuix & Patrick Roy, Wrestling skank Terri Runnels & hot chick Morgan Webb
Oct 6th-Hot Chick Elizabeth Shue; Pats great Richard Seymour; & famous chelist with the words greatest name Yo Yo Ma
Oct 7th-NFL Star Charles Woodson & Hot Chick Rachel McAdams
Oct 8th-Piece of shit racist, Obama ass kissing cunt Jesse Jackson; Comedic legend Chevy Chase & Hot Chick Kristanna Loken
Oct 9th- blah
Oct 10th-NFL great that i used to love but now is dead to me Brett Farve, & Hot Chicks Bai Ling & Jodi Lyn O'keefe
Oct 11th-NFL Great Steve Young, overhyped loser golfer Michelle Wie, Howard Stern sidekick and comedy great Artie Lang
...... and Dylan McKay-
The mistreated son of a morally bankrupt business tycoon (and senator) Jack McKay and hippie ex-wife Iris McKay, Dylan had a reputation for being a dangerous loner.But after he stands up to some bullies for freshman student Scott Scanlon, he is befriended by Brandon Walsh and through Brandon; Donna, Kelly, Steve, Brenda Walsh, Andrea and David. Dylan grows close to all of them, and they help soften his rebel attitude. Dylan eventually starts dating Brenda, and despite her father's (Eckhouse) protests, the two soon fall in love.
Dylan's relationship with Brenda helped him through several traumatic events, including his struggle with alcoholism and his father's arrest (and eventual conviction) for several white-collar crimes. However, when Dylan takes Brenda to Mexico against her father's wishes, her father forbids her to date him. Brenda refuses to obey and moves in with Dylan, who becomes increasingly unhappy in the relationship since his feud with Jim. Their new living arrangement annoys Dylan to the point of him nearly ending their relationship. At this point, Jim proposes to send Brenda to France for a French immersion program (in Kelly's place) for the duration of the summer.
With Brenda in Paris, Dylan starts spending a lot of time with Kelly by helping her babysit her little sister and entering a doubles beach volleyball tournament with her. The two have a strictly physical affair, but Kelly ends it out of loyalty to Brenda. Upon returning from Paris, Dylan and Brenda reunite. This doesn't last long though, as Brenda (who also has an affair) runs into the guy she was seeing in Paris at a video store and starts seeing him behind Dylan's back. Dylan and Brenda break up, and Dylan heads straight for Kelly. This doesn't last long either, because Brenda, upon seeing them on a date, gets mad at them, causing them to take a step back from their potential relationship. Dylan, frustrated with the situation, takes a road-trip to get away from them. When he returns, Kelly and Brenda tell him to make a choice. When Brenda is unable to show up when he invites both girls to see his father, he decides to choose Kelly.
When Dylan's father is prematurely released from prison, Kelly helps Dylan re-establish a healthy relationship with his father. However, this does not last long; Jack is killed by a car-bomb planted by the mob because he could not pay a debt.
Dylan spends the remainder of the year managing his relationship with Kelly, and graduates from West Beverly High School with the rest of his friends.
Shortly therafter Dylan meets a woman, naming herself Suzanne Steele, who claims to be the mother of Jack McKay's illegitimate child, a young girl named Erica . Dylan is initially skeptical, but eventually accepts them as family. This, coupled with Dylan's close friendship with Brenda, strains his relationship with Kelly. They repeatedly break up and get back together, but they ultimately call it quits after a bad fight. Dylan briefly reconciles with Brenda before she leaves for London.
After Suzanne begins dating an environmental chemist named Kevin Weaver, whom Suzanne soon marries, Dylan then agrees to help fund Erica's new stepfather's personal project, which promotes clean beaches (a cause Dylan is passionate about). It is revealed (but not to Dylan or anyone else) that they have been conning him this whole time, and uses his cause (and longing for family) to steal his large trust fund.
Several months later. Dylan, nearly bankrupt because of the previous events, has suffered a relapse and spent the summer in Mexico, mulling over issues with Brenda, Kelly and the betrayal of his "family". Alienated with his life and life in general, Dylan keeps his financial situation a secret from everyone. After Dylan returns to Beverly Hills, he finds out that Brandon and Kelly have started dating and makes a scene at Donna's Cotillion rehearsal dinner. He mocks Kelly, who in her anger tells him that "we are so over".
Dylan then starts taking drugs, and starts sleeping with Valerie Malone, who discovers his secret about his drug problem and of his true financial situation and informs the rest of Dylan's friends. Yet, he continues in his downward spiral, until his friends hold an intervention. He agrees to go to rehab, but checks out after only one day. He then loads up on drugs and gets into a life-threatening car wreck, where (while fighting for his life) he has a series of dream about his innocent half-sister Erica, and realizes that he must clean himself up in order to save her from her evil mother Suzanne and Suzanne's partner-in-crime Kevin. Afterwards, Dylan checks back into rehab, and beats his demons once more. After he is released from rehab with most of his confidence and self-esteem back, he redoubles his efforts to track down Erica and her mother and stepfather. With an investigator named "Jonesy" (and Valerie's help), they track down Kevin and Suzanne, whom are hiding out in Mexico, and after a caper, recover Erica and all of Dylan's money.
A short time after, he starts hypnotherapy in order to research a role for a screenwriter friend's (who was also in rehab) next movie. In the process of this, he discovers a past life which reveals Kelly to be his soulmate. This news, despite Kelly's ongoing relationship with Brandon, sends Dylan to confess his continued love for her. He offers her a trip around the world with him. Brandon is threatened by Dylan and proposes to Kelly, forcing her to make a choice between the two. Her answer, that "she chooses herself", is one of the most quoted and famous lines in history. Kelly chooses neither, as she loves and would always love them both. It is later said that she refuses to choose between them, not because she can't choose, but because it would destroy their friendship, similar to how it damaged hers with Brenda.
Dylan then finds out who the FBI believes killed his father, a mobster named Anthony Marchette, and decides to seek revenge. He uses the mobster's daughter, Toni Marchette to get close to him, but soon finds himself falling in love with her. Despite Dylan's feud with the mobster (to whom Toni is very close), the two eventually decide to get married and relocate to Hawaii, which results in Toni's father ordering a hit on Dylan to prevent it.
The hitmen end up accidentally killing Toni, who is driving Dylan's car in a bad rain storm at the time of the hit. Marchette distraught over his wife's death, is given a gun by and asks Dylan to kill him. Dylan refuses, harshly telling him that "My father is gone, your daughter is gone. We're even now. The killing is done." It is later revealed that Marchette kills himself shortly after that exchange. Immediately after, he leaves town on his motorcycle, taking the stray cat Toni had adopted with him.
Several months later, Donna sends an e-mail to Brenda looking for a video birthday message for Steve. She instead gets a letter from Dylan wishing Steve a happy birthday. Some time after his departure from Beverly Hills, Dylan had reconciled with Brenda and moved into her London apartment.
Shortly after his surprise return to Beverly Hills during Thanksgiving in 1998, he also sells his Porsche and burns all the money he receives from the sale since Toni died in it. He also reveals that he sold his house.
Brandon and Kelly run into Dylan's half-sister Erica on the street. They find out that she ran away from Dylan's mom in Hawaii and is prostituting herself. After helping her work through her issues, Kelly sends Erica to London to be with Dylan.
Dylan returns to Beverly Hills, apparently because he misses his home and friends, although he admits to Kelly that he misses her especially. He also relapses and is once again on heroin . After failing to win Kelly back, he starts dating the new bad girl Gina Kincaid, despite obviously still being in love with Kelly. Dylan and Kelly battle a mutual attraction, despite being in on-and-off relationships with Gina and Matt Durning respectively. This is especially noticeable when Kelly blames Gina and others for Dylan's drug problems (as with the case back in the day when Kelly blamed Valerie for Dylan's drug problems), and gets Steve to take the credit for a heroic act (in Dylan's stead) to avoid having anybody know that she and Dylan were out together.
later Dylan finds out that his father faked his death and is in the Witness Protection Program. After being furious that Jack has let Dylan think his father was dead for seven years, he later accepts that it was the right thing to do when news of Jack's survival quickly makes its way to unfriendly ears. Dylan's relationship with Gina also ends when, upon considering leaving Los Angeles with her, he finally admits that he's still in love with Kelly and can't leave.
Dylan and Kelly reunite at David Silver and Donna Martin's wedding with a kiss. Dylan later knocks Kelly up.
Oct 12th-Wrestling great Dusty Rhodes, MLB great Eddie Mathews; Hot Chick Neriah Davis and Wolverine Actor Hugh Jackman
Oct 13th-Greatest Wide Reciever ever Jerry Rice & Hot Chick Kate Walsh
Oct 14th-The 34th President of the USA and maybe even more important the leader of the Allied Armies in the ETO durning WWII, Dwight Eisenhower; James Bond Actor Roger Moore; the Dave Roberts of the Celtics PJ Brown; Porn Star Savanna Sampson & Super Super Dooper hot chick my favorite blonde Stacy Keibler

Oct 15th-MLB Great Jim Palmer & another one of my all time favorites Vanessa Marcill
Oct 16th-blah
Oct 17th-Cheers Star George Wendt (NOOORM!) & Comedy great NOOORM MacDonald
Oct 18th- blah
Oct 19th-Boxing great Evander Holyfield & Actor/Director Jon Favreau who directed the smash hit Iron Man and starred in 2 Tallent Top Choice Movies, Very Bad Things and Swingers Favreau also played Eric the clown in episode of Seinfeld.
Oct 16th-blah
Oct 17th-Cheers Star George Wendt (NOOORM!) & Comedy great NOOORM MacDonald
Oct 18th- blah
Oct 19th-Boxing great Evander Holyfield & Actor/Director Jon Favreau who directed the smash hit Iron Man and starred in 2 Tallent Top Choice Movies, Very Bad Things and Swingers Favreau also played Eric the clown in episode of Seinfeld.
Oct 20th-Actor Jerry Orbach who died and took Law & Order with him, Drinking Legend Micky Mantle & Music Legend Tom Petty
Oct 21st-2001 Patriots MVP Mo Lewis
Oct 22-One of the most under aprrietated Baseball greats ever Jimmy Foxx
Oct 23rd-Jurrassic Park author Michael Chrighton he to is now late & Music Legend Wierd Al Yankovich
Oct 24th-Hot Chick, Caprice
Oct 25th- blah
Oct 26th-Hot Skater Sasha Cohen
Oct 27th-Teddy Roosevlet & lead man for one of the greatest bands ever Stone Temple Pilots, Scott Weilend
Oct 28th-The 26ht President of the U.S.A. Teddy Roosevlet; funny man Andy Ritcher; hot chicks, Lauren Holly, Jamie Gertz & Brook Burns & probably the best actor out there Joquinn Phoenix
Oct 29th-Hot Chick Gabriel Union; hot Olpmpic Swimmer Amanda Beard & actor Richard Dreyfus who played Matt Hooper in the classic Jaws
Oct 30th-Hot Chicks Ivanka Trump & Nia Long and NBA great Robert Parish
Oct 31st-Comedy great John Candy & hot chick Piper Perablo
Oct 21st-2001 Patriots MVP Mo Lewis
Oct 22-One of the most under aprrietated Baseball greats ever Jimmy Foxx
Oct 23rd-Jurrassic Park author Michael Chrighton he to is now late & Music Legend Wierd Al Yankovich
Oct 24th-Hot Chick, Caprice
Oct 25th- blah
Oct 26th-Hot Skater Sasha Cohen
Oct 27th-Teddy Roosevlet & lead man for one of the greatest bands ever Stone Temple Pilots, Scott Weilend
Oct 28th-The 26ht President of the U.S.A. Teddy Roosevlet; funny man Andy Ritcher; hot chicks, Lauren Holly, Jamie Gertz & Brook Burns & probably the best actor out there Joquinn Phoenix
Oct 29th-Hot Chick Gabriel Union; hot Olpmpic Swimmer Amanda Beard & actor Richard Dreyfus who played Matt Hooper in the classic Jaws
Oct 30th-Hot Chicks Ivanka Trump & Nia Long and NBA great Robert Parish
Oct 31st-Comedy great John Candy & hot chick Piper Perablo
Thanks for reading
"I'm Tallent, I approve of this message but NOT the President Elect"