First of all before you ask, no Obuma did not have my blog shut down as soon as he was elected and I was not so discouraged by Obuma winning the election, that I stopped writing(ok maybe a little). I just got busy at work and at home and I kept putting off writing. 7 Months latter the new baby actually sleeps once and a while and here I am back and better than ever.
I know everyone wants to here my thoughts on Obuma but I'll keep them short. As much as I want him to succeed and I'll always give the the President of the United States the benefit of the doubt, I still think Obuma is lousy, so far at least. Most of Obuma's legacy will depend on the economy and it does look like there's light at the end of the tunnel. But he just couldn't help but sneak some pork into the stimulus package(which sounds dirty by the way, think about it, stimulus package) and an article I read last week made me want to puke and cry. With the stimulus summer jobs for kids going to the fuck ups instead of the good kids that deserve the jobs. These jobs are outlined for kids that lack basic skills, are school drop outs, are runaways, are court-involved or an “offender” and have English as a Second Language learner or an immigrant . So for you kids that have skills, stay in school, stay at home, don't get arrested, and speak English sorry this President has nothing for you.
How am I supposed to raise my kids in a world like this. When my daughters are old enough to work should I tell them to start speaking Spanglish, get arrested and drop out of school to ensure employment?
I know everyone wants to here my thoughts on Obuma but I'll keep them short. As much as I want him to succeed and I'll always give the the President of the United States the benefit of the doubt, I still think Obuma is lousy, so far at least. Most of Obuma's legacy will depend on the economy and it does look like there's light at the end of the tunnel. But he just couldn't help but sneak some pork into the stimulus package(which sounds dirty by the way, think about it, stimulus package) and an article I read last week made me want to puke and cry. With the stimulus summer jobs for kids going to the fuck ups instead of the good kids that deserve the jobs. These jobs are outlined for kids that lack basic skills, are school drop outs, are runaways, are court-involved or an “offender” and have English as a Second Language learner or an immigrant . So for you kids that have skills, stay in school, stay at home, don't get arrested, and speak English sorry this President has nothing for you.
How am I supposed to raise my kids in a world like this. When my daughters are old enough to work should I tell them to start speaking Spanglish, get arrested and drop out of school to ensure employment?

Anyway Obuma won the election because Americans felt the need for change, well one place that's in desperate need of change is Boston. For 16 years Mumbles has be ruling this city with an Iron Fist slapping his name everywhere he can find a spot. While the city is more ascetically pleasing, what else has been done to improve Boston. The schools are terrible, the infrastructure's a mess and half the city is worse than the wild west with bullets flying all over the place. Not to mention the city is flat broke, so to help alleviate that problem Mumbles is laying off teachers, firemen and cops and hiring meter maids. So while the gangbangers and drug dealers will get to stay on the streets the real thugs, the ones who park a foot away from the curb are being dealt with. So when you go to sleep tonight you can rest easy that the Mayor of Boston is waging war on the heinous evil doers who are parking in bus stops all over the city.

The current Mayor is laying off teachers and cop while he sits on a rainy day fund of over 800 million dollars. Has Mayor Thomas MoneyNO not realized that the city, state, country, & planet is in a recession? It's raining, it's pouring, the fat incumbent is snoring, let's put him to bed by voting for Michael Flaherty on election day morning.

Why do prisoners go on hunger strikes. How does that help your situation? Do the people that are wrongfully imprisoning you really give a shit that your not eating. Your doing them a favor by saving them a piece of bread.
May 21st was a very bad day for the Chicago White Sox. They lost to division rival Twins 20-1, then found out Jake Peavey had rejected the trade that would sent him the the ChiSox
Brett Farve is at it again, retiring and not retiring then coming back from retiring and all that non sense. What's making me most upset this time is all the media saying that Farve's at home riding his tractor. He's not riding any fucking tractor. I don't even know what a tractor does but I do know that the multi million dollar pill head isn't riding on one while he's at home. Don't believe everything you see in Wrangler Jeans commercials.
My new favorite football player of all time is Ex-Minnasota Viking great QB Fran Tarkinton, who finally hit the nail he head when it comes to Farve:
From his appearance on Atlanta's 790 the Zone (via
"I think it's despicable. What he put the Packers through last year was not good. Here's an organization that was loyal to him for 17, 18 years, provided stability of organization, provided players. It just wasn't about Brett Favre. In this day and time, we have glorified the Brett Favre's of the world so much, they think it's about them. He goes to New York and bombs. He's 39 years old. How would you like Ray Nitschke in his last year (playing for) the Vikings, or I retire, and go play for the Packers. I kind of hope it happens, so he can fail."
May 21st was a very bad day for the Chicago White Sox. They lost to division rival Twins 20-1, then found out Jake Peavey had rejected the trade that would sent him the the ChiSox
Brett Farve is at it again, retiring and not retiring then coming back from retiring and all that non sense. What's making me most upset this time is all the media saying that Farve's at home riding his tractor. He's not riding any fucking tractor. I don't even know what a tractor does but I do know that the multi million dollar pill head isn't riding on one while he's at home. Don't believe everything you see in Wrangler Jeans commercials.
My new favorite football player of all time is Ex-Minnasota Viking great QB Fran Tarkinton, who finally hit the nail he head when it comes to Farve:
From his appearance on Atlanta's 790 the Zone (via
"I think it's despicable. What he put the Packers through last year was not good. Here's an organization that was loyal to him for 17, 18 years, provided stability of organization, provided players. It just wasn't about Brett Favre. In this day and time, we have glorified the Brett Favre's of the world so much, they think it's about them. He goes to New York and bombs. He's 39 years old. How would you like Ray Nitschke in his last year (playing for) the Vikings, or I retire, and go play for the Packers. I kind of hope it happens, so he can fail."

Sitting at the computer I can't help think how ironic it's that this machine and the Internet it enables once was such an economic boom for the world and now maybe the one of the biggest reasons for it's financial downfall. How many things has it made extinct. Take flying for instance Business travel is all but eliminated because you can just shoot the shit with the people you do business with by teleconferencing with a web cam. There goes most of the flying that gets done in the world. The people that do fly to vacations spots have at least wiped out the travel agent. Who needs them when you can cut your own deal for a vacation on expedia and travelocity, shit like that.
Newspapers, we don't really need those anymore, it's all right here. Not only your local tabloid with sports or liberal rag. You can read the worlds news right here. Most the times for free.
Porn movie store and theatres. Again its all right here in the privacy of your home. (not me of course I don't watch stuff like that)
Newspapers, we don't really need those anymore, it's all right here. Not only your local tabloid with sports or liberal rag. You can read the worlds news right here. Most the times for free.
Porn movie store and theatres. Again its all right here in the privacy of your home. (not me of course I don't watch stuff like that)
A couple weeks ago the 4th Terminator movie came out which wouldn't usually mean shit to me. But it brought "The Rant" back into the main stream. For those of you who don't know what I mean by "The Rant" I'm taking about actor Christian Bales dressing down of Director of Photography Shane Hurlbut. For Bale to top Bill O'Reily's classic "Fuck it, we'll do it live" rant. You know it must be truly special.
2 American journalists sentenced to 12 years in a North Korean labor prison. One of which is ChannelOne Superstar Lisa Ling's Sister. It's awful but if your an American journalist in North Korea you get the Jack Krikpatrick (#40) treatment.
I seen a commercial just the other day warning that digital TV is coming and if you still have an antenna TV you better get the converter box. Didn't this happen months ago!? That's all you every seen on TV at the start of the year, just do it already I'm sick of hearing about it. If someone is still using an old ass antenna TV, it's not that important to them just make the switch already.
I guess kashmir is made from goats. Who would of thought?
Thanks for reading.
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